[Definitive] Star Trek

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Isn't that Klingon? not Romulan?

Enterprise NX-01...(Y) I like the shiny bride setting. I woud've said either TNG Enterprise D or Voyager, but they remind me of a living room more than a battle bridge....


Nah it's a Romulan ship from Star Trek: Nemesis. A couple of those ships help the Enterprise when the Reeman (sp?) super-duper ship is beating the crap out if it. I don't think those are Warbirds thought... Warbirds are much larger, as far as I can remember, they're noteably larger than the Enterprise-D, which is quite large.

By the way, the action scenes in Nemesis were friggin' awesome!

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Nah it's a Romulan ship from Star Trek: Nemesis.  A couple of those ships help the Enterprise when the Reeman (sp?) super-duper ship is beating the crap out if it.  I don't think those are Warbirds thought... Warbirds are much larger, as far as I can remember, they're noteably larger than the Enterprise-D, which is quite large.

By the way, the action scenes in Nemesis were friggin' awesome!


Yeah it is rather kool looking. It seems like it should be a Klingon design than a Romulan one IMO. Guess Romulans looked at the Bird of Prey designs....

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Yeah it is rather kool looking. It seems like it should be a Klingon design than a Romulan one IMO. Guess Romulans looked at the Bird of Prey designs....


Well I'm sure they did. Didn't the Romulans get cloaking technology FROM the Klingons? Or is it the other way around?

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Why the delta flyer? What's the difference with Defiant and Excelsior? Post pics please and say why...I've like the Enterprise in TNG, but I've become fond of Voyager. The design is sleeker, and it appears to be more durable, and is enhanced with some borg technology...


Why not the Delta Flyer, its a cool looking ship. I also like the look of the Enterprise J.

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Enterprise had some pretty cool bridge designs.


I think Enterprise (the series) has some of the best designs for just about everything in the Star Trek world. It seems to me they give the show a much heftier SFX/set/props budget than they did the other series. Granted they recently cut their budget, but the advantage of this series is with the latest technology you can just do things you never could even a few years ago and still have a pretty low budget.

That, and they got some really good down-to-earth designers for this series. Everything seems futureistic without seeming otherworldly (except for alien technology), and things just seem like they were designed more with their functionality and place in reality in mind than they were in the other series.

That said, DS9 definately had the most high-quality and original designs of all of Star Trek to date.

If you ask me, anyway... ;)

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Frederation Time Ship, U.S.S. Relativity


Now that's a Kool ship and bridge..(Y)



now don't that just rock... :woot:

kinda reminds me of battlestar galactica...kinda...

Edited by Samoa
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Now that's a Kool ship and bridge..(Y)



now don't that just rock... :woot:


To be honest, I think it sucks. I think the NX-01 is a much cooler design. That ship looks like they took the design of the submarine thing from Star Wars: Episode I and just stretched it longer. The bridge looks like the Enterprise-D with some inexplicably large open spaces... and the Enterprise-D bridge looks like a doctor's waiting room from The Jetsons...

[edit]actually, for some reason I just thought of the submarine, but it actually doesn't look like it at all... it does look a LOT like something I've seen before, but I can't place it [/edit]

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Nah it's a Romulan ship from Star Trek: Nemesis.  A couple of those ships help the Enterprise when the Reeman (sp?) super-duper ship is beating the crap out if it.  I don't think those are Warbirds thought... Warbirds are much larger, as far as I can remember, they're noteably larger than the Enterprise-D, which is quite large.

By the way, the action scenes in Nemesis were friggin' awesome!


nope :) it's definitely the new warbird launched for the movie and used by the romulan fleet now. the image is of the Valdore from Nemesis.

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nope :) it's definitely the new warbird launched for the movie and used by the romulan fleet now. the image is of the Valdore from Nemesis.


Yeah, you're right, it's a new class of Warbird:

Warbird Info.

Actually, that page makes it sound quite large, my memory must have faded a bit about that detail. Now that I think about it, when they fly right over the Enterprise-E in the movie, they did seem quite large, but more just in the length department, the rest of the ship is pretty thin and sleek. Of course, the original Warbirds had a giant hole in middle...

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what about the massive Jem Hadar ship from DS9 ?

ill try to find a picture but i remember that being pretty cool :p


the big crusiers or that prototype from the ep "valiant"?

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Now that's a Kool ship and bridge..(Y)



now don't that just rock... :woot:

kinda reminds me of battlestar galactica...kinda...


That ship has the best bridge in ST.

That is my all-time favourite ST ship. I liked it the moment I saw it in ST Voyager.

woaahhh no you gotta go for the new warbird  :D



That is the Romulan Warbird Norexan otherwise known as the Romulan Warbird Valdore.

Relatively little is known about these ships - they certainly have photon torpedoes and disrupter weapons, they have cloaks and shields. Their sleek lines are relatively high performance suggests a recent design, possibly even within the last few months.

Two of these ships joined the Enterprise-E in battle against the Scimitar in an attempt to prevent Praetor Shinzon from using his Thalaron weapon against Earth. Both were disabled in short order, indicating that the Norexan class are not generally a match for the Sovereign class ship.

Most probably, these ships are a result of the Dominion war. The Romulan D'Deridex did not fare especially well in the war despite its great size, and many predicted that the Romulans would move toward smaller, more sophisticated vessels in the future. Although the Scimitar itself seems to indicate that the Remans at least continue to pursue the idea of the "supership" concept, the Norexans indicate that the Romulan fleet has learned its lessons well


Nah it's a Romulan ship from Star Trek: Nemesis.  A couple of those ships help the Enterprise when the Reeman (sp?) super-duper ship is beating the crap out if it.  I don't think those are Warbirds thought... Warbirds are much larger, as far as I can remember, they're noteably larger than the Enterprise-D, which is quite large.

By the way, the action scenes in Nemesis were friggin' awesome!


Actually, they are Warbirds. And 2 of them assisted the Enterprise-E in ST Nemesis. Both were disabled.

what about the massive Jem Hadar ship from DS9 ?

ill try to find a picture but i remember that being pretty cool :p


"the massive Jem'Hadar ship from DS9" is a Dominion Dreadnought.

The Dominion's Dreadnought super-battleships are amongst the largest vessels known


all i know is there was only one of them, and it was freaking HUGE


There was more than one.

EDIT: The Dominion Dreadnought super-battle ship is not the Proto-type ship. It is a similar ship.

Information regarding the Dominions shipbuilding activities during the war is never likely to be complete, but some facts are known. In 2374 the Dominion was rumoured to be working on a large Battleship design, and this was confirmed when the USS Valiant was destroyed while engaging such a ship. It was feared that this vessel would go into series production, but in fact this vessel remains the only known example of its kind.

However, the Dominion was not finished with Battleship production. When the Allied fleet advanced on Cardassia at the end of the war, the fleet which gathered to meet them included several examples of a new and much larger vessel, the Dreadnought. These ships are amongst the largest known at almost five kilometres; in design they are an almost direct scale up of the Battleship prototype, to which they are externally identical in every respect except that of size. Internal details are unknown, but it can be expected that three or four decks have been substituted for each one, with the deck height increased or reduced as needed to fit the design. Comparisons between the Klingon K'Vort and B'Rel classes are inevitable, and much of Starfleets more conjectural data on the class is based on assumptions derived from the Klingon model.

The Dominion forces surrendered before the Allies had to engage these ships, and as a result little is known for certain regarding their capabilities. Starfleet has published estimated figures in some fields, notably weaponry and defensive systems, based on known Dominion technology and practices.

The Dreadnoughts returned to Dominion space via the wormhole with the rest of the Dominion fleet.



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all i know is there was only one of them, and it was freaking HUGE


that would be the prototype that trashed the uss valiant, lets find a pic!

hehe found a pic of the valiant getting ass whooped


*yea you were right thats a dominion dreadnought, just watched the ep to see :)

Edited by RanCorX2
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^ Technically, yes, it is. But.. the proto-type was slightly larger than the finished ship.

Hehe.. I missed out alot here. I have tonsillitis so I won't be posting alot here. My throat hurts, and it hurts even more when I swallow (my own saliva).

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