[Definitive] Star Trek

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I hope you had a sonic shower afterwards.


I forgot.. :unsure:

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The City on the Edge of Forever (TOS) - Come ON.

Mirror, Mirror (TOS) - Tee hee.

The Visitor (DS9) - Simply the best Trek episode EVER, period.

Sacrifice of Angels (DS9) - If you didn't cry when Dukat's kiddo was nuked, your not human.

Yesterday's Enterprise (TNG) - Tee hee.

Best of Both Worlds Part 1 (TNG, duh) - The pinacle.

Timeless (Voy) - Hey, I liked Harry in this one, sue me.

Endgame (Voy) - Thank the heavens it was finally over.

I won't rank Enterprise yet. And I only listed two from each.

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The Visitor was too depressing for me :(


Yes it's quite a downer, but it's also a beautiful story of a son's love for his father and the length he will go to save him and bring him back. Just a perfectly acted and written story imo.

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Best TNG (By Season):

1) The Naked Now, Where No One Has Gone Before

2) Peak Performance, Q Who

3) Yesterday's Enterprise, The Offspring, The Best of Both Worlds, Part I

4) First Contact, The Nth Degree, In Theory

5) I, Borg, Cause and Effect, The Inner Light

6) Second Chances, Tapestry, Descent, Part 1

7) Inheritance, Parallels, Lower Decks, Genesis, All Good Things...

Best Voyager (By Season):

1) Time and Again, Eye of the Needle, Learning Curve

2) Non Sequitur, Resolutions

3) Flashback, Future's End, Part 1, Part 2, The Q and the Grey, Unity, Scorpion, Part 1

4) The Gift, Day of Honor, The Raven, Year of Hell, Part 2, Waking Moments, Message in a Bottle, The Killing Game, Part 1, Part 2, Demon, One

5) Drone, In the Flesh, Timeless, Thirty Days, Counterpoint, Bride of Chaotica!, Dark Frontier, Course: Oblivion, Someone to Watch Over Me, 11:59, Relativity, Equinox, Part 1

6) 'Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy', Fair Haven, Blink of an Eye, Spirit Folk, Fury, The Haunting of Deck Twelve, Unimatrix Zero, Part I

7) Unimatrix Zero, Part II, Shattered, Human Error, Q2, Endgame

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Best TNG (By Season):

1) The Naked Now, Where No One Has Gone Before

2) Peak Performance, Q Who

3) Yesterday's Enterprise, The Offspring, The Best of Both Worlds, Part I

4) First Contact, The Nth Degree, In Theory

5) I, Borg, Cause and Effect, The Inner Light

6) Second Chances, Tapestry, Descent, Part 1

7) Inheritance, Parallels, Lower Decks, Genesis, All Good Things...

Best Voyager (By Season):

1) Time and Again, Eye of the Needle, Learning Curve

2) Non Sequitur, Resolutions

3) Flashback, Future's End, Part 1, Part 2, The Q and the Grey, Unity, Scorpion, Part 1

4) The Gift, Day of Honor, The Raven, Year of Hell, Part 2, Waking Moments, Message in a Bottle, The Killing Game, Part 1, Part 2, Demon, One

5) Drone, In the Flesh, Timeless, Thirty Days, Counterpoint, Bride of Chaotica!, Dark Frontier, Course: Oblivion, Someone to Watch Over Me, 11:59, Relativity, Equinox, Part 1

6) 'Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy', Fair Haven, Blink of an Eye, Spirit Folk, Fury, The Haunting of Deck Twelve, Unimatrix Zero, Part I

7) Unimatrix Zero, Part II, Shattered, Human Error, Q2, Endgame


Argh, how could I forget my fave TNG episode! Parallels, I LOVED it, don't freaking know why but I did. (Y)

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Argh, how could I forget my fave TNG episode! Parallels, I LOVED it, don't freaking know why but I did. (Y)


because it was an AWESOME episode?? :)

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DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight"; "Homefront" & "Paradise Lost"; "In Purgatory's Shadow" & "By Inferno's Light" and so many more...

VOY: "Basics, I"; "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy"; "Prey"; a few season 1 and 2 episodes, can't think of them all at the moment, me hungry

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In TNG? That was Decent.


I don't recall a similar episode in TNG. But in VOY there was one with the super borg, who was somehow created out of a futuristic combadge and Seven's borg tech. Seven had maternal feelings for him, and maybe naughty ones too. ;)

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TOS: Mirror Mirror, Cage

TNG: Yesterdays Enterprise, All Good Things, Parallels

DS9: The one when they go back in time to the Tribble eposide for TOS

VOY: All of them :D (I'm a big Voyager fan)

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Yeah Drone. Eh it was an ok episode, didn't care for the whole ending thing though.


i thought the ending was extremely powerful and emotional. it got me choked up :blush:

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Endgame (Voy) - Thank the heavens it was finally over.


lol. i thought season 7 lacked in plot development. :( endgame was alright--they brought back Alice Krige to play the Borg Queen (the same actor from ST:FC) and I thought that was a brilliant move. She added a lot to the finale.

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TOS: many, I forget the names.

TNG: Most with DATA in em.

VOY: many, foret the names.


ENT: all of em. (Y)

*ok, maybe one, possibly two. I don't know, cause largely I avoid em.

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