[Definitive] Star Trek

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DS9 is by far the best ST series (excluding Enterprise). Nothing else can compare to the development of the stories, and the drama. And when the Dominion War was introduced it became even better. The frickin' show made be become a Trekkie. It was the only ST show that I was actually interested in back in 1999 when I thought Star Trek sucked. Ah, I can only begin to explain how good DS9 was.

That "Bajoran Mystic Crap" is one of the things that made DS9 good. It was essential to DS9.

Don't worry Viserov, I'll back you up on this one.

Shran's voice: Archer, ermm.. Viserov, you owe me one.

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I won't try to tell people why DS9 is the best Trek. Everyone has their own fave Trek series, be it TOS or TNG etc. One show made each person a Trekkie, that's the way it always has been. For me DS9 was the pinnacle of Trek. TNG while terrific, just was I dunno, to cleanish if you know what I mean. Everything was tidy at the end of the 43 minutes (save for the season finales and the odd 2-parters). VOY, well don't get me started on that. I have said previously what I think of VOY. Yes the first 3 or 4 seasons were OK, some really terrific episodes, but after the silicon assimilation, it just went downhill, to me it was just the horrible writing. The actors were fine, but when the words coming out are stupid, it just looks stupid.

DS9. I can't stress enough how well written this show was. Yes the first season was boring. We all know that. So was TNG's first TWO seasons really. But after the Dominion was introduced and things got interesting with the Defiant etc etc it was just a smooth ride till the end baby. The final episode, while it did use footage from previous episodes (sue them, big whoopie!) was incredible. TNG's finale was a classic in it's own right, but What you leave behind is just, wow. NO OTHER Trek has ended on that note and probably never will again. I mean the main character is GONE, and the other main characters all moved on and not everyone had a happy ending. That is good TV, and good Trek for what it was. It was a well written show, a very emotional show, a show that pushed the boundries of Trek itself, and I really really hope one day it gets it's due with a feature movie.

Ummm, is that good guys? :D

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DS9, DS9, DS9


A+ :)

Tears actually came to me eye during the flashbacks of the memories of the previous 7 years, as well as the ending scene with Jake and Kira.

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Yeah, everyone complained that the final scene with Jake and Kira was lame or not very happy. Well sorry, DS9 wasn't exactly happy through it's entire run, and the ending fit perfectly withint the shows story. Not to mention the whole hot Kira hugging the tender and innocent Jake who needs loving to get over his Father's "disappearence".

What a lucky sob.

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"why do I feel all a lone?" :ninja:

In this case IT is a matter of tastes. DS9 proved to have some good aspects, which to me, were grossly out weighed by storylines that were IMO quite uninteresting. Maybe, and I mean maybe, if i took the time to go back through the episodes, I might appreciate those storylines. At this time I'm not interested entirely in doing so. The Dominion sparks some interest for me. That's why I did try to watch from time to time.

I've learnt that any sci fi show does have some merits, excluding Andromeda :rolleyes:. So I just might have to start with season two and go forward with DS9. I wouldn't want to miss out on anything that's good. I did that with Farscape. The muppet thing wasn't interesting, which prevented me from fully appreciating the show. I started watching in the third season and watched the first and second season. That show was the best Sci Fi show so far. Better than ST, excluding Enterprise. Stargate was similiar for me too. I loved the movie, and the show seemed like a cheap way to make money off it. I was wrong. That's a good show too. Atlantis started out slow, and is quickly building. Battlestar Galactica is awesome. Although the psycho drama in the doctor's head kinda gets tiring. But it still lends to a very good show.

so in conclusion, I might just become DS9 fan if I give it a chance again. :wacko:

Edited by Samoa
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I think it's your duty as a Star Trek fan (Trekkie/Trekker?) to watch the DS9 episodes. Personally, I liked the characters: Bashir with his secret agent persona and Garek's survival insticts were great.

Quark/Garek's analysis of the Federation was top 10 Trek moment in my books:

Quark:  "I want you to try something for me. Take a sip of this."

Garak: "What is it?"

Quark: "A Human drink, it's called Root Beer."

Garak: "Ahh, I don't know....."

Quark: "Come on....Aren't you in the least bit curious?"

Quark: "..........What d'you think?"

Garak: "It's vile?"

Quark: "I know. It's so bubbly and cloy, and happy."

Garak: "Just like the Federation....."

Quark: "But do you know what's really frightening? If you drink enough of it you begin to like it...."

Garak: "....It's insidious...."

Quark: "....Just like the Federation."

Now, all that being said, the spiritual quests really got to me after a while. I also thought the show was insipid at first because the action always came to them.

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Yeah, I've quoted that dialog before, it's terrific. Garak HAD the BEST dialog in the show, period. Always the best. And the actor was perfectly fit for it tee heeeee.

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in this last week, I've gotten SG-1, SG-A, and BSG episodes. When's Enterprise going to start showing up?...argh, the wait...


This friday :D

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I think it's your duty as a Star Trek fan (Trekkie/Trekker?) to watch the DS9 episodes.  Personally, I liked the characters: Bashir with his secret agent persona and Garek's survival insticts were great.

Quark/Garek's analysis of the Federation was top 10 Trek moment in my books:

Now, all that being said, the spiritual quests really got to me after a while.  I also thought the show was insipid at first because the action always came to them.


What episode was that?

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What episode was that?



Deep Space Nine, Season 4

Episode Numbers 73 & 74


Info and General Credits

Directed by James L Conway

Written by Ira Steven Behr and Robert Hewitt Wolfe

Aired 1995

Stardate 49011.4


A large armada of Klingon vessels arrives at the station. To help assess the situation, Sisko drafts Lt. Commander Worf for a temporary assignment. It is soon discovered that the Klingons plan to invade Cardassia, as it generally believed that the Dominion have taken control of the Cardassian government. When the Federation Council refuses to support the invasion relations between the two powers degrade, putting the very fabric of the alliance in jeopardy.


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The Federation council has condemned the invasion of Cardassia. In response, Gowron has expelled all Federation Ambassadors from Klingon space and pulled the Klingons out of the Kitomer Accords. The peace between the Federation and the Klingon Empire is now over.

^^Awesome dialog by Mr Sisko himself. (I couldn't rememeber word for word, but I'm fairly certain it's quite close heh)

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Honestly, I LOVED DS9 by far I think it was my favourite, not that I haven't enjoyed all the others. Honestly there's something so much more, well I guess maybe it's vibrant about it, the idea of this is where people live, and I loved how on alot of levels the show could be so multi-tracked. What I love even more is the DS9-Relaunch series, it's wonderful at least IMHO. Also, what really makes it different from the others is the fact that this is a place where people live, and you get to see how they do, it also makes sense that it's not as "clean" as TNG cause the enterprise is the flagship of starfleet, its pinnacle of excellence, it would make sense that the flagship would be so much more nice and tidy and clean cut then an open port with tons of different species as well as civilians and starfleet types mixed in. anyways I'm rambling cuase I'm tired so I'm gonna shut up now but either way I LOVED DS9 and if you did too then check out the DS9 relaunch book series.

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I did like the darker tone of DS9. The prospect of having characters that weren't shining examples of perfect human beings made for MUCH more interesting television. Although my friend Samoa said that Sci-Fi should center around action, I disagree. Characters like Garak, Miles, Odo, Quark -- well, basically everyone -- and the tension between them were just more believable than the happy-go-lucky TNG crew.

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