[Definitive] Star Trek

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New ponfar drugz, like Vulcagra, are suppose to make durations, and stimulation more productive.  :)


So thats what it takes for Tripp to keep up with T'pol? :laugh:

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Where can I get that delightful product?!?:woot::


Contact your nearest Vulcan physician for an appointment. ;))

Alternatively, a local meth lab may whip something up for you. :DD

It's a placebo.

Just because it doesn't work on Andorian physiology, doesn't mean it is a placebo. :rolleyes::

Edited by Samoa
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I thought that it may have worked since I'm half-Andorian with only one antenna :(


aww...it'll grow back, then you'll feel like a full Andorian again... :D

btw, I'm sorry. I told you the betleH is no toy.... :(

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I noticed a few questions about the Fund the Future Campaign. Heres some info

Please Note: the following message is not endorsed or affiliated by/with Neowin.net. The following campaign is not the idea of one person. This idea was concieved and contributed to by the community at SaveEnterprise.com. Before thinking about contributing to our campaign, you should make sure you are convinced the offer is genuine. You can find out more information by visiting www.trekunited.com.

My name is Richard Anderson (aka R002092) and I am contacting you on behalf of TrekUnited.com. The following message is long, but I ask you to please take the time to read it.

As you are most likly aware, on 3rd February 2005, UPN and Paramount Network Television announced that no further seasons will be produced for Star Trek Enterprise. This has caused outrage amongst fans, who feel the decision was not rightly justified.

As with many cancelled television shows, fans tend to follow the pattern of a letter campaign, which is to write letters to the producers, to convince them to change their mind. The people at trekunited.com are taking this one step further. Now, fans world-wide, are joining for what is potentially the most outspoken movement against a television networks desicion. They are now trying to raise money, to fund the show themselves.

They are calling out to fans world-wide to raise $1.6 million (?861,000) per episode, to keep the series alive. Saveenterprise.com say that if 3 million people donated $12 (?6.46) to the project, enough money would be raised for 22 episodes, which is the aim.

A huge project? Maybe, but those in the online community forums world-wide, think it is possible, and will fight to get another season. And there are those who would argue that the money could go to more worthwhile causes, such as the Tsunami relief aid. Saveenterprise.com says 'This isn't about saving lifes. Many of those who will have helped this project forward, will have contributed something to such reliefs already. What we are asking is essentially no different than you going into a video store and buying a video, funding the company which produced it. This is about the people standing up for what they want to see on TV, not what the companys want to throw at us."

We have presented our proposal to Paramount, and they have expressed a willingness to listen, however they want to see that we are capable of pulling this off. That means we really need cash. In an ideal world, we have until end of March, which is when the cast and crew finish filming this season. But this doesn't mean we can't continue our appeal afterwards.

The project is being fronted by Tim Brazeal of SaveEnterprise.com, a well known figure in the Saving Enterprise online community. Tim, along with the support of the fans, have helped bring this campaign to its current standing, but with world wide support, we can go the whole nine yards.

What's that you say? This is never gonna work! How are you gonna raise $35m when SaveEnterprise has trouble raising enough money for an ad project?

First, many people have expressed already their willingness to donate to fund the show directly, rather than an ad for letter writing. Second, this new mission is starting after the cancellation has been announced. The end of the show is imminent and we can count on fan dedication as well as media attention to spread the word quickly and tell people how urgent their help to keep not just Enterprise on the air, but possibly Star Trek as we know it. Third, donation will be safe and provide a win-win scenario for the people who normally hesitate to give their money for a project. A special account will be set up which can only be drawn from with multiple signatures. That means more than one person must be present to withdraw any money. Many can be donated via PayPal as well as other, conventional ways.

Several options will be considered depending on how much money is raised, including a full season 5, half a season, a mini-series or TV movie. The goal in any case, however, is to produce more Enterprise; the money will be used for the cause. Maybe a symbolic amount of a few million dollars will be enough already to convince TPTB to carry on. If all fails, money will be refunded. You can count on the legal safety of this endeavour. We have got a lawyer on board who can answer your further questions, if you got some. Contact attorney@saveenterprise.com for this.

The guys at Paramount wanna see action, now! The main reason for Enterprise's cancellation was too low ratings, i.e. even with Paramount paying half of the production costs themselves, the show has not turned in enough profit. So money is the issue here, and by offering actual money rather than just fan letters and pledges to keep the show running, we can be alot more convincing to the business people. I think it is important to just offer to finance the production costs with no strings attached, i.e. no creative or legal demands of any kind (co-ownership or licensing options) which would make TPTB nervous and complicate the legal procedure considerably. Of course, the money ought to be used to produce more Enterprise in one of the forms mentioned above.

Still synical?

What if people had listened to the masses who ridiculed explorers who thought a flight to the moon is possible? Or crossing the Atlantic? The very lesson Star Trek has taught us for 39 years is that with faith and dedication and vision (and in this case, just a little money from everyone), everything can be achieved. Despite all obstacles. Think about what Robert F. Kennedy once said - "There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?"

If you can't donate money, for whatever reason, just supporting the campaign, and spreading the word is more than appreciated.

Help us bring Star Trek Enterprise back to our screens.

Welcome to the Future

The Future is now

You are the future

You concieve it

You control it

Fund the Future

Visit www.trekunited.com to support us in any way you can, or to look

up more information.

Thank You for your time.

Once Again, If you are even the slightest bit worried about the nature of this campaign, please settle you anxiety before thinking about contributing.

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Once Again, If you are even the slightest bit worried about the nature of this campaign, please settle you anxiety before thinking about contributing.


alright, let's say I'm willing give 12.00, you don't appear to have a system in place atm. And your sites under construction....

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Your more than a broke college student, you're an Andorian with one antennae, about to loose the other... :p


Ouch, the only thing more worthless than an Andorian with one antennae is an Andorian with no antennae.

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alright, let's say I'm willing give 12.00, you don't appear to have a system in place atm. And your sites under construction....


Give us a break. At the moment we are concerned with spreadin the word. The idea was suggested 5 days ago. The site has been up for 24 hrs. A way to donate money is currently being worked on, and is due any day now. But you can join the forum and keep up to date with current progress.

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Give us a break. At the moment we are concerned with spreadin the word. The idea was suggested 5 days ago. The site has been up for 24 hrs. A way to donate money is currently being worked on, and is due any day now. But you can join the forum and keep up to date with current progress.


alright so you spread the word here. (Y) Now go an get the stuff setup. Feel welcome to pop in an let us know how it goes... :)

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Don't loose control of your emotions, Samoa!


I'd hate to lose control over my emotions. :pinch:

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^ Berman is an idiot. I want Enterprise to continue.


Calm down my Andorian friend, shockz just likes to promote an alternative view. ;)

I and many others in this thread, would like to see Enterprise continue however. Turn it over cause it ain't done yet... :p

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In ST news,

Seems things weren't so quiet a board the Enterprise this past evening. It was all kept quiet though, with help of the marines on board. Word goes things started out pretty quiet, then someone got a party together in one of the lower decks out side the storage containment area. It seems things really got wild after Klingon blood wine was made availible. As it went, one thing lead to another and let's just say female mud wrestling became the center of events. Hoshi and T'pol :woot: (that's right T'pol and Hoshi) as she had too much blood wine by accident *cough*, both went at it. Both were not "in uniform" to begin with, and but soon were totally without clothes altogether. Which this really didn't bother either of them as both were really drunk.

The watch commander got wind of the unauthorized party. And ordered the marines on board to quietly move everyone to their individual quaters. Marines rushed in and stun phased everyone. It was noted that


was a little more difficult to persuade, apparently his use of Vulcagra inhibits the effects of phasers on stun mode. Phase mode basically acts on the synapsis reuptake, causing a sudden bio feed back of sorts. Vulcagra does quite the opposite. Marines beat


over the head with the butts of their phase rifles. The "phased" Vulcan was the only one to sent to the sickbay. :pinch:

Nothing else was noted except for a angry drunk Andorian with one antennae


...also need escorting as well.

*special note: if anyone has pictures of the mudwrestling please contact the securtiy chief. It's of a sensitive nature. *cough*

spoiler tags are used to protect the names of those unimportant invovled.

Post edited on behalf of Samoa. Yeah... he can't spell. :shifty:

Edited by Keldyn
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Yes! I made the news!

By the way, lay off the Romulan ale, Samoa. It's illegal for a reason. :)

It's depressing now to read interviews with Manny Coto ( http://trekweb.com/articles/2005/02/10/420b8296d94af.shtml ). The way he describes what he wanted to do with the series next season... it sounded so amazing. Now, he won't get the chance to do so. Unless Sci-Fi channel...

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