[Definitive] Star Trek

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Star Terk: Enterprise. The show that dared to take us back. Back before Janeway. Before Sisqo. Before Jean-Luc Picard & James T. Kirk. Before Data, Worf, Quark, Tuvok, O'Brian and Spock. Before the Borg, Species 8472, the Romulans, Cardassians, Ferengi and the Q. Back before the Borg Incursion, the Dominion war, the Battle of Wolf 359 and the Klingon, Romulan and Cardassian Wars. Back before the United Federation of Planers was formed, or even conceived. Back to the first Warp 5 vessel, the vessel which was first given the mission to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before.

As you may know, Star Trek: Enterprise is the 5th series in the Star Trek franchise, which has been with us for 39 years. On 2nd February 2005, UPN and Paramount Netowork Television, jointly announced the cancellation of the show., because of low ratings. As you can imagine, this didn't go down well with fans. For 4 Seasons, the fans have been under the impression, that they will see the formation of the federation, as the series started 10 yrs before its founding. And now, we are a mere 6 years away, with no sensible way to witness its creation.

At TrekUnited.com, we believe it is important to witness this event. The event which has inspired astronauts to go out into space, and has continued to inspire them to further humanities progess. An even that has inpired students to become the miracle engineers they saw on the show. Scientists, Politicians, entrepreneurs, celebrities, humanitarians and many more, have been part of the generation who were inspired by the show that dared to portray a better humanity. A better future. A better understanding of our world and acceptance of those around us.

Now we invite everyone here and the world around to pick up the gauntlet thrown down to us by the people with the power to make the show happen. For every child that grew up to be somebody special because of Star Trek. For every pessimist that grew to think the future might be a wondrous and brilliant destiny rather than a dismal and dark demise. For the knowledge that Star Trek is relevant to our society today and that the values it teaches have been transforming the heart of our world culture for years now.

We will no longer be told what we can and can not watch.

We will no longer stand back and watch legends become just another part of history.

Legends Never Die

Intested in more information? Want to know how you can help?

Visit www.TrekUnited.com for more information


Uniting the Fans

Funding the Future

Please Note: A way to donate to our cause is still under construction, and we have been advised that it is due anyday now. For those who have already tried, I apologise, on behalf of TrekUnited.com admins, for the delay. Legal issues had arisen, and are now being taken care of, with the support of legal advisors. The above message is not intended as spam. If a moderator of the site feels that is is, we apologise, and will no longer inform fans of our efforts.

Thank You for Your Patience in this matter.

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I apologise to moderators if they feel it is spam. I personally consider it spreading the word about a cause well worth. I also consider this post an update. An update in wording, and an update in the Side note, being that the site has been updated, but not with the ability to donate yet. But of course, what else is there to post in the DEFINITIVE Star Trek Thread. People making mindless, and unessesary comments, which make absolutly no sense, referring to quotes and species from the series, and playing , what could be deemed as a useless game, understood by certain...few.

Again I apologise, but not everyone has the patients to read 100 pages of uselessness, and therefore they miss it.


Uniting the Fans

Funding the Future

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Not that I don't respect your project, but I don't think you're going to solicit money from people by referring to their posts as mindless and useless. Thanks, but I'll be keeping my money.

In addition, this isn't a Star Trek forum, and when posting at other sites you have to respect their rules -- https://www.neowin.net/forum/rules.htm -- such as ones concerning spamming (even if it's for a good cause).

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I apologise for any inconvienence. It's been a while since I read those rules. I guess my excitement for the project blinded me. Again I apologise. I was going to remove the edit the post, and remove the description. How long have you not been able to edit previous posts...I never noticed before. If I could remove it, I would.

I also apologise for any insult caused. Again my excitement for the project got in the way of my usual understandingof other peoples feelings and opinions. I will both refrain from adding further insult to injury in future posts, and refrain from posting about the campaign.

Again I apologise.

Edited by R002092
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I agree with your cause. I will support you guys and I appreciate what you're doing for Star Trek. I will donate some money via paypal once I get money.

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I apologise for any inconvienence. It's been a while since I read those rules. I guess my excitement for the project blinded me. Again I apologise. I was going to remove the edit the post, and remove the description. How long have you not been able to edit previous posts...I never noticed before. If I could remove it, I would.

I also apologise for any insult caused. Again my excitement for the project got in the way of my usual understandingof other peoples feelings and opinions. I will both refrain from adding further insult to injury in future posts, and refrain from posting about the campaign.

Again I apologise.


I for one don't find your apology to be sincere. I am more incline to keep my money as well. I was sympathetic to your cause til you insulted me, the other people posting, this thread and neowin.

take your crap elsewhere. :crazy:

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Ignore what I said earlier. I have come to a decision not to fund your cause. I feel that your campaign is a pitiful excuse to try and revive a show that has no hope of surviving. UPN has come to a decision not to air Season 5. We hate them for what they did but we cannot change their decision. All we can do now is wait and hope that another broadcaster will come to an agreement with Paramount and air Season 5 of Enterprise. This is my final decision and I will not change my mind.

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Ignore what I said earlier. I have come to a decision not to fund your cause. I feel that your campaign is a pitiful excuse to try and revive a show that has no hope of surviving. UPN has come to a decision not to air Season 5. We hate them for what they did but we cannot change their decision. All we can do now is wait and hope that another broadcaster will come to an agreement with Paramount and air Season 5 of Enterprise. This is my final decision and I will not change my mind.


:o ...dude...I thought you liked ENT...

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I like Enterprise too, but i've also accepted the fact there is nothing anyone can do to bring it back. I just feel bad for the people who got suckered into thinking there was any hope that their money would do anything.

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:o ...dude...I thought you liked ENT...


Of course I like ENT. What I meant is that there's barely a chance for it to reach a 5th season.

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I also like ENT, but I also know there is almost zero chance of getting it back. It almost didn't come back last year.

I checked some ratings for some episodes this season... one episode got 760,000 viewers. Thats it. Thats less than New York City... not to mention the entire United States.

Also R002092... you will have to stop your donation postings here on Neowin.

a) It's spam... even if you think its a good cause

b) I can't tell how official your donation site is.. for all I know it might be a scam.

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I checked some ratings for some episodes this season... one episode got 760,000 viewers. Thats it. Thats less than New York City... not to mention the entire United States.


That's not true. Maybe a re-run would only get that many people, but the lowest-rated first-run episode of the season is about 2.53 million people.

Here you go:


Edited by viserov
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I also like ENT, but I also know there is almost zero chance of getting it back. It almost didn't come back last year.

I checked some ratings for some episodes this season... one episode got 760,000 viewers. Thats it. Thats less than New York City... not to mention the entire United States.

Also R002092... you will have to stop your donation postings here on Neowin.

a) It's spam... even if you think its a good cause

b) I can't tell how official your donation site is.. for all I know it might be a scam.


That's besides insulting everyone and Neowin. ;)

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^ Cool.

I don't know about you guys but I thought "The Aener" was pretty good. There was only one thing I didn't like about it. The fact that one of the new marauders was destroyed so fast.

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I didn't like several things about it. But it was an above-average Enterprise episode. Maybe I just have low expectations for that writer -- Andre Bormanis -- because he wrote crapfests like "Extinction" and "Hatchery."

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I thought it was a terrific episode. IMO, they should've made the whole thing span one more episode, spending a little more time developing the story...but still great show. (Y) With shows like that, I don't see why it was cancelled. ST has always been a good story teller, it might lack in the suspense that SG-1 and BSG have, but it still is a good show. :D

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I think Enterprise was a very good series. Its sad that it has to end now, especially when even DS9 got to 6-7 seasons. I hope the season finale ends it right.

I loved the three-part story on the first presence of the romulans, and of course the vulcan three-part story as well. Recent episodes kinda suggest that the Federation is about to be formed (maybe in the finale ?).

I just can't understand why it didn't work. I guess the Star Trek franchise is just too old (overkill). Let's hope the fans' ad may change UPN's mind, at least get this very good series to the 7-season mark like the others (Voyager, DS9, TNG)

I wish Enterprise a killer finale, so it can end right and make Roddenberry proud !


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