[Definitive] Star Trek

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The official STAR TREK web site has published its production report for "Demons," which wrapped production in Hollywood last Monday, Valentine's Day.

According to the report, the Enterprise crew are back home on Earth to take part in talks with delegates of several other worlds to form a new "Coalition of Planets."(story) During a formal assembly at Starfleet Command, a mortally wounded woman approaches 'T'Pol' with evidence of a startling secret. Investigation of this evidence and the woman unveils the dangerous plans of a human isolationist movement called Terra Prime, which is based at a mining colony on the Moon called Orpheus.

ROBOCOP and BUCKAROO BANZAI star Peter Weller plays "John Frederick Paxton," a charismatic leader who is opposed to the forming of the Federation. He is also a student of history and is taking his lessons from 21st Century despotic leader Colonel Green (the character is seen on a monitor, but the part has not yet been cast). Weller played the lead in the short-lived sci-fi series ODYSSEY 5, created by Manny Coto.

Eric Pierpoint returns as "Harris", also seen in this week's "Affliction" and the upcoming episode "Divergence".Harry Groener plays "Nathan Samuels," an Earth dignitary leading the coalition talks. And the "Coridan Ambassador" is played by Tom Bergeron.

"Demons" was directed by LeVar Burton from a Manny Coto script. It will air April 29nd. Read more details about the unique production here.

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In ST news?

Recent information the Vulcan drug Vulcagra shows it doing quite well in sales on Vulcan. It hasn?t been approved for other species of yet. This Drug does have an effect similar to Viagra, the old human drug for male enhancement. Vulcagra however works a bit differently than Viagra but with similar intent, that being better sexual experience. One of the side effects of the drug however is some relaxing of emotional controls. As it is not condoned by the Vulcan high council, this drug can only be found on the black markets. Younger aspiring male Vulcans, tend to use this drug. It lengthens the duration of Ponfar to up to 2yrs for the average male Vulcan. Ponfar is a short lived time, where Vulcan sex takes place. Many Vulcan females have found that not pleasing. As it is this new drug solves that problem. Vulcan males and females are observed in a much more less tense mood then they normally are as a result of this drug.

Other side effect being researched is the effect that this drug has in resisting stun phaser blasts. It seems recent events where section31 wasn't easily subdued by the phaser blasts promted immediate investigation by the Vulcan high council. It seems unlikely they will make use of the drug for this purpose given the othe side effect in concern. Interestingly, this drug also only seems to affect Vulcans in this fashion. Which is fortunate for use all, as it would mean we would have to fire in kill mode all the time..otherwise.

In other news?

Recent events over the last few weeks prompt me to report this. It seems that Andorian with with the one antennae chopped in half has been making some trouble around Enterprise. Seems he has punched the cook on a couple of occasions. Once at the mess hall over some brunt food or something, and the other time in the bar during rec hours. Seems the drunk Andorian remembered the burnt food, and decided to make sure he punched the cook for it. And if that wasn?t enough, that Andorian also was injured in Cargo bay 1 yesterday evening. Seems he decided to get drunk, and started swinging his little Andorian knife around. He wasn?t too careful and found himself punching one of the liquid O2 tanks, which sent him flying over a couple shuttles. The Andorian was found this morning on the far side of Cargo bay 1?s deck, behind Shuttle 3. He?s currently resting in Sickbay, awaiting a date with the brig.

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