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Please you people aren't Trekkies.

Mirror Universe uniforms. Both in TOS, and DS9. Especially Mirror universe Kira's uniform. My...word..


You must be much more Trekkie than I am to find Kira attractive :x

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Apparently your definition of hot differs greatly from mine  :wacko:


Hehe, dunno what to tell you. I always thought she was really gorgeous. Maybe the nose ridges are what is throwing you off. ;)

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I believe my friend said it best to another friend of mine one time in a Ventrilo session after we watched a repeat of DS9,

"Man Kira is hot as the intendant"

"Please she isn't hot"

"Are you gay?"

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Hehe, dunno what to tell you. I always thought she was really gorgeous. Maybe the nose ridges are what is throwing you off. ;)


Nope, I looked at pictures of her outside of ST and there was nothing I found attractive.

I believe my friend said it best to another friend of mine one time in a Ventrilo session after we watched a repeat of DS9,

"Man Kira is hot as the intendant"

"Please she isn't hot"

"Are you gay?"




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Really tight leather on her makes me want to  :x more.


Really tight leather on her makes me want to.... :hump:


Personally I like the TNG era Duty Uniform, 2373.


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In ST news...

It seems Trip and the Enterpise crew along with the Columbia crew have broken Starfleet records in transporting a person from ship to ship while at warp 5.2. This amazing feet took place as a deparate measure to help save Enterprise from a Klingon virus that had infected the Enterprise's algorithms. Trip was able to bring the trouble under control.

It seems Vulagra continues do well in sales on the black market in spite of Vulcan High council's efforts to curtail the spread of the medicine's use among young males. It seems our own Section31 has been taking the drug as well. Reportedly three or four different female crew have been seen leaving Section31's quaters at various hours. These females appear to be in much happier moods, as several crew members have reported. Section31 on the other hand, has been observed being quite tired while on duty strangely enough. Too bad the Vulagra doesn't increase one's energy levels, and reduce the need for sleep.....lol.

In other news...

Seems our resident Andorian is doing quite well after his stay in the brig. The doctor informed command that his progress in regrowing his antennae had been quite successful. It's almost completely grown back. This amazing recovery was aided by electro shock therapy and drinking copious amounts of Klingon blood wine. The two together reduced the healing time to three months!! This treatment wasn't without it's side effects it seems. The behavior of viserov over the last few months has been largely due to the wine. So all of his transgressions have been pardoned. The cook however, isn't so ready to let things go, but was quickly put in check by the captain. So just let me say, if I've offended by reporting these distrubing acts viserov. I'm sorry, I was just reporting what I thought was a conspiracy. I didn't know they were making allowances for your recovery. Good job, continue to get well. :)

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My precious Vulgara. I must get more of it. It is the most logical thing to do. Viserov - You should try it. It would be more pleasurable for you because your mind is undisciplined. I can get some for you from my sources. Perhaps you could teach the female security personnel a thing or two about Andorian mating rituals. If you know what I mean.

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My precious Vulgara. I must get more of it. It is the most logical thing to do. Viserov - You should try it. It would be more pleasurable for you because your mind is undisciplined. I can get some for you from my sources. Perhaps you could teach the female security personnel a thing or two about Andorian mating rituals. If you know what I mean.


doesn't work on Andorians, only Vulcans...at least that's what current research is showing... :(

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...Haven't seen it mentioned :cry:

But UK Terrestial TV catches up with the rest of the world this afternoon.

Series 3 of Enterprise starts at 3:10pm on Channel 4's T4 :blink:


Two episodes as well :woot:

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