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Never heard of them. But I'll look into it. DS9 is the best ST series ever. It's the series that got me into ST. All the space battles, diplomatic missions, away missions, etc etc. It was the best. In terms of writing and acting.

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Never heard of them. But I'll look into it. DS9 is the best ST series ever. It's the series that got me into ST. All the space battles, diplomatic missions, away missions, etc etc. It was the best. In terms of writing and acting.


I only heard about them in a footnote of some website's biography of Ezri (It said that she gets closer with her previous lifes/hosts, becomes commander, breaks up with Bashir and became friends again etc.). But i haven't heard about them yet, except i have "Lifes of Dax" in e-book, if you PM me, i can send you, its a pretty good novel.

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Just a reminder to the Enterprise people still holding out and who are going to watch the series finale, it starts in 26 minutes (part 2 of Demons "Terra Prime" that is, the finale is at 9 Eastern)


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I can't agree with DS9 being the best ST ever, it had it's good points, and many bad points, so I've yet to gain any appreciation of it.


i agree by far the best is tng hands down. it will get the most votes for best series on startrek.com if they wanted to start a poll. IMO voyager was a little better then ds9

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Is it just me or does the Enterprise D look like its out of a video game?

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Terra Prime was a fine send off as it were. These are the Voyages was pretty good as well, though that certain thingie that happened, sucked ass.

And the Ent-D looked absolutely amazing. Long live Star Trek. Die Berman and Braga.

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It's over. There are no words...


There are words. UPN sucks and Rick Berman and Brannon Braga are ######.

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I can't say i'm all that disappointed. They gave very few of the characters any depth or reason to care about them. Oh well, I'll just wait for the next series, movie or books. Hopefully they'll offer something to make things enjoyable again.

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There are words. UPN sucks and Rick Berman and Brannon Braga are ######.


Of course. But the saga meant different things to different people, I'm sure.

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i think enterprise was the worst out of the series, didnt come close to anything like the others, TNG i think was the best simply cause i grew up when it started, thats prob why i also liked DS9 because it followed TNG almost exactally at the same time, more or less during the TNG movies

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I have to agree with Jolene Blalock that was the worst thing i have ever seen. a very terrible way to start a 2 year wait. I agree with her that it was humiliating and not seeing Archer give the speach was horrible. Killing off Trip was stupid and needless you dont have to go killing off someone to make something seem good. i dont understand the concept of allways killing off a main character in a movie or tv show to make it seem better. also add to the fact the plot failings like were Riker kisses T'pol and she moves a little altho hes freezed the program they coulda done that better maybe with cg i dont know. and add to the fact how can they make a holo program of those events when there was no holo recording device on board the ship. all they have its the officers logs. that doesnt say enough to make a holo program of the events. I doubt those officer logs had what they told the chef in them.

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Well, I'd assume they recreated it based on those logs and their history books and such. Seems that's how most holo programs get created.. :p The characters in the holo were given attributes to make them seem more real and true to the original crew, those conversations, I'm sure, are just Riker's interactions with the holos.

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well back to my point if you read that long article i forgot who it was a mod tho posted about enterprise and the finale were it went into detail of all the problems with it I definatly agree with all of them it was horrible. Let me know were Berman and Braga live so we can start the protests.

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A speech never would have worked in an episode. What would you have them do? Give some 30min epic speech? Or a cheap 2 minute hack job? B&B can't write a decent script, what makes you think they could deliver a speech that would lead to the creation of the federation? You can tell they just didn't really care or put any effort into the episode.

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A speech never would have worked in an episode. What would you have them do? Give some 30min epic speech? Or a cheap 2 minute hack job?? B&B can't write a decent script, what makes you think they could deliver a speech that would lead to the creation of the federation?? You can tell they just didn't really care or put any effort into the episode.


Well I guess they are too blind to see that they themselves are the reason for the downfall of enterprise. and i agree with Blalock's statements that every time the 2 from ent.D showed up it was like no i dont want to see you get off the show so i can watch what mattered. when they left the holodeck to chat about the pegasus episode that they were currently in it was like "no shutup and go back to enterprise" as much as i liked TNG i was sitting there thinking no get out so i can watch what i sat down to. if i wanted to watch you guys again ied put in a dvd.

on a related note i dont understand why Franks and Sirtis agreed to do this episode i thought all the cast of TNG wanted to be thru with the franchise after Nemesis?:huh:h: but thats not really a bothering note as much as the other problems with the finale.

and the other problem is that we never saw Q he was supposed to be in every series.:(:(

Edited by divertom15
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