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They haven't actually introduced the Romulans yet have they? There was that one group of emotional or some what different Vulcans from the first season but that's about it.


Actually they were in an episode in Season 2 called "Minefield"

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I wasn't sure...Romulans have cloaking tech right? So do Klingons..so why doesn't the Federation?


Cloaking technology is unique to the Romulans and Klingons. The Federation eventually gets it (Stealth technology). As seen in the VOY episode Eng Game, Part 2. Admiral Janeway's shuttle was cloaked right outside the unimatrix hub.

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I wasn't sure...Romulans have cloaking tech right? So do Klingons..so why doesn't the Federation?


I remember it in a TNG being talked about. Something about the Federation signing a treaty or something about not devoloping cloaking technology.

I think it was in the Pegaus episode where they use a phased cloak to escape from inside an asteriod after being sealed in by the Romulans by passing through solid rock.

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^ yes I remember that. I always thought it would be rather stupid for the federation to sign such a treaty.


True, it always seemed strange to me as well.

Also didnt Kirk take a cloaking device from Klingons?

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The Treaty of Algeron was a peace treaty signed between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire in the early 24th century, following the events of the Tomed Incident. The treaty reinforced the Romulan Neutral Zone, and made clear that any violations of the Zone without adequate notification, by either side, would be considered an act of war. (TNG: "The Defector")

The use of a cloaking device by a Federation starship is strictly prohibited by this treaty. Admiral Pressman attempted to circumvent this clause in 2358 with the test of an interphase cloaking device aboard the USS Pegasus. (TNG: "The Pegasus")

Prior to the episode "The Pegasus", it was believed that the Treaty of Algeron had been signed at the end of the Earth-Romulan War. According to this episode, though, it had been signed about 60 years before.

From: http://www.memory-alpha.org/en/index.php/Cloaking_device

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I'm lost..  :wacko:  :ninja:


You have to watch the old Star Trek episodes, the one with the Klingon cloaking device that Kirk took from them and also the one where they encounter the Voyager probe that had been remodded by aliens....Those two things look very much alike. :D

BGM, ...glad you like it (Y) feel free to add.... ;)

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Hahah Viserov, for a moment I really thought he said what you quoted. I was frantically looking for the date he edited at and I couldn't find it. :rofl:

And BGM, welcome to the thread. (Y)

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Hahah Viserov, for a moment I really thought he said what you quoted. I was frantically looking for the date he edited at and I couldn't find it.  :rofl:

And BGM, welcome to the thread. (Y)


You mean he didn't say it? :cry:

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You mean he didn't say it?  :cry:


He did but he secretly edited it at the last moment. :ninja:

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i love this thread, been reading it for bloody ages now.. very interesting :D


You should search around for the other thread, it was much longer.

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