[Definitive] Star Trek

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DS 9 is boring... voyager rulez.

also like the new Stargate atlantis episodes :p


VOYAGER DID THE BORG TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:

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No DS9 bashing. Or I destroy.



Yes! An ally!

DS9's characters were a lot more interesting to watch than Enterprise's characters are, and they were well defined by season 1, whereas Enterprise's characters are still extremely fuzzy by mid-season 4. The quality of acting (and storytelling) is heaps better than Enterprise, whose only decent actors are Jolene Blalock and Connor Trinneer.

Back me up, LOC. :p

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Here is some interesting info relating to DS9: Sisko's mother was actually a wormhole alien. And the wormhole aliens are distant descendants of the Bajoran people.

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Alright, if you don't like Enterprise then likely you don't need to be reading this thread. DS9 by good majority of people was a sucky show. I'm not commenting on the acting, just the storylines.

Enough of these stupid comparison. make your own threads already... :crazy:

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^ Just like I am curious about people trash-talking DS9. I like both series, it's just like I like DS9 much more. Enterprise probably is second of my favorite Star Trek series, albiet a very distance second.

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DS9's characters were a lot more interesting to watch than Enterprise's characters are, and they were well defined by season 1, whereas Enterprise's characters are still extremely fuzzy by mid-season 4. The quality of acting (and storytelling) is heaps better than Enterprise, whose only decent actors are Jolene Blalock and Connor Trinneer.


I'll give you that the characters were more interesting then Enterprise's characters are. What really is the purpose of Mayweather anyway? Bashir relationship with Garak was cool (the whole spy/section 37 thing). Garak himself was cool.

Here comes the but...

But, if I see one more rerun of a spiritual quest I may vomit. And until DS9 got the Defiant the whole show was rather insipid. Action needed to find DS9, not the other way around. Then by the end, it got a little too obsessed was the war and battle action scenes.

I say the last line with some trepidation because I remember watching TNG episodes and yelling at Picard to just shoot something already.

The episode where those slow/stupid, pig-like aliens kidnapped Laforge? I'd have set phasers to 1% and increase it one pecent at a time until they released Geordie unharmed. Kirk would have anyway.

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I'll give you that the characters were more interesting then Enterprise's characters are.  What really is the purpose of Mayweather anyway? Bashir relationship with Garak was cool (the whole spy/section 37 thing). Garak himself was cool.

Here comes the but...

But, if I see one more rerun of a spiritual quest I may vomit.  And until DS9 got the Defiant the whole show was rather insipid.  Action needed to find DS9, not the other way around.  Then by the end, it got a little too obsessed was the war and battle action scenes.

I say the last line with some trepidation because I remember watching TNG episodes and yelling at Picard to just shoot something already.

The episode where those slow/stupid, pig-like aliens kidnapped Laforge?  I'd have set phasers to 1% and increase it one pecent at a time until they released Geordie unharmed.  Kirk would have anyway.


lol, yeah, humanity's quest for universal peace only went through TNG. Before and after it's the 20th century all over, only with model or CGI battles :rofl:

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I'll give you that the characters were more interesting then Enterprise's characters are.  What really is the purpose of Mayweather anyway? Bashir relationship with Garak was cool (the whole spy/section 37 thing). Garak himself was cool.

Here comes the but...

But, if I see one more rerun of a spiritual quest I may vomit.  And until DS9 got the Defiant the whole show was rather insipid.  Action needed to find DS9, not the other way around.  Then by the end, it got a little too obsessed was the war and battle action scenes.

I say the last line with some trepidation because I remember watching TNG episodes and yelling at Picard to just shoot something already.

The episode where those slow/stupid, pig-like aliens kidnapped Laforge?  I'd have set phasers to 1% and increase it one pecent at a time until they released Geordie unharmed.  Kirk would have anyway.


This is the very reason I find TNG to be less and less interesting. Things were just TOO peaceful, and I don't mean between Starfleet and everyone else. I mean between characters. The characters all got along, were all proper, etc. There was no interesting dynamic between character (except perhaps Geordi and Data, which ended up being forgotten in the later seasons). The people on DS9 got on each others nerves, which made for some more realistic, believable characters.

And aside from T'Pol, Archer, and to an extend, Trip, none of the ENT characters are well-rounded, especially Reed and Mayweather.

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By the way, maybe we should retitle this thread to "Star Trek: The Ultimate Thread"... Enterprise is really only discussed 50% of the time here. :p

Maybe each of us should list 2 pro's and 2 con's from each of the Star Trek series. That would be interesting to read.

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TOS: Kirk got some..... spok was a true vulcan "specimen"

TNG: Showed Peacful ways of humans...

DS9: Went deeper inside the characters.... deeper plot... I though the dominion war was a really good story... continued for a few seasons.. they could have kept it going if the season didn't end..

Voyager: The delta quadrent was a nice twist... New species... a new way of exploration

STENT: How things lead to the birth of the federation.. not a bad idea. 200 years after First contact.... i wonder what we'll REALLY be like..


TOS: Kirks bad acting. Too much over acting

TNG: Worf was always too eger to raise shields and fire phasers. Tata smiles too much for someone with no emotions

DS9: Not enough to do with the Defiant.. Jadzia DAX Died!

VOY: TOO MUCH BORG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah they were cool but they ran it to the ground. Janeway broke the prime directive more than kirk did


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Anymore Kirk bashing and I destroy.

And anymore DS9 bashing, I'll do something horrible. Like, watch, every season of Voyager on DVD until my eyes and ears bleed out (which will happen by episode 4 on disc 3 I believe)

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