[Definitive] Star Trek

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I liked all of the Star Trek series... TOS got me into it all and DS9 is my fav. but why did they have to kill off Jadzia :cry:


Because Jadzia was greedy and wanted money and fame. Plus, you know, it's always nice to have a woman who looks 12 play the new Dax and have sexual tension with the cast.


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:wacko: They wanted a new body to make the people drool over and when that backfired... they were screwed...

i wont bash kirk no more... i am just stating my view.... so... who's next on the pros vs. cons of all series?

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+ Great dynamics between the Big 3

+ A lot of screen time to the other characters

+ Some great, allegorical episodes

- Sexist at times

- Season 3

- Some cheesy and downright bad acting


+ Original stories

+ Excellent acting

- Characters too "perfect"

- Some first season episodes were a blatant rip off of TOS episodes

I will do more later, but I have class soon.

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+ It's the original, come on

+ The "big 3" had perfect chemistry

+ Rest of the characters all had great backstory

+ Some of the best sci fi television ever (Guardian of Forever etc)

- It's the original, come on

- Sometimes the acting was, not so good (to put it midly)

- Some of the worst sci fi television ever (Spock's Brain ?!?!!)

- Only had 3 seasons


+ Proper successor to TOS

+ All characters melded well, and had very good chemistry

+ Story wise, some of the best, well told and intelligent stuff around

+ Great music (very underrated segment imo)

- While a direct successor to TOS, it was sometimes to much like TOS

- Somewhat boring in Season 1 and Season 2

- Tasha Yar and Wesley Crusher leaving

- Ending after 7 years (wtf, why 7 years damn you B&B!)


+ IMO, the best Star Trek, hell Sci Fi ever put to television (Babylon 5 is a veryyyy close 2nd here, only because I'm a Trekkie)

+ Character development was incredible.

+ All of the cast blended well and had awesome chemistry

+ Captain Sisko was the best captain. Period.

- Was kinda boring until the 2nd season

- Some of the standalone non-arc stories left something to be desired

- Jadzia Dax leaving, and a teeny bopper replacing her

- Ending after 7 years and Sisko in oblivion (argh!!!)


+ First few seasons were actually pretty good

+ Scorpion Part 1 (and Part 2 somewhat) was an incredible Borg episode

+ Characters got along pretty well

+ Had very good action all the way through (not that this is important, but it kept it at least not to boring)

+ Ended after 7 years (thankfully)

- Horrid writing

- Horrid handling of the Q, Borg, Klingons, practically everything

- Ruined the Q and Borg

- Kes leaving and being replaced by the barbie doll

- Boring stories that made no sense half the time and had nothing to do with Trek usually

- Inredibly stupid finale

- I could go on, but why?


+ Damn good music and special effects

+ Good characters, but misused and underdeveloped at this point (sorta a - but eh)

+ The big 3 again meld well, but need more work

+ Season 3 arc, and all of Season 4 have been very good (bow to Coto)

- Wasted first 3 seasons

- Corny acting at times

- Underdeveloped characters (uh, Hoshi, hello?)

- Stupid continuity errors

- Promises of great story arcs that never happen (yet)

That's all I could think of at the moment, as I'm about to go out. I will probably edit this and add more later.

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TNG, and DS9 fan here long live sisko

and in VOY i loved the episode when the rock gets his as kicked by 7 of 9 :wub: man shes (or at least WAS) thee best borg ( aside from Locutus)

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+ Great dynamics between the Big 3

+ A lot of screen time to the other characters

+ Some great, allegorical episodes

- Sexist at times

- Season 3

- Some cheesy and downright bad acting


+ Original stories

+ Excellent acting

- Characters too "perfect"

- Some first season episodes were a blatant rip off of TOS episodes

I will do more later, but I have class soon.


Continuing on...


+ Excellent acting

+ Well-defined and developed primary and recurring characters (even by the of season 1)

+ Believable relationships (even the hateful relationships)

+ Well-thought out stories, many with a moral message

+ Took risks with the wars

+ Heavily arc based, rewarding for people who watched from day 1

- Heavily arc based, hard for people to get "into" the show

- Some episodes were too religious-based

- "Move Along Home"


+ Great premise

+ Seasons 1-3

+ The Doctor (and Robert Picardo)

- Failed to live up to its premise

- Seasons 4-7

- The series became the Seven of Nine show

- No continuity


+ High potential with its premise

+ Good acting by Connor Trinneer, Jolene Blalock

+ Excellent continuity on itself (things mentioned/done in earlier episodes are brought up again later)

+ Visual effects and music

- Extremely underdeveloped, underutilized characters

- Action-driven, instead of character-driven in many cases

- Inexperienced actors

- Awkward acting by Scott Bakula

- Any episode written by Rick Berman & Brannon Braga (think: "Precious Cargo" & "A Night in Sickbay")

Edited by viserov
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this is great guys, lets keep this going :) we're getting a lot of good things. i like seeing what others like of all 5 series... kinda gives me a diferent prospective to think about....

here's another thing to ponder.... should there be a DS9 movie... and if so... what should the whole movie be about and incorperate..

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My God. You and I think EXACTLY the same way.

I didn't read your post until I had a chance to finish my pro/con analysis of the rest of the series, and it's weird that we thought of the same things :p

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What's everyone's fasination with Hoshi anyway? There has been poor writing of her character so far I agree. For me, she's not one of the characters I really look forward to seeing.

+ TOS: It was the first of the Series. It had some good episodes. Characters where great, IMO, for the time.

- TOS: It was severly under financed. So poor special effects, even for the day. Some stories were plain stupid.

+ TNG: Great revival of the ST series. Borg were a great addition, along with Data. Characters started out good.

- TNG: Characters where wacky to some extent. Q was vastly over done, to the point of just being plain turn off. Borg weren't developed enough. Wesly Crusher just distracted from the whole ST series, a big mistake, IMO.

+/- DS9: Promising first and second season. Got carried away with Character development IMO. Which distracted from any relavant story lines. (I edited the rest to avoid trash talking...)

+ ENT: Great Special effects, better than the other series. Overcame some of the obstacles of speries postion, by coming up with creative storylines. 4th season has been outstanding in this area. Some good acting, better in the 4th season.

- ENT: Poor character development. Drawn out storylines. Some poor acting.

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this is great guys, lets keep this going :)  we're getting a lot of good things.  i like seeing what others like of all 5 series...    kinda gives me a diferent prospective to think about.... 

here's another thing to ponder.... should there be a DS9 movie... and if so... what should the whole movie be about and incorperate..


Oh... and should there be any cast/the whole crew of voyager participate in it??

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^ Why did you quote yourself? :blink:

.. I agree with what you said earlier Viserov. The name of the thread has to be changed due to the current circumstances. The only time a "real" Enterprise discussion is stirred up is right after the episode is aired. After that its just General ST talk.

Edited by Anaron
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this is great guys, lets keep this going :)  we're getting a lot of good things.  i like seeing what others like of all 5 series...    kinda gives me a diferent prospective to think about.... 

here's another thing to ponder.... should there be a DS9 movie... and if so... what should the whole movie be about and incorperate..


I don't know what they'd do in a DS9 movie, everything was wrapped up too nicely. Half the characters left DS9 to go to other places.

But here's my pros/cons on each of the series:


+Some good stories

+Interesting view of the future

+Groundbreaking (First interracial kiss)

+Starfleet girls in short skirts (who thinks they should bring this back? :shifty: )

+Classic lines (He's dead Jim)

+Seeing a different Crewman die every week :laugh:

-Bad technology (although it's alright I guess for the time)

-Nearly every planet had a red sky, which either means a) a lot of red dust in the atmosphere or b) a red sun, and I'm not sure either of those would make for a good M-Class planet.

-For every good ep there was an equally cheesy one


+The one that got me into Trek

+Excellent stories

+Data studying humans and trying to become more like them was very intriguing

+Q made it interesting as well (couldn't tell whether he was a childish entity or a supremely intelligent one)

-Didn't care for Wesley (and someone above said this was a minus for him leaving why?)

-They packed the flagship full of children why? (Even Picard didn't care for the children at first)


+CGI Space Battles :woot:

+Dax was hot (both of them, even though everyone else said the 2nd one looked 12)

-First couple seasons were so boring I didn't even watch, then one day I tune in for like a season 4 ep and all of a sudden there's a big war and I'm like dang, it finally got interesting

-They had to stick the space station next to the most annoying race of the galaxy why? It was like watching a religious channel half the time.


+Interesting new species

+Interesting new surroundings

-Ruined Q (especially with that Civil War ep, not to mention Q's son) and the Borg (too much)

-Too much time travel (although every trek series had a little too much of this)


+Seeing the beginnings of the Federation

+Seeing the changing of the Vulcans

+Interesting story about the augments

-Not too overly true to the ST timeline (although TOS is probably worse now that it changed a lot since TOS was on)

-Pretty boring at the beginning

-Didn't care for the Temporal War (see last point on VOY)

-We still don't know much about the characters

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I think they should follow the other 3 TNG movies.... alpha quadrant on danger... or earth.. whatever... the writers and producers still do the same things... so yeah.. but incorp a " RE-UNITED" DS9 crew... and the voyager crew.... working together.... kinda like the enterprise-a crew and the excelsier ins ST6 .....

This time the enemy should be the the sphere people.... would make it rather interesting.... i dont know... it is MIO....

or one of the famous races from the delta quatrant some how makeing it to earth... and its voyagers fault... now it's a fight for humanity... again.... there are still possibilities... some good.... most bad.... they just have to think and make it fit with rest of star trek.... or it simply wont work.... not too much action..... NO MORE FREAKING BORG!

that's just MIO...

tell me what you guys think would be good?

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I think they should follow the other 3 TNG movies....  alpha quadrant on danger... or earth.. whatever...  the writers and producers still do the same things... so yeah..  but incorp a " RE-UNITED" DS9 crew...  and the voyager crew.... working together.... kinda like the enterprise-a crew and the excelsier ins ST6 .....   

This time the enemy should be the the sphere people.... would make it rather interesting....  i dont know... it is MIO.... 

or one of the famous races from the delta quatrant some how makeing it to earth... and its voyagers fault... now it's a fight for humanity...    again....  there are still possibilities...  some good.... most bad.... they just have to think and make it fit with rest of star trek....  or it simply wont work....    not too much action..... NO MORE FREAKING BORG!

that's just MIO...

tell me what you guys think would be good?


There is no Voyager crew anymore, when they returned to earth they all went their seperate ways. Janeway became an Admiral I believe. And everyone important left DS9 in the last episode.

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So they can easily have an Enterprise movie then.... :D 

I really think there should be a DS9 movie...(Y)


I'd rather see an Enterprise movie before a DS9 movie. Like I said, what's there for it to be about? Most of the (good) ST movies have something referring to the series happen, such as Khan or the Borg. Since the Dominion war is over and it was just about all DS9 was about, what could they possibly do now and still have a good movie?

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I'd rather see an Enterprise movie before a DS9 movie.  Like I said, what's there for it to be about?  Most of the (good) ST movies have something referring to the series happen, such as Khan or the Borg.  Since the Dominion war is over and it was just about all DS9 was about, what could they possibly do now and still have a good movie?


I know, I was just being sarcastic... :D I really don't want one. Enterprise though, could be alright, but just don't rehash all three first seasons....

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