[Definitive] Star Trek

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^ LOL, are you sure he was acting?


Let's ask him...Samoa/Wil Wheaton, are you homeless? Are you drunk on Romulan ale all the time now that you don't have a job on TV? Are you bitter that DS9 didn't offer you a role?

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Let's ask him...Samoa/Wil Wheaton, are you homeless?? Are you drunk on Romulan ale all the time now that you don't have a job on TV?? Are you bitter that DS9 didn't offer you a role?


>hic<.. I deny...>burp<..that it doesn't exist...

wait...... what was the question? <fart&gt:santa:a:

nvm...think I see pennies...

Edited by Samoa
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But it might mean having more Canadians on the show.

William Shatner! :no:


Hmm, good idea, I think this episode should take place during the TOS era and have Kirk looking at the past :shifty:

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This is all taken from Minnie's ST Stuff4. I take no credit from it. I did not make this up, I just took the time to copy and paste it into this post for your needs. Some of this is actually quite funny and it had me laughing for a good 8minutes.

[) Gordie smiley from TNG.

{{{ : } Worf smiley from TNG.

(:-) Picard smiley from TNG.

Visit Odo's gym. Get into shape... ANY shape!

What does the Enterprise and toilet paper have in common? They both circle your anus wiping out Klingons.

Why did Worf change his hair colour? It was a good day to dye.

What did Spock find in Kirk's toilet? The Captain's log.

Signs You've Watched Too Much Star Trek

10) You send weekly love letters to the actress who played the Green Skinned Orion Slave Girl in episode number 7.

9) You pull the legs off your hamster so you'll have a trible.

8) You tried to join the Navy just so you could serve aboard the Enterprise.

7) Your wife left you because you wanted her to dress like a Klingon and torture you for information.

6) You went to San Francisco to see if you might bump into Kirk and crew while they were in the 20th century looking for a whale.

5) Your college thesis was a Comparison of the Illustrious Careers of T.J. Hooker and Capt. Kirk.

4) You fly into a homicidal rage anytime people say "Star Trek? Isn't that the one with Luke Skywalker?"

3) You have no life.

2) You recognize more than 4 references on this list.

1) You join NASA, hijack a shuttle, and head for the coordinates you calculated for the planet Vulcan.


10. "Our other starship separates into 3 pieces!"

9. "One photon torpedo can ruin your whole day...think about it"

8. "HONK if you've slept with Commander Riker!"

7. "Guns don't kill people...Class 2 Phasers do!"

6. "Zero to Warp 9.7 in 13 seconds!"

5. "CAUTION...We have a trigger happy Klingon at tactical."

4. "If you can read this...don't you think you're a wee bit too close?"

3. "Have you hugged a Ferengi today?"

2. "We brake for cubes!"

1. "Wesley On Board!"


1. Saying "make it so" in casual conversation

2. Indignation because the periodic table doesn't include dilithium and tritanium.

3. Able to use "variable phase inverter" in a sentence without excessive thought first

4. More than one pair of Spock ears on junk drawer

5. Have figured out the stardate system

6. Sudden urge to wear lots of Lycra

7. Scanning shelves at local liquor store for synthehol

8. The Star Trek theme becomes background music for your dreams

9. Major quote sources for thesis are Shakespeare, the Bible, and "The Omega Glory"

10. Memorization of the crew's authorization codes

11. Forgetting that present-day elevators don't have voice interface

12. Attending a convention wearing non-Terran vestments

13. Actual serious thoughts about buying that $300 model of the Enterprise from the Franklin Mint

14. Understanding Klingon

15. Lecturing any science professor on how transporters work

16. Playing fizzbin and understanding it

17. "The Outrageous Okona" seems like a fine piece of writing and dramatic stylistics

18. Paying rapt attention during those endless special effects sequences in ST:TMP

19. Inexplicable rock-climbing urges

20. More than three original episode outlines buried in your drawers

This is all taken from Minnie's ST Stuff4. I take no credit from it. I did not make this up, I just took the time to copy and paste it into this post for your needs. Some of this is actually quite funny and it had me laughing for a good 8minutes.

You can see more jokes here.

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I just have 1 thing to say... there is room for 1000000000000 crappy reality shows but not a single Star Trek series then these times we live in are sad indeed!!

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I guess this thread is ending as well as Enterprise is being cancelled. Not much to talk about I guess. Oh well...

"These are the voyages of the Neowin Thread Enterprise, to bold we go where no other thread has gone before..."

....................(fades into the great void of cyberspace)

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