[Definitive] Star Trek

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I think Star Trek is dead permanently.

The whole franchise is over now.

What we need is sometihng a little more hardcore star trek, I have yet too see the final eps of Enterprise, but by reading this thread i'm not very eager to see them.

I agree DS9 was the best StarTrek of them all, Voyager being the worst.

I watched a few seasons of Voyager and the ending, thought the ending sucked big time as with DS9 ending was stupid too.

I doubt there will ever be a new Star Trek series.

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You can't put all the blame on them. Its Paramount as a whole. They ultimately decide how things turn out, they are at the wheel.


I kinda fail to see were paramount screwed up I kinda consider it the fault of the people writing and directing the story. maybe you could enlighten me?

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"These are the voyages..." seemed like a bad TNG episode that was left on the cutting room floor, I still don't understand why Enterprise was being decommissioned she was only 10 years old, even with the new warp 7 ships there should have been some use for her, you didn't see them decommission all the other starfleet ships when Enterprise was launched.

I was just reading on the startrek.com forums that Paramount is planning a post voyager mini series in 2006, I don't know if this is true, but I sure hope it is.

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I think they might have decommissioned Enterprise because Kirk's was supposed to be the first of that name in the Federation?

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I think they might have decommissioned Enterprise because Kirk's was supposed to be the first of that name in the Federation?


well that and pretty much there much after 10 years is pretty long time for one ship to be running without decommission. technology enhances at a very high rate to were 10 years is really old for ship.

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The season finale wasn't too big of a dissapointment. I liked the end where it showed the 3 Enterprise ships. I didn't like that whole prospect of making the series a holo novel. It's wierd. It's not like they had holocameras in the Pre-Federation era. Too bad Trip had to die. They keep trying to get rid of him be he always returns, not this time though. I never quite understood the stuff about the Pegasus. I haven't even seen the TNG episode. Is it any good?

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I also enjoyed the ending montage. Not sure if Moore's Law applies as aptly in the years of and following 2151 if it's already starting to see projection limits here in 2005.

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The season finale wasn't too big of a dissapointment. I liked the end where it showed the  3 Enterprise ships. I didn't like that whole prospect of making the series a holo novel. It's wierd. It's not like they had holocameras in the Pre-Federation era. Too bad Trip had to die. They keep trying to get rid of him be he always returns, not this time though. I never quite understood the stuff about the Pegasus. I haven't even seen the TNG episode. Is it any good?


well just read the plot outline on star trek.com for pegasus and you will see how it fit in with what riker was talking about its half way thru the 7th season of tng.

and i just realised why Trip's death was so bad. no one gets caught offguard on a starfleet ship they anways have phasers during an intruder alert. there should have been at least 1 in the room were archer and trip were drinking. Trip should have died in a phaser shootout. never should have died like that. :no:

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That was the series ending... thats it.


I wouldn't even say that was a good season finale... maybe a good regular episode... a C.

But for a series, wow. That sucked completely.

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Rick Berman has like a year left on his contract. Paramount would be smart to wait for that to end before touching Star Trek again.

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oh snap, so they aired the last two eps on friday? whoops, missed it, grrrrr.

I can't say i'm all that disappointed. They gave very few of the characters any depth or reason to care about them.  Oh well, I'll just wait for the next series, movie or books. Hopefully they'll offer something to make things enjoyable again.


Maybe they'll make a movie around that guy from the future they never reveal.

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well that and pretty much there much after 10 years is pretty long time for one ship to be running without decommission. technology enhances at a very high rate to were 10 years is really old for ship.


They could have refitted her like they did with the original enterprise (she was set for decommissioning at 25 I believe). I agree with sukamusiru the decommissioning was to avoid screwing up the timeline more.

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You know what? That was the worst finale ever. I've been a Trekkie for many, many years and felt robbed by that episode.

One thing that ****es me off no end is the fact that the execs are so concerned with ratings that they don't give a **** about good TV any more.

So what if the ratings were low. So what if fewer people were watching.

How come poor shows like Joey get to live and on and on until season 245,000 with their poor "stories" when Enterprise is flushed?

B&B should be shot.

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Could someone explain about T'Pol and Trips baby. Like where did it come from? Did they just steal both their DNA to make the movie? If so what was the purpose of the baby? Or did T'Pol really biologically have the baby and just not remember? Brain washed? Is it not really their baby?

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Could someone explain about T'Pol and Trips baby. Like where did it come from? Did they just steal both their DNA to make the movie? If so what was the purpose of the baby? Or did T'Pol really biologically have the baby and just not remember? Brain washed? Is it not really their baby?


the terra prime dude said the spy stole their dna from a sample kept on file in the medical bay of enterprise. they then used the dna from each person to make a "test tube baby"

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I would have liked to have seen that Trip and T'Pol had a kid during that time, since they lost the one in the episode that aired before, or maybe having them getting married. That would have been nice.

Maybe also having Archer finding someone would have been nice.

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Hahah, Riker has the right idea. Using the holodeck the way it should be. I'm just at the part where he kissed T'Pol.

Btw, is it just me or does Troy look big around the belly?

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Weird last episode...Really liked the reapearence of TNG crew.


Did anyone notice Tpols Hair Style ?? Nice...

However only 4 seasons ???

TNG and DS9 made it to 7 right ??

I still think TNG was the best STAR TREK up to date.

I really hate Voyager.

DS9 was nice but didnt have the depth the TNG had.

Only 3,4 races always involved with it while in TNG we got to see the entire galaxy :)

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DS9 wasn't deep???

DS9 destoys TNG depth wise, come on DS9 is arguably the deepest most thought provoking Trek ever created.

Did every TNG character have a huge, sweeping backstory? Did every TNG character, whether major or minor get ample screen time? Did TNG have a huge, continous arc that pulled you in and made you care what really happened to the people in the series?

Don't get me wrong here, TNG was awesome, it's still my 2nd favorite series. But it can't compare to DS9 in any regard. I'd rather watch an entire day of Season 1 and 2 DS9 than any season of TNG (save for some episodes in TNG S4)


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Man that sucks. it's rather sick the way they ended it. I wanted to see T'pol get with someone and have a child. This episode sucked as a season finale, IMO. As an episode it was OK. Holodeck endings...?

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