Ashlee Simpson SNL Disaster

Is Ashlee Simpson's lip synching messup going to ruin her career permanently ?  

457 members have voted

  1. 1. Is Ashlee Simpson's lip synching messup going to ruin her career permanently ?

    • Yes, Ashlee is ruined, and she'll never recover
    • No, Ashlee will bounce back

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ARGH DAMN IT, SAW THE GAY P0RN ON THE LINKS... now im getting a man poking his arse and do the ashlee_dance nightmare!!!!



ROFL! :rofl:

ROFL! :rofl:

ROFL! :rofl:

I warned you! :p

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ARGH DAMN IT, SAW THE GAY P0RN ON THE LINKS... now im getting a man poking his arse and do the ashlee_dance nightmare!!!!


Damn, that sux. Where's the admin's when ya need them. :pinch:

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remove toplink :x


These are mirrors from a different forum... so don't hammer 'em too bad :p


These are for the low quality version. If you want a higher quality one visit genmay and find the thread.

@ahfunaki: how was it? :cool:


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The bottom line is that she sucks.

If the band did start to play the wrong song, then her band sucks. She could have continued to sing, but instead she skulks sheepishly from the stage.

Lots of bands make mistakes, but I have never seen the lead singer jump ship, especially not on live tv!

I remember watching the beginning of the annual train wreck commonly known as the VMAs, and her performance was absolutely awful.

It's the fact that she's talentless that provokes so much schadenfreude.

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These are mirrors from a different forum... so don't hammer 'em too bad :p

These are for the low quality version. If you want a higher quality one visit genmay and find the thread.

@ahfunaki: how was it? :cool:


WARNING!!! Do not use any of these links!!!

I am not sure if these links were ever legit, but now they are not at all. I did not try them all simpy because of the first one, which is a very, very NASTY gay porn type of movie. Not funny at all. So I suggest staying away from them all all together.

As far as the whole lip synching issue.

I did not see the first performance) which now I wish I had just so I knew for sure if my "theory" is valid) so I cannot say for sure, but I dont know if she was straight up lip synching as much as having a pre recorded track behind her of the "super enhanced STUDIO vocal track," to to make her live vocals sound better than they normally would, which is a very common, albeit it corny as hell and no talent approach, that most, if not every single one of pop stars, do actually use today. Pop music is more about the entire show and entertainment of it all, not how good a person can sing, but usually how good they look and can dance.

Also I have caught a few mintues of her show once, and the part I did see was her complaining about her vocal cords and how they were shot and she could not practice, which right there is a sign to me showing she simply should not be singing at all. Granted all singers go throgh times were they stress the vocal cords and have to take a rest, but the true singers in music, could belt out show after show, simply just drinking some hot tea to settle their vocal cords.

She has been just riding the success of her sister, and to comment on the poll questions asking is she now ruined? With her own career, possibly YES, but having her sister and Nick as relatives, and the incredible amount of money they have not only as individuals, but as a couple, I am sure she will still live the spoiled "good" life, that every single one of us posting here on Neowin could only imagine, so I personally, hardly consider that as being ruined. A setback? Yes, probably, but as long as she has that type of money in her immediate family, I gotta say she is hardly ruined.

EDIT - I did not go through to these back pages, but I see other people have already figured out the whole first link is NASTY.

Edited by DirtyLarry
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ROFL! :rofl:

ROFL! :rofl:

ROFL! :rofl:

I warned you! :p


haha, i just post the links that neowinians provided in my download manager, and didnt read your warnings :pinch:

click this if u want it her live

As a humble musician, i can tell that her voice is ran away from the chords in the reff on that the above link

angry fans & haters comin on her official web

ashlee, u need 5 years to disappear from the show biz

"Finally, you're exposed for the fraud that you are," wrote an E-mail poster named drdrewby minutes after the embarrassing performance. "You have cheated your fans and people who actually thought that you had a lick of talent. You should quit the music business because you are now and always will be a complete and utter joke."

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serves her right, if i were the sound guy, i would have done it on purpose, than laughed in her face while she bitched me out.

people like her have no talent, they have money they didn't earn to do it however they want..

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From Lucky Magazine interview:

LM: What are your takes on lip-synching?

AS: I'm totally against it and offended by it. I'm going out to let my real talent show, not to just stand there and dance around. Personally, I'd never lip-synch. It's just not me.


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i have no sympathy for her. i'm in a band and we struggle hard to get gigs and play good shows. it upsets me a lot when no talent little girls like ashlee simpson can for the most part get away with being a fake.

so in simple terms: SERVES YOU RIGHT ASHLEE SIMPSON!! :D

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hahaha i was laughing because i wasn't aware i was also listening to ferry corsten. so, when i was watching the video i was like "what the hell...that's waaaay wrong.." but then i realized the sound coming from my winamp instead of vlc :rofl:

first, it's wrong to totally blame on the band. if she's professional enough she'd keep try to sing/stay as the band did. and she can mention "technical error" instead of blaming other person(s). her voice isn't that good either. i'd say christina aguilera is still the best in term of "real voice" aaaaaand do you guys/girls see the dance she did....iyeeew that's just gross :x

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I'm so sorry about the links, guys. Originally they were all working and safe, but I guess the links were posted in various other places and the hosts of the mirrors got upset. I reported my own post, but it seems a mod hasn't gotten around to editing it.

Here is a SAFE link hosted on my own space (like i should have done in the first place) for anyone that still wants to see it:

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ahh I need to see this!

and kylan...I just saw coheed last week...


im seeing Coheed and Underoath in a few weeks. I cant WAIT. Nov15th in Tampa and Nov17th in will be the best week of my life

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It was just SNL, she didn't need to go out and be the real deal. Sure its bs that she was doing it, but let her get caught in a real (touring) performance like that until you can say her career hits the can.

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