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One day a hobo came up to a widows house and smelling a delicious aroma coming for an open window knocked on the door.

The widow answers the door and the hobo ask if she could spare some food.

The widow looks him over and replies " you're a fairly strong looking young man, why don't you offer to do a little work for a meal" ?

The hobo replies " look lady I just want some food and you seem to have plenty so I don't see why I should have to work for it".

The widow eyes squint and she has trouble containing her anger but replies, " I'm sorry if you are to lazy to work then I have no food for you."

The hobos' face turns red and he replies, "Look lady, if you don't give me some food I'll throw a Hobo Fit and you'll really be sorry." The widow thought for a moment and figured I've seen lots of fits so what the heck. "Go right ahead throw your fit"

The hobo looks around and spots her wash hanging on the clothes line and goes over and rips a pair of her underware down and chews the crouch out of them and throws them on the ground, the cat walks by and the hobo grabs it up and completely pull all the hair off of it, then he goes over where her donkey is tied to the fence and gets in in a headlock and starts squeezing.

The widow screams and run inside and dials the Police , the man on the other ends asks whats the problem, the old women is panting and can hardly talk, finally she gets her voice and explains, " there's a hobo here and he's throwing an Hobo Fit and I need help"

The officer has never heard of a Hobo Fit and ask her what is he doing.

The widow crys, "he's chewed the crouch out of my panties, snatched all the hair off my pu$$y and now he's squeezing the he11 out of my a$$.'

The officer calmy replies" Sorry lady, You'll be raped before we can get there."


Edited by cyoung1616
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