F1 - Another of B. Ecclestone

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yesterday here in my country, B. Ecclestone in interview with one racing specialized journalist on tv say is not possible what ferrari to dominate all on f1, try one kind of boycott against ferrari in 2005 together with new rules to avoid his supremacy!!!, but do not give more details about this.

really not because I don't like it, but this man is crazy or maybe senile no! :crazy:

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Bernie is crazy... we know that... He threatened to take F1 away from Montreal because of the Tobaco advertising law that came into affect. Problem is, he kept the Grand Prix in other countries that had similar laws (eg; no Tobaco ads can be associated with the race. So if Players sponsors you, you have to take their logo off your car). The other problem is that the Montreal Grand Prix is huge... for F1 and the city. That's where I am, btw, so you can see why I was miffed.

And Ferrari must die. SOmehow. I have nothing against them, except it's not exciting anymore. You always know who's going to win.

yesterday here in my country, B. Ecclestone in interview with one racing specialized journalist on tv say is not possible what ferrari to dominate all on f1, try one kind of boycott against ferrari in 2005 together with new rules to avoid his supremacy!!!, but do not give more details about this.

really not because I don't like it, but this man is crazy or maybe senile no! :crazy:


What? Did you say boycott Ferrari?

I don't see how you can say it's not exciting anymore, just because you know who's going to win doesn't mean the rest of the racers don't exist anymore. There are 2 more podiums, 2nd and 3rd place.

But they win becuase they are the best.. what else do you want?


That is true they are the best and I hope the other teams can compete favourably with the cash of Ferrari.

I'm going to wait and see if these new rules work. You never know what could happen

What? Did you say boycott Ferrari?

I don't see how you can say it's not exciting anymore, just because you know who's going to win doesn't mean the rest of the racers don't exist anymore. There are 2 more podiums, 2nd and 3rd place.


yep, I know still punctuation is valid until 8nd place, I think war starting in 2005.

ferrai could atleast pull out for a year or 2 so other people can truely compeate. someone did this in the lemans cause after time and time again they was winning the races so they pulled out so other people got a chance, i think it mite of been like jag or audi i cab't remember

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