[Request] High Quality Map of United States

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"why was this posted in Cursors, Icons & Wallpapers"

where else could i have posted this? i didnt see a better place. thanks for posting anyways.


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can anyone post a high quality map of the United States with the states clearly outlined?

any help is welcomed,



Watch yourself STV, George Dubyah might be reading this, and he will think you are a terrorist :wacko:


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ill try that out, fatgirl319. thank you so much for your time and effort. so, if i wanted to do something like this on my own, all i would have to do is "vectorize" the image?


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img*hairy ass of G.W.Bush Jr*img

Use your imagination. No offence, US citizens. Just hate how the elections turned out...


As do all europeans brother...as do all europeans.

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