Does Your School Use Firefox?

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Over the summer our uni have installed it on most systems so its up to the user to choose between FF and IE. All the Linux PC's have them on as default but on Windows its the users choice. Sadly not many people use it over IE.

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For this year's model laptops, yes (0.80)...but I don't know for lab computers or the computers in the library since I don't use them... :p

But I.E. is set as default and most people use it anyway

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Nope, not installed here at Tarleton State University, though I have suggested it to a network admin, but they don't listen to me. I may have to make some more noise (I've also suggested Thunderbird as a replacement for outlook for staff computers because of the way viruses spread so often among them). Each student at our school gets 100mb of space on a network drive so I have FF installed there and can access it from any on-campus computer :cool:

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Firefox is still menat for geeks and individuals, if you're someone in the company to make the decision, you won't go for IE at this time.

The majority of website and applications are still supporting IE, but not FF. Also you cannot ask user to switch only because few folks use it now and you see a big increase due to these geeks. When IE release next version and gain more popularity, then you'll have to ask users to switch back.

These switching fee is expensive in terms of support, application, etc. So in terms of the whole school, well, maybe they can install it as a program in the student lab, but for staff and faculty, no, stick with IE.


A few folks? Try 7 million! :yes:

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Mozilla FireFox doesn't use Microsoft System Installer (MSI) This makes it a BITCH TO DEPLOY!

It cannot be added to a Group Policy and its a bitch to deploy because of this reason. Blame Mozilla.

This is one reason why its a pain in the ass to get into schools and companies!

Good Thinking :s

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My teachers asked us what Firefox was. We told them and they allowed us to install them on our own computers if we pleased (since we get our own PC in class). But tomorrow I'll bring it up to get them to install it instead of IE for the launch ;)

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While I'm not a fan of firefox at all, I could see the benefits of having options, or even disabling IE all together. But it would be very difficult to deploy it across hundreds, or even a few thousand computers.

Theres the other aspect that everyone is comfortable with IE. If they were forced to change to FF they would be confused or even angered because they have haven't been exposed to other alternatives. Not to mention, that most of them are closeminded and will just say "NO YOU JACKASS!"

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*Nix (KDE) Terminals

- Includes Netscape and Mozilla. I am trying to get them to also provide FireFox, and they probably will.

Windows Terminals

- Only IE :(

Mac Terminals

- Whatever... I never use them. Probably Safari though.

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IE but Netscape in the web design rooms, Even thought they have switched from Dreamweaver to Front Page :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Even though they still have Dreamweaver MX installed on the PC's (I told the I'm not going to use that ****e and made my site in DW)

Installing NN proves they don't know ****e because if they did they would know they could of installed the lighter Firefox instead as they have exactly the same engine and so what works in Firefox works in Netscape.

I got caught installing FF on just about every computer I went on, so now I run it from my Flashdisk.

I still install in on the college library comps because they havent noticed yet, I'm alsoi the person who changes the Resolution to 1024/768 and gets rid of the ****e plain blue background. (they used to change the BG back untill I got a photo and but the College logo in it, now they leave that one :D)

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Nope, and I doubt they will install FF in the near future, as a matter of fact some PC's have still IE 5.0!!! :angry: I can't believe those guys haven't upgraded them to IE 6.

The funny part is that I can't log in my GMail account since it requieres IE 5.5 at least. :laugh:

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everything they have is IE as far as i can tell. from my own personal experience, all of the online student service areas work with firefox except WebCT, which seems to have some stylesheet issues. it works fine, it just doesn't look quite right. i kind of doubt they'll be switching to firefox anytime soon...

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Nope, im glad. One of the old annoying hag teachers uses it.. She's a retard though and she thinks that Firefox is like the Internet Two or something and that if you dont use Firefox you will have to pay $100 to Microsoft. Give me a BREAK :laugh:

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...and that if you dont use Firefox you will have to pay $100 to Microsoft. Give me a BREAK  :laugh:


Well, technically, you do have to pay Microsoft a bit of money to use IE (after all, you have to buy Windows)*

* Yes, I know that there is IE on Mac, but that is old and almost obsolete, plus money for that still goes to Microsoft, as it is licensed.

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My University has Mozilla and Netscape installed on all user accounts, but unfortunately no Firefox. But this might change when Firefox becomes part of the main suite... :D

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Yes, we use firefox but its a pain in the ass because i gotta update 300 computers tomorrow to firefox 1.0 and set profiles....

not all at once but my high school needs it i think...But we are not gestapo IE converters, we have both browsers with links on desktop to both :)

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I am still in K-12 School, they use IE. I think I kno more than the server administrators there, they think IE is a gift from god. At least it is IE 6 though....

Edited by bfoot045
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No, but I do. In the Mac lab I even tried out Camino (0.8.1) and I like it better than Safari. I help out the Tech guy so I have the admin pass and everything. I "could" download onto the server and have it push it out to all the users but I think most people think it was a game or something. Oh well, either way I still clean up the computers daily from anonying spyware, or pop-ups where about 30+ pop-up and won't stop. *sigh* Only way to make the computers safer is...errr I dunno.

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my school is know for its technology education and advances, it have at least 20 P4 in every class room.. :ninja: ...other than the Cafe, Gym and other obvious places, and ues it is a high-school...we get special fundings... :D but they are all still using IE. I know all of the IT department staff and I know they are not n00bs and also they are very nice people, and I have advised them severel times the option of Firefox, but they are still shaky....maybe the 1.0 release will hit it home....we'll see... :cool:

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