ABC apologizes for nudity on Monday Night Football

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no need for that you euro


:rofl: first time i've seen someone refer to europeans as euro.. sound funny lol

you euro.. lol


just saw the clip, yes americans are stupid.

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Take it from an analytical perspective instead of a horny teenager perspective. Would you really want your 9 year old hearing about Edie's "needs"? I wouldn't. Football is a family sport, and kids shouldn't be forced to plug their ears during commercials.

I'm all for seeing commercials with less ruthless sex and more content. Desperate Housewives is a great show, one of my favorites this season... and it has a rather small amount of sexual content. I'm comfortable watching it around my parents. All this crap about how "controversial" it is, its all just a marketing ploy. Even the name sounds like that of a porn movie.

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You people need to realize that there is a HUUUUGE difference between a prime time football game, which runs with a G rating, and day or night soap operas. They come with ratings so parents may protect younger kids from this crap. I'm sorry, but if I had a kid and that was on tv, I'd go nuts. ESPECIALLY during something which is supposed to be for the family.

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You people need to realize that there is a HUUUUGE difference between a prime time football game, which runs with a G rating, and day or night soap operas.  They come with ratings so parents may protect younger kids from this crap.  I'm sorry, but if I had a kid and that was on tv, I'd go nuts.  ESPECIALLY during something which is supposed to be for the family.


Anybody who watches football with their kids on a school night is a freaking moron, and their kids would turn out to be morons too. Family my ass. Football for kids at primetime? Please...

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Anybody who watches football with their kids on a school night is a freaking moron, and their kids would turn out to be morons too. Family my ass. Football for kids at primetime? Please...


Here on the Pacific coast, Monday Night Football starts around 6PM. Its perfectly natural for football-fan dads to grab their kids and sit down for some dad + son time. Nothing moronic about it.

Most kids' bedtimes are around, what, 10PM? That still leaves a full hour on the East coast for kids to watch.

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This is the same network that wouldn't air "Saving Private Ryan" because they were afraid of FCC backlash. Gimme a friggin break.



They did air it... it was some of the affiliates that decided not to air it because they were afraid of being fined.

American People are so stupid.... 

Oh yeah... I'm sure we ALL are... speak for yourself ok? A few doesn't represent the whole ok? :crazy:

I thought the clip was perfectly fine. Lately, the FCC and the ultra-conservative people in America have just wanted to complain about everything. This is getting stupid now! :wacko: :rolleyes:

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Eh...if it was a white guy she jumped on, or if the chick was a hot black chick,  I'd really doubt we'd be hearing anything about it.

ESPN showed it tons of times, and nothing. Nothing obscene about it.


If that is truely at the heart of this situation then...

well... I don't know what to say. Other than it's sad.

The interracial angle never donned on me.

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The intent was there, from their point of view, which I understand.


and there is intent in those cialis/viagra/levitra ads too and we dont hear complaints about those.

as far as the racist thing, whats worse? the black athlete that says i need to go play the game or the white woman that drops her towel to entice him to skip it? it portrays white women a step worse than how it portrays the black male. i'd take bets that most the people up in arms are from those red states.

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It's a ****ing football game, no kids are watching, just a bunch of masterbating how does this hinder their self satisfying needs? eh? eh? nude back...almost...there...fap fap fap!

no but seriously, american television is so overly censored it hurts. I am glad to have much more liberal stations in canada, that we don't have to pay extra for ie. HBO.

This is a harmless ABC joke that I thought was aight

Edited by unique
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My parents weren't too happy about that preview to MNF.... It's not just the nudity it was the whole message it sent the the kids watching it (not me lol... im 19). And YES kids do watch football dumass.

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Let me get this straight...

Two groups of grown men throwing a dead pig carcass around while trying to purposely collide violently and barbarically beat each other to the ground while scores of scantily-clad women on the sidelines bounce and entice the crowd into frenzies of adulation for one side and scornful derision for the other.

Then, pause periodically for slick contrived advertisements for everything from alcohol to "male enhancement" drugs using the tried-and-true "sex sells" and sexual inuendo techniques, then back to the unabashed and celebrated ritualistic violence...

...and some sultry saucy talk and a bare back are inappropriate?

Did you guys see the same video clip of it that I did? Did I somehow miss the full-frontal X-rated "director's cut" of this ad? :blink:

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You people need to realize that there is a HUUUUGE difference between a prime time football game, which runs with a G rating, and day or night soap operas.  They come with ratings so parents may protect younger kids from this crap.  I'm sorry, but if I had a kid and that was on tv, I'd go nuts.  ESPECIALLY during something which is supposed to be for the family.


You'd go nuts??? Have you actually ever seen a football game and the COMMERCIAL's for beer ad's and video games just to name a few. Can name a few where scantily dressed women wrestle around. So yeah, keep it off of the football pregame, I'll just wait for the beer/videogame/penis hardening/ other ad to watch the exact same thing.

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Let me get this straight...

Two groups of grown men throwing a dead pig carcass around while trying to purposely collide violently and barbarically beat each other to the ground..


its not really the skin of a dead pig, its the skin of a dead cow. dont ask me y they call it pigskin thou maybe it was the skin of a pig years ago.

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I love the double standards in this country. People are up in arms about this airing at 9pm (est) and yet The View (talk show on abc) was showing the clip along with the news and I don't hear anyone complaining about that. Its all a publicity stunt by ABC to get more ratings for that stupid show.

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Anybody who watches football with their kids on a school night is a freaking moron, and their kids would turn out to be morons too. Family my ass. Football for kids at primetime? Please...


how do you think most people become football fans, or fans of any other sport for that matter? i know in my case, i sat down with my dad and watched the game and it grew from there.. may be different for some, but kids do watch monday night football.

but i dont think theres a kid out there that has never seen a naked back on tv, in a movie, or somewhere else before. the janet jackson thing, yeah, i understand the uproar there.. but this? come on..

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this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. What the hell is wrong with this country? You see worse on soap operas at 3 in the afternoon, let alone 9 at night. These people buy their kids violent video games and movies and hit the roof when some chick pretends to drop her towel. The real, unspoken, problem that people have with this is that she is white and he is black. That's what this is really about.

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Maybe everyone should do whatever we want and blow up porno stars while they're doin' it on the steps of the capitol.

Maybe we should all be anarchists.


I believe the FCC had to do that BUT... they have to make the rules more clear! Like the incident with Bono who said F*** and some other guy did the same. Bono wasn't fined (though later he was) but the other guy did.

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