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sweet nice one, its a shame you have to reshack most of msn to make it look something like!

only trouble is that you cant right click the msn icon and exit the program. I have to kill it in the task manager, is there a work around?

fixed it my bad

Edited by shaywood
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yeah, and while we're at it, how do you remove the advert bar at the bottom using reshacker or similar....??


FIRST! do a backup of "msnmsgr.exe" and Close MSN/Remove fr Taskbar.

STEP1: download Hex Editor XVI32 from this website. No need to install, just extract the .zip file.

STEP2: start XVI32.exe, choose File > Open, locate "msnmsgr.exe", and open it

STEP3: From the menu, select Address > Goto, select hexadecimal, and enter E5E61, press OK

STEP4: The value selected will be 74, simply type EB to replace it (so 74 becomes EB)

STEP5: When done select File > Save from the menu, and exit XVI32 ,

Reopen Messenger 6.2, now without the ads!

I have this saved from a guy long time ago, so i did'nt write these instructions, credits go to that guy ;/

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