Dell UltraSharp 2005FPW 20" Widescreen LCD

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If my replacement isn't to my liking, it's going back for a refund. Or, the lady I spoke to (she could speak perfect English and was really nice, she wasn't with customer support either :D ), said I could upgrade my monitor to something other than a 2005FPW if I paid the difference, of course.

So what would be an upgrade to this? A TV monitor? A 2001FP?

:shifty: Maybe I'll just get a Diamond Pro...

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We have reviewed your order. Although we had anticipated being able to ship your order sooner,

we are experiencing an unexpected delay with your order and will not be able to ship this order and any associated orders until on or before 01-27-2005.

Please be aware that due to Federal Trade Commission rules, we must have your consent to continue with the order despite the delay. If you do not contact us by 7:00pm Central Standard Time on 01-20-2005, your order will automatically be cancelled.

Please inform us of your decision to consent or cancel your order by emailing the Dell Notification team at or by calling us at 1-877-868-3355.

Please include your customer number or order number with any correspondence.

We apologize for any inconvenience this delay may cause you.

Thank you,

Dell Inc. Notification Team

dell is messing up hardcore. first they send me an email delaying my order until 1/20. now they sent me the above email at 7:30pm last night on the 18th. notice how it says 1/27? Today i checked my status online and guess what ? it SHIPPED. i'm gonna call dell just in case.

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dell is messing up hardcore. first they send me an email delaying my order until 1/20. now they sent me the above email at 7:30pm last night on the 18th. notice how it says 1/27? Today i checked my status online and guess what ? it SHIPPED. i'm gonna call dell just in case.


Same thing happened to me. The same day I got the letter I checked the Dell order status page and it was on its way to the carrier. I received mine on Monday. If you don't have yours yet, I would definitely be looking into where it went to.

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The he told me to wipe my screen to clean the pixels (WTF????????)

Really these guys have no idea.

****es me off so badly you spend ?600 odd quid on a monitor that on the day you get it gets 2 dead pixels and back light bleed is terrible and the support, WHAT SUPPORT? Its a joke.


Dell's policy is that it is the industry standard to have up to 4 or 5 dead pixels. Unless you can count to six they won't generally replace it.

The backlight bleed, however, is another issue. Some customers have called for a recall on the A00 units.

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Just telling you one thing. Buy Eizo Monitors. Haven?t seen a single monitor with bad pixels. My screen is a lil bit over 2 years and still no dead pixels. The only small bad thing is they don?t have lower than 16 ms. Which should be enough. Mine has 25 or 35 not sure and i can still play games like CS and Quake.

Eizo rocks!

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Dell's policy is that it is the industry standard to have up to 4 or 5 dead pixels.? Unless you can count to six they won't generally replace it.

The backlight bleed, however, is another issue.? Some customers have called for a recall on the A00 units.


Right, So why are people on here telling me Dell have a ZERO dead pixel Policy?:huh:h:

Also, in Service And Support Here -


[quotDell will accept returns of software, peripherals and accessories products for any reason within 30 days of invoice date subject to the terms and conditions below. This does not affect customers' statutory rights.b>

Dell will not refund any original shipping charges associated with returned items, other than for defective merchandise. Dell will arrange for the collection of the goods to be returned and arrange for the delivery of the replacement products if any.


Doesnt mention anything about 'Any reason to return' with exceptions such as >6 Dead Pixels.

Therefore. If Im not happy with it, they dont need to question me. They either send me a replacement or Let me have a refund. IF my replacement has any dead pixels and back light bleed within 5 hours of me having it they getting rung back, and are ringing me back. Im not wasting ?3 on a phone call to get no where. They can come and collect it and give me a full refund and ill get something else.

You DO NOT play ?616.80 (On sale for ?494) for a monitor that on the day it arrives has 2 dead pixels and severe back light bleed (haha, thats a joke Dell Customer support didnt even know what it is. How is that support???????????)

And anyone who says 'Dead Pixels will happen, deal with it' Then no, you just accept it, more fool you. I want a perfect monitor for this amount of money.

My old LG had no Dead pixles after 2 years. Why should something double the price have 2 from the word go?

I think its terrible, Us, as the CUSTOMER are suppose to put up with >6 DEAD PIXELS from the day we recieve it. How is that acceptable? I think thats pathetic.

When you buy a new car you dont expect scratches on it do you? NO!

And the LCD Panel for the Audio system You dont expect Dead Pixles on that do you? NO!

Id love to speak to anyone who thinks >6 dead pixels is OK. I for one, Do not think it is.

Im sorry to rant like this but its pathetic.

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Well, add me to the list of muppets that has been dupped by this monitor.

I did extensive research before ordering it, read this topic and several others on Hard Forum and Dell Talk. Was well aware of the back lighting and dead pixel issues. Put in the order on Tuesday gambling that I might be one of the lucky few to get a perfect model - or even one with just a couple of dead pixels and no backlighting. That I could accept.

It arrived this morning, very prompt service which was nice. First alarm bell - Manufactured November 2004, A00, Assembled in the UK. Supposedly the worst batch of 2005FPWs are from this month.

Still, first impressions were good - nice and neat, great picture, vivid colours, really sharp compared to my CRT, loved it being widescreen and only one dead pixel. Little or no backlighting from what I could see but it was still daylight.

Fast forward 5 hours to when the sun has gone down. 4 dead pixels around the centre of the screen and MASSIVE backlighting problems in all four corners.

Pictures here (excuse the shakey hand!): (lights off) (lights on)

Looks like another November model can be written off. This is going straight back to Dell for a full refund. I'm not gonna risk getting a replacement as in all likelihood it will be just as bad, if not worse.

Also, I have now spotted 4 dead pixels around the centre area of the screen, 2 green, 2 red. Out of the box that's just not good enough.

I'm very disappointed as I really really like this monitor but a backlighting problem of this severity is just unacceptable.

I would recommend anybody thinking about getting this monitor to steer clear of it. Keep your money, look elsewhere. Don't be tempted like I was, thinking you might end up with a perfect one, the chances of that, it seems, are very very remote.

One question - are LCDs supposed to get this hot? It has been on for about 5 hours and the screen is very warm and so is the top of the back plate. The heat seems to effect the backlighting, the warmer it gets the worse it becomes.

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Also, something else I've noticed - the screen seems to be suffering from temporary burn in. When I change to another program after leaving the screen relatively unchanged for a few minutes (10-15) I can see a faint after image (the outline of an icon, or window box) for about 20 seconds until it fades away.

Should a new monitor be doing this?

I had already turned the brightness down to 50% btw.

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I have mine on for about 12-16 hours a day, it gets warm... Not too hot though.

Yeh, you got the Same Novemeber A00 Rev as me. They suck.

2-3 Dead Pixels out of the box and severe back light bleed is not good enough at all.

As you are doing, Im risking a replacement. If this is bad, Im getting a refund and getting some thing else. These are plagued.

The thing is, they ARE excellent monitors IF you get a good one, which is unlikely.

I just hope my replacement is good. otherwise I'll have to go else where.

And no, you shouldnt have burn in lol

Damn... I have bad screen door on mine. Its getting worse :angry:

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UK customers seem more likely to get stuck with a A00 product than American customers. Perhaps the UK has older inventory that they're still trying to clear. It should be pretty clear, based on the percentage of returns, that there is something wrong with the product. I don't know how they can continue to operate business as usual with that product.

My problem is that I don't know where Canada is. I had recommended the Dell but now he's considering paying double the price for the Apple 20" Cinema display.

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I'm humming and hawing between asking for a refund or risking one replacement.

I think I'll email them and state very clearly that if they can supply me with a brand new A01 revision, manufactured January 2005 I will accept a replacement. If not, I will expect a complete refund.

Hopefully they'll play ball but I doubt it.

What exactly are my rights with Dell when it comes to getting a complete refund? Looking at their website it says 7 days. But elsewhere I've read 21 days - is that in the states only? T&C -

Number 6. says the same thing

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You have 7 business days from the day after you recieve the product.

This applies to any product bought over internet or mail order in the UK.

I wouldn't bother with a replacement, more chance of them trying to screw you around once your 7 days are up.

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Well my 2005 arrived today. I haven't looked in detail but there doesn't appear to be any pixel problems. However, there is a severe backlight leakage problem.

You guessed it, I'm in the UK, with a November A00 revision model. There is clearly a manufacturing defect in this model.

The monitor will have to go back anyway as the monitor refuses to clip to the stand properly and hinges on the top pegs and wn't click to the bottom ones. When rotated the monitor tried to slip off to the right, clearly unnaceptable and potentially damaging.

Can I demand an A01 model or is the 20% discount currently running to try to get shut of excess stock and I'll just be sent another A00?

Does anyone have a non-0870 number for dell support too?

Apart from the problems, a SWEEEEET monitor. It's fun having 3360 * 1050 resolution :-)



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My replacement is due on the 24th. I wonder if im suppose to send this one back with the Courier when the replacement arrives, nothing was mentioned :wacko:

I'll pack it up Sunday night anyway just in case ;)

Oh well.

When I get this if I see A00 im gunna sigh, loudly as I doubt this one will be any better, but then again A01 Jan's are still picking up the faults.

I REALLY dont want to have to go through the Dell Support thing again.

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My replacement is due on the 24th. I wonder if im suppose to send this one back with the Courier when the replacement arrives, nothing was mentioned :wacko:

I'll pack it up Sunday night anyway just in case ;)

Oh well.

When I get this if I see A00 im gunna sigh, loudly as I doubt this one will be any better, but then again A01 Jan's are still picking up the faults.

I REALLY dont want to have to go through the Dell Support thing again.

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i cant believe this topic is still alive LOL.

i have settled for 2 BenQ's 17" LCD flat monitors... but i really wanted those dells :(

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Hi all,

Just an update -- after a few days of trying to live with it, I decided the backlight issues on my A00 (Dec 2004 -- assembled in Mexico) were just not acceptable given the cost. I didn't mind the two bluish stuck-on pixels -- I never notice them in day to day use. So I called Dell's tech support and the rep said OK for a replacement. [side note: always talk to the tech support guys/gals first -- Customer Care can send you a replacement only if the Tech support has given them a note that the problem is not fixable.]

So after the usual shipping delays :sleep: , my monitor showed up on Wed. A January 2005 Rev A01 ( :woot: (so I thought)). Plugged it in -- only one red-stuck on pixel. :yes: Watched last half an hour of a DVD -- colour is good. :yes: Credits roll on dark screen -- major back light bleed in top and bottom corners. :angry: Definitely not good. Tried the screen wipe solution. No better. :crazy:

Called Dell -- after the usual hoop jumping, I'm getting another replacement and this "A01" is going back to the depot, so presumably they can send it back out to some other sucker.

BTW, when I called tech support, he first asked if there were more than 8 (!) dead pixels -- I presume that's what the 'accepted' policy number is in the Dell support manuals. :huh:

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8? Stupid.

Anyone who thinks >8 Dead Pixels is acceptable needs to be shot.

Or ill happily take ?616 off him for a monitor that has >8 Dead Pixels from the start and MAJOR back light bleed.

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My replacement is due on the 24th. I wonder if im suppose to send this one back with the Courier when the replacement arrives, nothing was mentioned :wacko:

I'll pack it up Sunday night anyway just in case ;)

Oh well.

When I get this if I see A00 im gunna sigh, loudly as I doubt this one will be any better, but then again A01 Jan's are still picking up the faults.

I REALLY dont want to have to go through the Dell Support thing again.


have it packed up and ready. do not forget to schedule a pick up with your local courier. then have the person sign your packing slip when they pick it up.

Edited by knowleqe
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