Dell UltraSharp 2005FPW 20" Widescreen LCD

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do you they do any quality control at all or do they just expect people to accept crap?? after reading this I think that Dell must be shipping your returned monitors to others in this thread and just passing them around until one of you is willing to accept the imperfections.? seriously though they should have a QC test that would prove that it has no dead pixels before shipment.? it makes no sense not to if you are going to have a return at any cost policy.


1.97 million pixels/b>...and because one is screwed up you are going to complain? come on build the monitors and then scrap any of them...some people arent bothered by one dead pixel on a screen...its not like you cant use it...

just call dell up for a replacement...they will give you a new one, whenever u get the new one, u ship the screwed up one back...they pay, its not that bad, and you will be able to do this for3 YEARS! /b>

if that isnt quality control, i dont know what is...and besides, any time any of you have been on hold with dell is nothing compared to the now 13 hours of total time i have been on just realize that it is quality control, and sometimes, dead pixels might even occur on know, when those idiots at DHL handle the sure they dont give a ****

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Thanks to everyone in this forum, I've just bought mine!!!?:DD


congrats, welcome to the future of computer displays:DD

::: if anything, i would contact dell tomorrow, and see if you can get it shipped from someone OTHER than DHL...during the christmas season, im sure DHL employees are going to be stealing as many items as they can. DHL is a TERRIBLE shipping company, and if you want the chance of having your monitor stolen (mine was), then go with them.

heh, ask for UPS or Fedex...hell even the USPS is better than DHL

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Earlier in the forum some1 wanted reloaded to take a pic of his 2005fpw next to his vp171s

well i have both those monitors and here is the pic But mine is the vp171b (Black)

Edited by yannisanf15
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Earlier in the forum some1 wanted reloaded to take a pic of his 2005fpw next to his vp171s

well i have both those monitors and here is the pic But mine is the vp171b (Black)


WOW! :woot: yours looks pretty much perfect to me. i got a stuck blue pixel. im calling dell tomorrow for a replacement. sucks too, this one doesn't have that much backlight either :cry: . hopefully i'll get a good replacement.

/knocks on wood

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i really want to get one, but i'm int he uk, and apparently you need to phone up and "convice" the sales person to go search for them, then "convince" them to sell you it :/

and we dont get nice money off deals like the US

sucks :/

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mine is still on order with Dell UK, they now telling me it should be with me by 23rd December......the order was placed on the 22nd November....

i hope mine is perfect!!!!

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well i have just gotten off the phone with dell customer support, it was an experience. i did not have to wait extremely long as meshuggah though. the prompts that dell gives you after you call 1800-624-9897 keep giving you the run around and asking you for the express code. i finally got a hold of a rep [indian] and after 5 minutes he transferred me to hardware support. another 5 minuts later an indian gentleman answers my call. his english was not that bad at all it was just the connection on the phone that made things slow down. also the fact that we had to repeat the numbers on the monitor and my address/information back to each other at least 3 times to make sure everything was correct.

as the call was ending i asked if he was going to ship me a brand new monitor and he told me no, it was a "like-new" monitor. i was thinking, this is outrageous, i bought a NEW monitor, i expect and NEW monitor in exchange. then i asked the policy and his reply was, "dell replaces products older than 21 days with like-new products". i told him that i just got my monitor 2 days ago. he checks it, then says he will send out a brand new one. im getting a little susupicious so i repeat that they will send me a brand new one a couple times. he seems to get irritated but states the fact of a new one being shipped. for some reason he would not give me a tracking number. all he gave me was an eight digit dispatch number that he says serves as a tracking/call record number.

i tried to ask for another shipping carrier but he said that it was not possible. he also said that the monitor will be at my door no later than Monday. we'll see how fast the next day shipping is. hopefully this new one has no dead pixels or backlight issues [knocking on wood]

my question is to those of you who have gotten replacements, is there a seperate order number that appears on your dell account? and how do you make certain your replacement monitor is BRAND SPANKIN' NEW?

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does anyone have the same problem as me where i check the "Order Status" on the Dell page it says "In Transit to Local Carrier" but it has been 4 days since its been saying this. What does that mean? Does it mean they havent shipped it out yet? Is DHL the default shipping company they use?

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nice 1 :) ty holgman :)

still costs alot :(

i was hoping for closer to ?500:// what with the US price being $600~ with reductions

and how come we dont get any % off things?:((

and knowleqe you can tell if it is new or not when you recive it is suppose, check to see if the box looks like it has already been opened, check the packaging to see if it is in good condition, and check all over the monitor for any scratches ect

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the reason they gave you a dispatch number is because there is no order number...its the same one as the original order, because this is a me, i was confused to, but from talking to a few supervisors this is the info i got a hold of

they will give you a dispatch number, then in a few days call back, unless the monitor already gets there, ask for the Exchange number, get also a case number from whoever you talk to....once you get that, you should be able to use that number to check as far the the "In Transit to Local Carrier"

That means that if they shipped it overnight, it will be at your house today, if you saw that message. Mine should be here today, but if they shipped it with 3-5 day shipping, its going to be at least another week before it arrives, and thats if it isnt stolen by DHL

The 'like-new' stuff is bull****, just keep complaining, never let them give you a used product, especially if you are buying a new monitor, **** them...if i was you i would have just recalled and tried to talk to an american, or get that persons extensions, talk to their supervisor and complain.

now that makes me sick to my stomach, if my monitor comes in all screwed up, im immediatly calling them for a replacement, i dont want a refurbished monitor, and im not going through some more hell with these idiots....sometimes i wish i had just bought another monitor

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the reason they gave you a dispatch number is because there is no order number...its the same one as the original order, because this is a me, i was confused to, but from talking to a few supervisors this is the info i got a hold of

they will give you a dispatch number, then in a few days call back, unless the monitor already gets there, ask for the Exchange number, get also a case number from whoever you talk to....once you get that, you should be able to use that number to check as far the the "In Transit to Local Carrier"

That means that if they shipped it overnight, it will be at your house today, if you saw that message. Mine should be here today, but if they shipped it with 3-5 day shipping, its going to be at least another week before it arrives, and thats if it isnt stolen by DHL

The 'like-new' stuff is bull****, just keep complaining, never let them give you a used product, especially if you are buying a new monitor, **** them...if i was you i would have just recalled and tried to talk to an american, or get that persons extensions, talk to their supervisor and complain.

now that makes me sick to my stomach, if my monitor comes in all screwed up, im immediatly calling them for a replacement, i dont want a refurbished monitor, and im not going through some more hell with these idiots....sometimes i wish i had just bought another monitor


They also gave me a dispatch number. How do I find out my traacking number?

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Thanks for everyone for their positive (and negative) comments.

- acliff, I believe that your review is a lot better than mine, it really should be the main review! Thanks for your detailed and insightful thoughts.

- I apologize for every person that sent me a personal message and I didn't reply. I was really busy in the past 10 days.

Finally, after using this monitor for almost a month now, I decided to buy a widescreen LCD for my home theater (Olevia LT30HV 30" HDTV-Ready Flat-Panel LCD TV), there is an excellent review on this LCD at ExtremeTech. I have also purchased the HP z540 Digital Entertainment Center. PC Magazine has a great review on this MCE2005 PC.

If anyone is interested, I can make a new review detailing those 2 products and how they work with my other home theater devices (A/V receiver, Comcast cable, Dish Network receiver, etc.). I?ll receive the items on December 10 and 11.

Feel free to voice your opinion or request for such a review.

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the reason they gave you a dispatch number is because there is no order number...its the same one as the original order, because this is a me, i was confused to, but from talking to a few supervisors this is the info i got a hold of

they will give you a dispatch number, then in a few days call back, unless the monitor already gets there, ask for the Exchange number, get also a case number from whoever you talk to....once you get that, you should be able to use that number to check as far the the "In Transit to Local Carrier"

That means that if they shipped it overnight, it will be at your house today, if you saw that message. Mine should be here today, but if they shipped it with 3-5 day shipping, its going to be at least another week before it arrives, and thats if it isnt stolen by DHL

The 'like-new' stuff is bull****, just keep complaining, never let them give you a used product, especially if you are buying a new monitor, **** them...if i was you i would have just recalled and tried to talk to an american, or get that persons extensions, talk to their supervisor and complain.

now that makes me sick to my stomach, if my monitor comes in all screwed up, im immediatly calling them for a replacement, i dont want a refurbished monitor, and im not going through some more hell with these idiots....sometimes i wish i had just bought another monitor


any tips on how to get an american on the phone? has anyone tried emailing i hear they answer emails within 6 hours.

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i love the pic...... but im wondering if i should of gotten the 2001FP... :(

sidenote: god damn it i hate towelheads i was on hold for 20mins and got one and shes like lemme transfer you WTF!


i cant beliebe Meshuggah jumped on something that seemed like racial stereotyping and you get away with this racist shiit! listen up moron, not everyone in india is a 'towelhead' if your gunna be racist try to put a little thought into it you brainless mistake.

Look im Canadian and i own a dell laptop, i have to call dell all the time for problems and i always seem to get someone in india. i get frusterated and i swear and yell, but i never fuuckingg bring race into the problem. grow up, we live in a global market place.

oh and you know when im on the phone and frusterated or right after ive talked to some american friends bitching about outsourcing, all i can think of is why cant americans do this job? the simple answer is that americans get a descent salary at call centers and STILL bitch about salary and benefits so dell and other companies goto places that are cheaper, hey dont get me wrong, im as p iss ed as anyone else, ive had call centre jobs in my past and ive been fired form one because of this exact reason (ironic that the us outsourced to Canada, hehehe at least i could speak english)

anyways... back on track...

just wondering- i cant find that pic taken with a 2001fp and 2005fp side by side :( any help? im TOORRNN between these two and seriously leaning towards the 2005 ;)

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any tips on how to get an american on the phone? has anyone tried emailing i hear they answer emails within 6 hours.


Email support answered me in like an hour. Maybe less, I can't remember.

If you want a tracking number on your replacement monitor just login on the Dell website and you'll see it show up as a new order eventually. They'll update it with a tracking number once it ships.

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OOOOOOMG its here!!!! screen is insane, no dead pixels, no backlighting problems....the dvi extension i bought doesnt work, so i will need to buy a different one, but OMG is this thing insane

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Now I have a question. I saw dell was selling them for 20% off, and I was going to jump on it with my 25% off coupon BUT it wouldn't let me. Is this coupon not stackable? Is there any coupons out there that are?

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