Half-Life Source

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Yea, I was a bit disappointed with HL Source, considering the update Counter-Strike got. The "resampled" textures in HL Source are the same old low res textures resized with a filter run over them. I was also expecting some better looking models, like from he high def pack or somthin. The water is cool tho in levels where it's abundant.

  jeavis said:
Absolutly not.  The only difference I can tell is the water look like the water in HL2 (without the cool reflections), and the lights have a slight overbright feel to them.  I feel ripped.


Thanks a lot for the opinion. I had a feeling that was the case. I don't know if DOD: Source will be any different or just like HL: Source. I have to say I am pretty unimpressed with the netcode in CS: Source. Lag and lack of anti-cheat technology outright blows.

I sure am enjoying HL2 singleplayer! Great game!

  SkaterAustin said:
half-life source looks just like the first one, it runs really fast compared to hl 2.. its a rip off, compared to cs source because cs source was all the way re-done...


Speaking of textures, I've noticed in HL2 that when you get close up (next to) to a wall the textures get blurry. Though from a distance they appear to be very clear.

Is that the way HL2 is, or am is there something I can adjust to get sharper textures close up?

Also a lot of people are complaining that they didn't even bother to use the High def textures that came with HL: Blue shift. Whereas the standard HL you can get off steam allows you to use the High Def textures....

I was expecting a full remake of HL1, kinda like CS got.. but instead they "changed the water"

Definately not worth it right now, but I'm sure the mod community will soon be busy porting the Half-Life 2 models over to Half-Life Source and making new high resolution textures. It will probably take a long time though; maybe by then the price won't be so ridiculous.

Also a lot of people are complaining that they didn't even bother to use the High def textures that came with HL: Blue shift.

You mean the models I think; Blue Shift used the same textures as Half-Life.

  cheesegoduk said:
Also a lot of people are complaining that they didn't even bother to use the High def textures that came with HL: Blue shift. Whereas the standard HL you can get off steam allows you to use the High Def textures....

I was expecting a full remake of HL1, kinda like CS got.. but instead they "changed the water"


Thanks for saving me the $10 bucks on what would be a wasted upgrade from "bronze" to "silver".

  Skyfrog said:
Definately not worth it right now, but I'm sure the mod community will soon be busy porting the Half-Life 2 models over to Half-Life Source and making new high resolution textures. It will probably take a long time though; maybe by then the price won't be so ridiculous.


Why would you port HL2 models over to HL Source? What would be the point?

  Skyfrog said:
For the whole game. Like, instead of having the old crappy looking scientists, monsters, etc. you could play the game using the new ones. :)


I gotcha, that would be pretty cool actually. Essentially, the MOD community doing what Valve should have done...

  SyntheticDarkness said:
if you upgrade to silver though dude, you get DOD:source which is worth more than 10 bucks :)


The question, though, is how would DOD: Source be worth anymore than the free version I already have? If it's just like Half-Life where water looks better?

Are there other improvements?

Since it is using the source engine it may be as simple as copying the needed models from Half-Life 2, give them the proper names and create a new pak file to replace the old ones. Someone who has both games should give it a try.

Edit: Didn't see cyb3rac1d's post; very nice. :D

Someone may have to edit some of the models to add the needed animations. Perhaps in Half-Life 2 there was no need to have Barney sitting down for example.

Found this on Planet Half-Life:

"How do I convert my Half-Life mod to Half-Life 2?"

Models, animations, and textures just need to be compiled with the new tools. The maps can be loaded into Hammer and saved in the new format (VMF). The code should be pretty familiar to Half-Life mod authors, but there is some porting of the code as some specific engine features are implemented differently usually - much more generally.

Edited by Skyfrog
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