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  LOC said:
Tanaris is pretty good, though you might not be able to handle it yet (it's mostly lvl 41+ stuff, up to lvl 50)

Aeris Peak in the Hinterlands is good also, but don't go near the coast omg killer turtles!


Those turtles are money. I saved up about 6g in loot off them in about an hour of farming.

  G_0 said:
anyone recomend a good place for a L39 Night Elf Rogue to hit 40 quick. I'm in SV and its pretty good, but maybe there is somewhere better. I really want my mount tonight!


didn't get a chance to play last night, but haven't been to either of them, so I guess its time to check them out! Thanx for the tip.

1. How similar is this game compared to say neverwinter nights or morrowind? It there any comparison?

Its pretty different. Morrowind and Neverwinter nights have a much more involved storyline (as they are single player centered), with mediocre gameplay. World of Warcraft doesn't have such a detailed story line, at least not one you have to pay any attention to while you are questing. WoW also doesn't have the complexity that most RPGs (like the two you mentioned above) have. It has the essentials to make the game fun and interesting, but I would classify it more under an Action RPG then a true RPG like Morrowind is. I like WoW a lot more then Morrowind, as I find it's simplicity make it a lot easier to get into. The gameplay is nothing like Neverwinter nights.

2. The monthly fee, ?8.99 in the UK, is that correct? What happens if I decide that I want to take a break for a month or two, would I be able to just play till my month was up then in a month or two pay again and have my character back?

I'm not sure. I hope i don't lose my characters if i take a leave of absense. At the same time, I probably stopped playing the game because something else caught my attention.

Is there anything else that I should know before I buy it? What happens if I decide after playing it I want to sell it, can I?

I don't think that is legal. So if you are going to sell it, i'd recommend selling it to a friend, instead of on eBay.

One more thing, how "n00b" friendly is it, am I likely to gather the wrath of more experienced players by bumbling around?

Super-dooper n00b friendly. Unless you play on a PVP server and instantly run into enemy terretory, you shouldn't have any problems. I've been playing on PVE server so far, but I'm thinking about starting a character on a PVP server, causs i think it will make things more interesting. If you play on PVP i think it would be good to make friends with people who seem to have the same play schedule you have and stay grouped and close.

  LiGhTfast said:
Omg only got this game 2 days ago and already my life is falling apart i never see my bird lol, im addicted to it. i've never bothered with these online rpgs before but yikes there like drugs  :woot:  :woot:

This game is amazing


Tell me about it! lol I already have my Druid at lvl 60 and my new char is already at lvl 22. It is very easy to lvl in this game and make a ton of gold... :alien:

My life was gone the day this game hit the

  Obi Wong said:

dunno about #1

but for #2, if u decide to stop for a couple months (although i don't know y u would), usually they'll keep your character for about 3 months then if u don't reactivate, they'll delete your char

not exactly sure about the time for WoW but for most MMRPG's it's usually about 2-3 months


Woa, 2 or 3 months? I don't think so.

I'd expect them to keep unplayed characters for at least 6 months but more likely that they'll never delete it. I have a secondary character that hasn't been played for about 2 months but hes still there. Im waiting till i get bored with my main and then i'll have lvl's upon lvl's of rested experience to make playing through a second time alot easier.

Someone go ahead and correct me on the character deletion matter I could be wrong.

  Lanky said:
Woa, 2 or 3 months? I don't think so.

I'd expect them to keep unplayed characters for at least 6 months but more likely that they'll never delete it.  I have a secondary character that hasn't been played for about 2 months but hes still there. Im waiting till i get bored with my main and then i'll have lvl's upon lvl's of rested experience to make playing through a second time alot easier.

Someone go ahead and correct me on the character deletion matter I could be wrong.


Rested bar only goes one and a half levels and then stops. You should wait like three days for it to max out(at higher levels!?) and then play for a few hours to level and then let it rest again. I noticed it took my lvl 34 character about three days to max out the rested bar, but it took my lvl 15 character three days to get like 15% of the rested bar on one level...

  Berzerker said:
which profession is worth training?

and how do i level up fast, and how do i get a lot of money?


Skinning + Leatherworking = most money (pretty much)

Leveling up fast? Er, just do quests and grind.

Lotta money? Farm stuff, and sell all the armor or weapons you make (if you have Blacksmithing) at the AH.

Black Smiting takes quite awhile to get to enough of a higher lvl to make the REALLY good stuff, I am a lvl 38 Warrior and my Blacksmithing skill is about 168 or so?, right now I been making Silver Breastplate which is good for selling in the auction BUT one of the key ingredients is (2) Iridescent Pearls which is a PAIN to find(Wet Lands) or you can buy them in the auction but it will cost you(about 1.5 - 2g for 2 Pearls), there is no really fast way in making money from a single trade skill. :no:

I played Rogue and Hunter, both are 43 now, I found though Rogue can pickpocket, there are more costly expences then a hunter. I saved up during the same levels and came out with about the same amount at 40 when I went to get my mount.

Selling leather and leather made items is fairly profitable.

For money I would suggest material collecting skills and sell what you get till you hit 40 or have 90-100 gold for your mount, then take crafting skills after that, this way your sure to have you mount money for 40. Having a mount drasticlly reduces your down time. After level 40 the money starts coming in a lot faster and is less of a concern.

Theres no real suggestion one can make specificly on what kinda character to play. Depends on your style. I tried out most of the other classes a bit and only really found hunter and rogue suit my style of gaming.

Well, I've bit the bullet - completely cancelled FFXI and have started WoW. Currently downloading the 40meg update, hopefully this will be fun :)

Ive read the whole 40 pages here, so I think Im mentally prepared, pretty much read the whole manual too, which is odd for me, while I was at work counting the seconds till I could come home.

Here's to new experiments, hopefully I'll see some of you online soon :happy:

  forster said:
Well, I've bit the bullet - completely cancelled FFXI and have started WoW.  Currently downloading the 40meg update, hopefully this will be fun :)

Ive read the whole 40 pages here, so I think Im mentally prepared, pretty much read the whole manual too, which is odd for me, while I was at work counting the seconds till I could come home.

Here's to new experiments, hopefully I'll see some of you online soon :happy:


Well depending on what server you start your character on. I am on Windrunner. Yo man this game is sweet.. you wont be let down... :alien:

:angry: :angry: I bought this on Friday, after taking around 1 hour to install and patch I have been having constant problems when trying to play, BSOD (I've only had this once), not letting me start the game (I have had to install it 3 times now in just over 2 days).

anyone else having any problems? I have only managed to play it for a little over 3 hours but I'm really enjoying it when it works.

I can't even send the error logs as every time I try it says that it has failed. :(

One more thing I have noticed that the ingame clock is out by one hour, is there any way to change it?

Well, played it pretty much two days straight, Im on a normal server too - plays really well on my Mac Mini (1.25, 512ram) the only lag is when Im in a heavily populated area, but since Im on a lower populated server it doesnt happen much.

It doesnt feel as polished as FFXI, but since Im playing with some of the settings turned down, Im not suprised.

Overall, really good, I'm loving the fact that you can solo pretty much all the time - that was the one downer about FFXI, it was based completely on grouping.

New Test Realms & Patch Notes

Two new public test realms will be going live soon! These realms will give select players the chance to experience new content before it is patched to public realms. More importantly, it gives us a place to test new features and systems in a live environment without impacting the public realms. This will allow us to provide players with more frequent content patches in the future.

Moving forward, all players who have an active World of Warcraft account will be eligible to participate in testing on the test realms. However, this initial testing phase requires characters between the levels of 55 and 60 in order to properly test the content and functionality for the next patch. Email invitations have been sent out to a random set of players who meet these qualifications. Their level 55 to 60 characters have been copied to the test realm and will be waiting for them when they log in for the first time.

The version of World of Warcraft currently running on the test realms contains all the content additions, changes, and bug fixes that will be implemented to the public realms next patch. If you would like to read the details of these changes, additions, and bug fixes, please read the patch notes located here.

The goal of the public test realms is to facilitate the introduction of any game changes to a live environment. This will allow us to test, analyze, and present new content to players on a regular basis with the shortest delay possible. If you would like more information, please view our Test Realm FAQ located here. We want to thank all of the players who have been selected to test this new content, and we look forward to seeing you in game!


Patch Notes:

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