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Check this out. :laugh:

World of Warcraft Client Patch 3.0.2 (03/15/2008)


* The level cap has been increased to 80! Powerful new spells and abilities await adventurers in Northrend!

* The title "Fire Champion" will now be available to the first player on each server who got a killing blow on Ragnaros.

* Removed all Inns, Repair vendors and Flight paths from Outland to contribue to the "out there" feeling.

* Non-epic flying mounts will no longer confer a speed bonus.

* Effects that grant increased or decreased attack speed will now display a random bonus value, independent of the actual effect.


* Due to significant talent changes, all Hunters will have their talent points reset to a default "Two-Shot Clothie" spec.

* Hunters will no longer gain 1 attack power from agility as this was overpowered. Hunters will now gain 1 attack power per point of Spirit. Existing Hunter gear has been re-itemized to reflect this.

* Silencing Shot will now be a trainable ability, available at level 50.

* In place of Silencing Shot in the Marksmanship tree will be Interrupting Shot. This attack does no damage but interrupts any spell being cast and prevents the caster from using that school again. Ever.

* We liked the normalization of pet attack speeds. Now, all pets will have the same stats, abilities and graphics.

* Hunters specced in Survival will now be, in fact, guaranteed to survive.


* Reduced damage bonus coefficients on all spells by 2% per talent point spent in anything.

* Mana gems will no longer be soulbound. This will reflect the Mage's new role.

* Counterspell will be on the global cooldown as well as having a 2 second cast time.

* All Fire spells will now generate an extra 50% threat.

* Arcane Power will now increase spell damage by 800% for 15 seconds. After the effect wears off, the Mage will be unable to cast spells for 3 minutes.


* Holy Nova has been changed. The new Holy Nova costs 100 mana and deals 1 damage to enemies trying to turn flags in a 10 yard radius.

* Priests will now have a Suicide ability, trainable at level 30, to trigger a 30-second Spirit of Redemption before dying.

* Priest racials have been altered. Fear Ward will now be available to Human and Night Elf priests. Feedback will now be available to Trolls and Undead.

* Removed the cooldown on Devouring Plague and reduced its mana cost by 80%.

* Shadowfiends will no longer bother trying to hit bosses with area of effect abilities, instead preferring to cower in a dark corner and refund their mana cost.

* Dispel Magic will now automatically fail and deal damage to the priest casting it.


* Warlocks will now be able to summon Doomguards as regular pets

* All Warlock spells that deal damage will now heal the Warlock for the damage caused.

* Fear will no longer be restricted to one target.

* Removed the cooldown on Deathcoil and decreased its mana cost by 50%.

* Soulstones will no longer be bound to the Warlock or Unique.

* Players not grouped with a Warlock will now be able to assist with summoning Soulwells.

* To compensate for these changes, Warlocks will no longer be eligible to join groups or raids.


* Druids will no longer have talents. Instead, Druids will have Mage form, Warrior form, Rogue form and Priest form. Each of these will turn the Druid into the respective class, complete with all abilities or talents of that class, and a set of Tier 7 gear equipped.

* Innervate will no longer be castable on the druid.

* The final tick of Moonfire's damage over time effect will hit for over nine thousand damage.


* Rogues will now deal an additional 50% damage to stunned targets.

* Rogues will no longer have Sprint, Vanish or Crippling Poison abilities.

* Players will now be able to target Rogues and select a Pick Lockbox option to have the Rogue automatically open all lockboxes in their inventory.

* The reagent cost on Blind has been changed. Blind will now require Blinding Powder, Fel Lotus, 20 gold and a Splinter of Atiesh to use.

* The tooltip for Hemorrhage has been updated to inform the player that it is terrible for raiding.


* Purge has been renamed Air Shock so people will stop asking for it.

* All totem buffs have been changed to be inferior and shorter than their equivalent Paladin buff.

* All totems not mimicing Palading blessings have been removed.

* Shaman with Two-Handed weapon proficiencies will now have their weapon skill reset every time they log in.

* Ghost Wolf will now be a bright orange, visible through walls.

* The Restoration tree has been changed. There are now two talents, one 51-point talent that increases mana regeneration and healing done by 100%. The other talent has a maximum rank of 50 and does absolutely nothing.


* The quest text for the Warhorse quest has been updated to reflect the fact that this quest will never be fleshed out.

* Removed the cooldown on Divine Shield. Casting this ability will automatically begin use of the Hearthstone.

* Divine Intervention is no longer castable on Paladins, Druids, Priests or Shamans.

* To better reflect the Paladin's intended role in groups, Paladins will no longer be able to wield weapons.


* Warrior rage generation has been reduced to balance the class. All successful melee attacks will now generate one rage point.

* Execute will now be usable when the target is below 90% health.

* Warrior auto attacks have now been replaced with Hamstrings.


* The current stat rating system has been changed. All abilities and attribute bonuses on an item will use a rating. A sample item:

Doomsday Baton

One-Hand Mace

Equip: Increases your Damage rating by 200.

Equip: Increases your Stamina rating by 50.

Equip: Increases your Strength rating by 50.

Equip: Increases your Rating rating by 5.

* All items will now have a maximum level in addition to a minimum, ensuring that nobody runs old content once they level past the old cap.


* Enchanters will no longer be able to use trade channels as this was not in line with the "hardcore" feel of the profession.

* Engineering schematics have been removed from the game.



* Increased all damage dealt in PvP combat by 200%.

* Players joining battlegrounds as a premade group will now be able to choose to only fight against players who did not join as a group.

Alterac Valley

* Alliance will now cap graveyards and towers instantly after turning the flag.

* Horde will now ressurect at the Snowfall graveyard regardless of which graveyards they control.

* Korrak will now spawn on top of the Snowfall graveyard.

* Alliance NPC's in Dun Baldar are now linked.

Arathi Basin

* The Blacksmith will now give out five times as many resources as the other nodes.

User Interface

* Mods will no longer be able to detect chat messages or combat events as this was giving players too much information.


* Players using a Mac will now have the <MAC> tag in front of their names and will only be able to chat and group with other Mac users.

Bug Fixes

* Fixed a bug where Hogger would sometimes deal too much damage to a level 9 Tauren Hunter using a computer with 768 MB of RAM and a pony sticker on the side.

* Mobs will now correctly apply a Daze and dismount effect every time they hit a player with a ranged attack, melee attack, spell, or sometimes just because they feel like it.

hey there im a lvl 61 rogue currently playing on the US server called Coilfang. if anyone in outlands wonts to group up and get some leveling done or some quests. then send me message. Characters name is Mavisty ^^

If you have any other problems or just wont some help reply to me via my post

Hey, if anyone wants a free 10-day trial and is pretty sure they'll want to continue the game after the 10 days is over, I can send you a free trial invite. Reason I'm asking is because if you continue after the 10 days, I get a free month!

Send me a PM if you'd like an invite! I have 4 Left.

First 4 people to PM me will get an invite... Serious considerations only though... Only request a trial key if you're pretty sure you'll be continuing the game after the 10 days!

Keep in mind it DOES ask you for a credit card number for the free trial, but it's for verification purposes only.. They'll only charge you if you continue after the trial.

Hey guys! :)

Figured this would be the right place to mention my recently started WoW blog, and I was hoping to get some constructive criticism and possibly some ideas on what would be good topics to write about. There are a few posts already regarding the stuff I've been doing while playing and I was thinking of writing a few in depth game mechanics studies for the curious explorer.

Anyway, the address is

Even if you don't have any ideas I would very much like feedback on the current content. This is the first time I've ever written something for an "audience", so be gentle. ;)

Haven't been able to get the Armory working for me in IE7 or Opera. O well, it is in beta so I guess eventually it will be fixed.

I'm currently a 63 warrior Arm speced running around in Proc gear (I love to tank but Arms is so much easier to level) and I'm about halfway through 63 and completly bored with Zangarmarsh. But I'm not to sure what instance I should run other than BF, HFR. Does anyone got a list of all the new instances and the corresponding level you should do them? I figured I'll just do a few instances runs to finish off 63 and get me well into 64.

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