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Yeh im clued up on it but im old school and prefer it to be in front of my face for when its needed :)

Top bar is Auras / Raid Marks (yellow thru skull)

2nd bar is main attack / combat

3rd bar is Buffs / 2ndry attacks

4th bar is Buffs / 2ndry seals

5th misc bar :)

What addons did you use to get the bottom bar type of setup with round buttons and such?

damn that UI looks awesome, what are you running for it to look like that?!

(im a WoW newb so go easy)

For the appearance I used:

- Bartender 3 + cycircled

- Skinner for the backround

- FuBar

- Tiny Tip for the relocation of the tooltip

- Prat 2 to hide the tabs and give a time stamp

- Simple combat & Minimap

- AG_Unitframes

Many other addons are hidden and only show them selfs in combat. Hense the big open block of space between the chat panes where my casting bar, damage, damage taken and debuffs show!

Edit: Yep, forgot Elk Buff Bars. Moved the icon to the right now and turned on the casting bar for AGUF (Shade of Aran was being a ****** with his Explosion)

Edited by Spookie

thank you spookie!

ive looked and looked and I can't find your addons anywhere (except for bartender 3 + cycircled, fubar, and ag_unitframes.

thank you anyway for your answer, but it looks like ill have to stick with my cluttered wow ui for now :)

Edited by prick
Quick question about skinner, do you like the whole gradient thing you get behind your bags/talents/quest log etc? It seems to be more annoying than looking good. I tried turning them off, but I get errors.

I prefer the gradient to pure black or blue. It can be turned off I'm sure but I'll be buggered if I know how. The only thing I did was change the colour. :D :)

I don't see how people play with their UI taking up half the screen.


I manage to get away with not many buttons on mine, scrolling through the buttons depending on DPS or Healing gear. Also use Call Of Elements for my totems and timers :)

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