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OMG OMG we did it we downed Illidan. I went in last night and told everyone "Ok 2.4 MAY be tomorrow guys, let's down this Demon tonight so we can say we did it before the attunements are lifted." And we did!! After only 2 weeks or 4 nights of working on him we got him down, and I got my T6 mage chest woot!!


more info and loot at GUILD RAGE

OMG OMG we did it we downed Illidan. I went in last night and told everyone "Ok 2.4 MAY be tomorrow guys, let's down this Demon tonight so we can say we did it before the attunements are lifted." And we did!! After only 2 weeks or 4 nights of working on him we got him down, and I got my T6 mage chest woot!!

nicely done!

grats on the chest! (Y)

*sigh* ;)

Horde aren't evil. If either group could be classified as evil it'd be the alliance.

but in response to your question I'm horde. A Tauren Shaman (resto specced) to be exact.

Tauren are the best on the horde side in my opinion.

tauren are not evil nor good they are in the middle lol

OMG OMG we did it we downed Illidan. I went in last night and told everyone "Ok 2.4 MAY be tomorrow guys, let's down this Demon tonight so we can say we did it before the attunements are lifted." And we did!! After only 2 weeks or 4 nights of working on him we got him down, and I got my T6 mage chest woot!!

congrats mate, whats your guild going to do now that you have downed Illadian?

Also what class do you play?

=) hey guys

Yeah i've got a level 48 paladin ... retri build, taken me 8 days (in game) to get to this level! So shouldn't be that far from 55 and then 60!

Just wish there was some way to exchange Gold for game card! =(

8 days?? Im 69 with 8 days with a bunch of pvp breaks... im just saying.. :D

I wish my mate would hurry up and come home from holiday to give me some free boosts :p

At level 30 just now.

Got my first blue drop off a world mob today of Amy's Blanket, sold it for 24 gold.

Enjoying playing my mage, nothing is more satisfying than nuking a mob before it even gets to you/hits you once :p

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