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Holy ****...shaun 2300 hours on WoW!!! That's almost 100 days :o

Nice :p I think I have just under 1000

lol and I only installed that mid last year (its not online atm as my current PC is broke and im on my back up PC till her indoors lets me buy bits to repair,

with a fulltime job and 2 kids and a wife in 11weeks and counting i'm doing well :D

Edited by shaun2312
lol and I only installed that mid last year (its not online atm as my current PC is broke and im on my back up PC till her indoors lets me buy bits to repair,

with a fulltime job and 2 kids and a wife in 11weeks and counting i'm doing well :D


So I hit 37 on my druid. I have to say this is probably one of my favorite characters. I have been enjoying the 0 downtime a lot. I can kill maybe 10 mobs that are 3-4 levels lower than me till I have to heal. Equal to 2 level higher mobs, I can do maybe 3 or 4. Also, since I just got pounce that is really helping. I can't wait till 40 when I get innervate. I have a feeling I will not have to sit there for a couple mins till I regen mana before healing and going back into cat form.

Also, it is so much faster than what it used to be. 30-37 has been a breeze. I hope 40-60 will go by just as fast or faster. Also, if you guys have not seen this before I highly recommend Jame's leveling guides (starts 30 for alliance and 20 for horde) are amazing. They are being updated for the recent changes but are essentially good to go. For alliance, I think there are only 2 instance runs required. Uldaman and Zul'Farrak, of which the latter is easy to get a group for.

We attempted Kael today w/ a few people that have cleared BT. Entering Phase

Regardless the MT died at kael around 10% and the OT died at 6% followed by a wipe. I'm so ****ed.

congrats on your TK progression, now to the point I really need to no.. what is that interface mod you are using, what i mean is the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 keys, is it like another version of Bongo's or something.

Anyone know where I can get it from please tell me :D

Is anyone else's server dying like crazy now, since 2.4? Ours has died multiple times in the late evening now. It died Sunday night when we were MID pull on Archimonde and the server came right back up but the instance server was down for 40 mins.

Then last night same thing, we were mid pull on Illidari Council when the server died again.. and again server came up pretty quick but instance server was down for another 40 mins or so.

congrats on your TK progression, now to the point I really need to no.. what is that interface mod you are using, what i mean is the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 keys, is it like another version of Bongo's or something.

Anyone know where I can get it from please tell me :D

Looks like Bartender3 with cycircled and volM

Is anyone else's server dying like crazy now, since 2.4? Ours has died multiple times in the late evening now. It died Sunday night when we were MID pull on Archimonde and the server came right back up but the instance server was down for 40 mins.

Then last night same thing, we were mid pull on Illidari Council when the server died again.. and again server came up pretty quick but instance server was down for another 40 mins or so.

Looks like Bartender3 with cycircled and volM

Yes :(. There has been a number of crashes for the past 2 weeks.

Weve made some nice progress in Hyj and Bt now the attunements are removed, tho annoyingly were p5 on kael 2 weeks before patch and kept getting the stupid 1-10% wipes that are all to common with him.

4/5 Hyj now with some good attempts on Archimonde (47% best so far im told)

And we got this guy down the other night, tho bloodboil looks to be a little more risky thatn we 1st thot

* Most Main-Hand weapons are now One-Hand weapons.

Resto shaman dual weilding crystal spire? ;)

Nothing in there looks like it'll have any impact on me except for void shatter finally giving me a way to convert the stacks of shards into more useful LPS. As it stands, I typically end up making 2-3 voids (on average) in the amount of time it takes the cooldown to reset, I'm sure most enchanters are the same.

tho annoyingly were p5 on kael 2 weeks before patch and kept getting the stupid 1-10% wipes that are all to common with him.

It's interesting that so many people have issues with P5 Kael - for us that was always the "You Win" phase (ike Solarian going Void-walker, Tidewalker's bubbles, or When High-King starts doing his Satura immitation). I don't think we saw it more than twice before he died, the killer for us was always getting clean from phase 2 into 3, though the wipe wouldn't always be obvious until phase 4.

Vashj on the other hand had way to many <10% wipes because bat poop "doesn't hurt that bad" and staying out of the kite path is "too confusing with all that stuff going on".

I wish I kept a list of those people - I'm sure they're raiding with us again... :(

Age of Conan Beta Coming SOON on FilePlanet!

We're proud to announce that will be hosting the beta for Age of Conan. Stay tuned for information, we can't wait to play!

Glad to see something more interesting coming to the table besides "The 2nd full time job" errrrr I mean WOW.

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