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what the hell is a theramore? must be some alliance thing I guess.

For mages:

New Teleport/Portal: Theramore and Teleport/Portal:Stonard spells are available at portal trainers in their respective locations. You must be level 35 to learn these new spells.

Theramore for alliance and Stonard for the Horde. Which means a quick way for us mages to get to Kalimdor without going via Darnassus or Exodar or taking the boat, at least for the Alliance :)

Especially one with as much Lore behind as Arthas.

Arthas went from Johnny Nobody (relatively speaking) to Lich King within the span of Warcraft 3. I expect they'll treat him much like Uther: a bad-ss in warcraft 2 and then promptly disposed of in warcraft 3.

Blizzard has show repeatedly that everything is killable if gameplay requires it. We had exactly the same outcry about killing Illidan just before Burning Crusade came out: "Maybe he's beaten but not dead (see Kael)", "Maybe an NPC will kill him and you just help (see Illidan)", "Maybe he surrenders and gives you loot (see Domo)". Turns out even popular characters are disposable, which is good because fighting against random nobodies isn't as entertaining as beating up prominent story figures.

Im Lmao at all these folk who assume that the 10 man raids in Wotlk will be populated with the same bosses as the 25man. Best example is they,ll probs do it how they did SSC/TK i.e a few instances (5man) with unique bosses to fit, compared to this idea that 10/25 will share encounters.

I doubt highly you,ll kill Arthas in the 10man, you,ll probs fight him in some capacity but I doubt you,ll kill him. That,ll be for the 25man content.

Im Lmao at all these folk who assume that the 10 man raids in Wotlk will be populated with the same bosses as the 25man

Im Lmao at all these folk who didn't read the interviews where Jeff Kaplan and Tom Chilton explained that 10-man content will be smaller versions of 25-man content but otherwise the same characters and dungeons will be involved and then post like they have a clue.

Jeff Kaplan goes so far as to use 10-man Arthas as an example of what their goals are when designing the raid experience:

And we'll have to do different things between 10 and 25. Already the Four Horsemen doesn't work in 25-person raiding; we're gonna have to make some changes to the encounter. But what we don't want to do is just come up with the gnome on the puppy dog, or like we don't want to just gut the encounter and start over. We want to hit whatever that core was of the initial 40-person Naxxramas, and then come up with a version that doesn't force weird class composition in the 10 and 25.

I want anybody who fights Arthas, whether it's with 10 or 25 or that one guy who figures out how to solo him... god forbid, to say "Man, that was the most epic fight that I've ever been a part of."


Im Lmao at all these folk who assume that the 10 man raids in Wotlk will be populated with the same bosses as the 25man. Best example is they,ll probs do it how they did SSC/TK i.e a few instances (5man) with unique bosses to fit, compared to this idea that 10/25 will share encounters.

I doubt highly you,ll kill Arthas in the 10man, you,ll probs fight him in some capacity but I doubt you,ll kill him. That,ll be for the 25man content.

The instance content will be identical, but the encounters will be tuned differently; Arthas included.

We got azgalor to 25%, we'll register a kill on Sunday when we raid and get some T6 into the guild. I'm really looking forward to archimonde even after his significant buffs in 2.4.2, he's such a big lore figure.

We got azgalor to 25%, we'll register a kill on Sunday when we raid and get some T6 into the guild. I'm really looking forward to archimonde even after his significant buffs in 2.4.2, he's such a big lore figure.

Rumor has it: he's buggy not buffed.

Part of the melee issue is that they've been changing the size of the target circle so what seems like doom fires spawning closer is really just melee standing farther away than last week. The weird pathing is probably not intended and neither is the airburst on tank bit.

We had issues with Council tonight - the mage would run to the back of the room and hide behind things preventing the tank from spell stealing. We also had trouble with the priest ignoring her tank and running around the room.

Gave up and went to sunwell.

Finally back into the flow of things after my PC issues, just in time for our guilds first trip to SSC. I have no doubts that it will be a painfull trip but looking forward to it greatly. forgot how much i love my tree healing and have a maggy and grull run between now and SSC to remember where all my buttons are :D

So eaglehawk sucks. He's not really hard, just an watch out for Balls of Fire and kill enough eggs before 35%. Really not that difficult of a fight. What's a pain though is, I'm a warrior who's been tanking the adds. It sucks, because Thudner Clap/Demo shout do not give me enough rage to combat the threat the healers already have. I can grab the first 3 groups with little problem, it's when we do 4 or 5 that I start causing problems. I can't TC fast enough to grab them all.

I can see this fight being easy once are pally tank computer gets fixed, but I'm getting my ass handed to me, by those damn adds. :(

So eaglehawk sucks. He's not really hard, just an watch out for Balls of Fire and kill enough eggs before 35%. Really not that difficult of a fight. What's a pain though is, I'm a warrior who's been tanking the adds. It sucks, because Thudner Clap/Demo shout do not give me enough rage to combat the threat the healers already have. I can grab the first 3 groups with little problem, it's when we do 4 or 5 that I start causing problems. I can't TC fast enough to grab them all.

I can see this fight being easy once are pally tank computer gets fixed, but I'm getting my ass handed to me, by those damn adds. :(

ahh i love that fight, it's such a mix of fun and frustration at the same time.

I can see this fight being easy once are pally tank computer gets fixed, but I'm getting my ass handed to me, by those damn adds. :(

Whenever we had a protection paladin we always made him tank the boss because a warrior would contribute more DPS when he wasn't dealing with adds than a paladin would.

Our groups were generally melee heavy: rogue x2, warrior, feral druid, enhancement shaman + COH priest, Holy paladin, warlock, elemental shaman, +1 (shadow priest & warlock were most common). The elemental shaman was mostly brought to bloodlust the melee.

We'd position something like this:

--------| h   t   h  |--------
Eggs	  r   B	r   Eggs
--------|	mmmm	|--------

h = healer
m = melee
t = tank
r = ranged
b = boss

We'd hatch the left side first by killing one hatcher and allowing the other to break every egg on that side. Rather than trying to tank we just slowed them down as best we could (earthbind totem, frost trap, improved blizzard, etc) to buy the warlock some time to seed them. We'd have the melee run in and aoe them down with sweeping strikes, cleave, blade flurry, etc.

When the second set of hatchers popped up we'd kill them both and then burn the boss down to 36-40%. Sending all of your DPS to deal with the birds means your tank will have a huge agro lead when they finish so they can go all out without any chance of pulling. At 35% he'll hatch all the eggs anyway so you can setup your slowing effects in advance and have the eggs hatch whenever you're ready (make your ranged classes kill the hatchers). Once everything was ready we'd take the boss to 35%, clean up the eggs, and then rush the boss down as quickly as possible.

It' can be a little nuts with 20 hatchers running around especially if he casts bombs before they're all down. I like this approach because it gets you 20-30 seconds of crazyness in two 10-15 second blocks followed by a very controllable tank n spank. Minimizing the time your DPS spends switching targets lets you get the fight over faster which limits the opportunity for people to mess up on fire bombs.

I'll be passing on that info to my guild forums, and see what could work.

Quick question, I see there's 20 eggs on either platform, if you killed all 40 eggs before he hits 35%, does he not have anything to open up at 35%?

Edited by Slane

Got a free trial, figured I'd take a look and see what all the fuss was about. Currently a Level 3 Troll Sharman (all my friends are Horde so I figured I'd join them). This is my first MUHMORPUGUH so I didn't really know what to expect, but at this stage it's not as co-operative as I thought it'd be, but maybe as I progress it changes.

Gratz Adamb!

I'm still trying to figure out where to go, and who to join, in a laid back guild that once again, talked the talk of raiding, but really isn't showing it. And to top it off, my friend's account got hacked. He can't change password, name is in his former step-father's name so it isn't like that can talk and get the ex to help. :(

Azgalor Down, got my first piece of Tier 6 today!! =D
So, we killed Void Reaver

Grats to both of you

It really doesn't matter weather you're farming T6 and pushing Sunwell or killing Void Reaver

for the first time. Any guild that's able to get together and do some new content is a great

place to be. I'm sure you're having as much fun killing Void Reaver or Azgalore for the

first time as I did; I wish you both continued success.

5/8 T6 Holy priest LF24M: Brutalus. PST

Looks like my casual raiding guild is about to lose the "raiding" part for a while. A culmination

of things has caused 1/3 of the active raiders to leave over the last few days. Some are quitting

the game entirely, others are moving to other guilds on the server, and quiet a few are leaving

the server for good (going to PVE servers is a one-way trip). It wasn't co-ordinated, but most

of the progression minded people have elected to exercise their mobility at the same time. Losing

15-20 players in more-or-less Full tier 6 (including glaives) is going to be hard to recover from.

I'm still there and I'll try to smooth over the up-coming rough patch. Without my friends in this

guild my only reason to keep playing is to kill bosses: at this rate it's pretty unlikely they'll

get Kil'Jaeden before expansion. If I stay I probably won't see new content for 2-3 months while

we go back and recruit and re-gear just to be able to get past Brutalus. I'm really not looking

forward to that :(

A warning about the official recruitment forums

The new GM made a recruitment post on the wow realm forums and within minutes anybody

logged on to their main was getting propositioned by other guilds (one of our druids took an

offer to join a 5/6). If you're having trouble filling your roster - be careful around the official

recruitment forums.

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