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5/8 T6 Holy priest LF24M: Brutalus. PST

Looks like my casual raiding guild is about to lose the "raiding" part for a while. A culmination

of things has caused 1/3 of the active raiders to leave over the last few days. Some are quitting

the game entirely, others are moving to other guilds on the server, and quiet a few are leaving

the server for good (going to PVE servers is a one-way trip). It wasn't co-ordinated, but most

of the progression minded people have elected to exercise their mobility at the same time. Losing

15-20 players in more-or-less Full tier 6 (including glaives) is going to be hard to recover from.

I'm still there and I'll try to smooth over the up-coming rough patch. Without my friends in this

guild my only reason to keep playing is to kill bosses: at this rate it's pretty unlikely they'll

get Kil'Jaeden before expansion. If I stay I probably won't see new content for 2-3 months while

we go back and recruit and re-gear just to be able to get past Brutalus. I'm really not looking

forward to that :(

Sounds like what happened to my current guild. A bunch of people left so we were left with regearing some new people. However we were back in BT/Hyjal in no time and the new people are actually better than those who left.

Ok.. so I wake up this morning to log into Wow, and the little screen pops up with the advert that they have then you click " play" to go in.... well there was an advert for WOTLK.. ( here is the link )

When reading on it, this is what surprised me "able to create a new level-55 death knight of any race (if on a PvP realm, the death knight must be the same faction as your existing character)." so does that mean that im going to have to make a Tauren death knight ??

Ok.. so I wake up this morning to log into Wow, and the little screen pops up with the advert that they have then you click " play" to go in.... well there was an advert for WOTLK.. ( here is the link )

When reading on it, this is what surprised me "able to create a new level-55 death knight of any race (if on a PvP realm, the death knight must be the same faction as your existing character)." so does that mean that im going to have to make a Tauren death knight ??

No, as it says same faction (Horde or Alliance) not race.

The concept is quite can create a lvl55 Death Knight of any race (BE, Orc, etc.) and if you are on a PvP server, must be affiliated with the same faction (Horde, Alliance).

I actually do have a question regarding raiding though. Sorry to bring this up if it has already been talked about, but this thread is just way too damn long now to look through. I am going to be running Molten Core tonight, and I am somewhat new to raiding dungeons. I really want to know what addons raiders would recommend I use. I don't want to be considered a newb. I have a level 65 Warlock Demon spec'd. I used to be Destro, but changed to level more quickly. Should I change back to Destro?

I actually do have a question regarding raiding though. Sorry to bring this up if it has already been talked about, but this thread is just way too damn long now to look through. I am going to be running Molten Core tonight, and I am somewhat new to raiding dungeons. I really want to know what addons raiders would recommend I use. I don't want to be considered a newb. I have a level 65 Warlock Demon spec'd. I used to be Destro, but changed to level more quickly. Should I change back to Destro?

A typical raider will have:

  • Omen
  • Big Wigs/Deadly Boss mods
  • Random addons relevant to their class (warlocks would probably have a DOT timer like ClassTimers)

That said, it really isn't going to matter what you do in molten core. It's demonstratably easier than outland 5-man dungeons (to the point that a group of 5 can easily handle 4 or 5 bosses without trouble). I wouldn't worry about re-specing because anybody level 70 is going to absolutely destroy you in terms of damage-done and nobody will hold a leveling spec against someone who's level 65 anyway.

Just go in and have a good time: chances are nobody in the raid will be taking it very seriously anyway. Ask someone where the "Ragnraoss window" behind Golemagg is: You can see him while he's still submerged and it's really cool!

Happy News edit

On Monday evening I got together with a couple old friends and we formed an arena team for laughs. We played a couple dozen games and then went to bed. It was the fist time I'd competitively PVP'd in over a year apart from mindlessly grinding AV for the 2-minute trinket when we were learning Archimonde. We had a great time despite a handful of disconnects and a couple brutal defeats to priest/mage/rogue teams. Still in a little over 2 hours we managed to crack 1700 with a warrior/enhancement shaman/holy priest. We were winning about 3/4 games when we quit so I think that 1850 might be within reach. Not bad for sporting a a total of 20 resilience in "PVP" gear. ;)

Edited by the evn show


The continent of Northrend is now available! To travel there, visit one of four transportation masters in either Orgrimmar, Undercity, Theramore,or Menethil Harbor.

Transportation between Howling Fjord and Borean Tundra can be found at the Tuskarr villages in those zones.

NPC Transportation Locations


* Undercity to Vengeance Landing (Howling Fjord)

* Orgrimmar to Warsong Hold (Borean Tundra)


* Menethil Harbor to Valgarde (Holwing Fjord)

* Theramore to Valiance Keep (Borean Tundra)

World Environment Zones

* The following zones are available for testing: Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, and Grizzly Hills


The following dungeons are available for testing:

* Howling Fjord: Utgarde Keep (70-72)

* Howling Fjord: Utgarde Pinnacle (80)

* Borean Tundra: The Nexus (70-72)

* Grizzly Hills: Drak?Tharon Keep (74-76)


* Resilience - Resilience will no longer function inside of instances. Only if you are flagged PVP in the real world, BG's, and Arenas



Arthas Dancing




Loading Screen


Weapons Daggers Bows Crossbows Bows Axes Polearms 2H Swords 1H Swords Fist Weapons Guns Staves Axes Maces


Northrend Ice Giant



Gnome -

Human -

Human (+helm) -

All horde races -

Night elf -

Dwarf -

Draenei -


NPC Models (Compiled by Amber Rock)

WotLK Main Title

YouTube stream -

Spells & Talents

Deathknight spells:

* Army of the Dead - Summons an entire legion of your best Ghouls to fight by your side.

* Death and Decay - ${$m1+$AP*0.039} shadow damage inflicted every $t1 sec to all targets in the effected area for $d. Has a chance to cause affected targets to cower in fear.

* Chromatic Rune Mastery - Whenever a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune activates, it has a 6% chance of converting into a Chromatic Rune. This Rune counts as a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune. Lasts 10 sec.

* Degeneration (Rank 3, Level 76) - Instantly attack the target, dealing 60% weapon damage and inflicting a disease dealing ${$m2*7} over 15 sec. This disease will corrupt an existing heal over time spell, removing it and dramatically increasing the damage dealt. While afflicted by this disease, other heal over time effects on the target will have no effect.

* Dancing Runeblade - Summons a second Runeblade that fights on its own for 1 sec per 10 Runic Power, doing the same strikes that you do.

* Hungering Cold - A wave of cold leeches all heat from the earth, freezing all enemies in the cone-shaped area, and causing 10 damage per Runic Power. The frozen terrain persists for 1 sec per 10 Runic Power and will freeze enemies that attempt to cross it.

* Unholy Blight - A creeping swarm of unholy insects surrounds the caster for a 10 yard radius. All enemies caught in the swarm take 120 damage and are plagued with a disease that can stack up to 3 times. Lasts for 1 sec per 10 Runic Power.

* Corpse Explosion - "Target a corpse, causing it to explode for 12 damage per 10 Runic Power to all enemies within 10 yards."

* Mark of Blood (spell or talent?) - "Place a Mark of Blood on an enemy or ally. Whenever the marked target is healed, all party members receive a fraction of that healing. If a marked target that grants experience or honor is killed, all party members are healed for 10% of their total health. Each person can be healed for a maximum of 3000 per Mark."

Deathknight talents:

* Black Ice - Increases your Frost and Unholy spell damage by 1/2/3/4/5%.

* Dirge - Whenever you kill a diseased target that yields experience or honor you have a 1/2/3/4/5% chance of the corpse riding as a free Ghoul. You can have a maximum of 2 Ghouls at one time.

* Spell Deflection - Reduces all spell damage taken by 3/6/9/12/15% for 10 sec following a successful parry.

* Bladed Armor - You gain 4/8/12/16/20 attack power for every 1000 points of your armor value.

* Butcher - Whenever you kill an enemy that grants experience or honor, you generate Runic Power. In addition, Runic Power takes longer to decay outside of combat.

* Bone Armor (Rank 1) - "The caster is surrounded by 4 whirling bones. Each bone reduces the damage from the next spell or melee attack by 40% but is then consumed. Lasts 5 min." [Power type: 5, power cost: 25, cooldown: 30 sec]

* Chromatic Rune Mastery - "Whenever a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune activates, it has a 2/4/6% chance of converting into a Chromatic Rune. This Rune counts as a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune. Lasts 10 sec."

* Rage of Rivendare - You do 2/4/6/8/10% additional weapon damage to diseased targets.

* Tundra Stalker - "You deal 2/4/6/8/10% more melee damage to targets under the effects of Icy Touch, Chains of Ice, Howling Blast or Hungering Cold."

* Deathchill (Rank 1, Level 56) - "Launches an Icy Touch at every enemy within 40 yards, dealing 4 damage per Runic Power to each target and causing a high amount of threat." [0 power cost, cooldown: 60 sec]

* Wandering Plague - "When the diseases you inflicted upon an enemy target cause damage, there is a 5/10/15% chance the disease will instead damage all enemies within 8 yards. This damage will not cancel spells normally cancelled when targets take damage."

* Improved Corpse Explosion - "While Corpse Explosion is active, corpses have a 10/15/20/25/30% chance to explode for increased damage."

* Crypt Fever - "Diseases caused by you or your Ghouls also reduce an enemy's attributes by 5/10/15% per disease."

* Ravenous Dead - "Increases the Strength of you and your ghouls by 1/2/3/4/5% and reduces the cooldown on Raise Dead by 30 sec."

* Pestilence - "When an enemy that grants experience or honor dies while suffering from one of your diseases, its corpse has a 10/20/30% chance of producing 1/1-3/3-5 Blood Worms. Blood Worms attack your enemies, healing you for the amount of damage they deal for 15 sec or until killed."

* Sudden Doom - "Your Blood Strikes have a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to make your next Death Coil consume no Runic Power if cast within 8 sec."

* Scent of Blood - "After being struck by a ranged or melee critical hit, you gain the Scent of Blood effect, causing your melee hits to steal life from the enemy for the next 6 sec."

Rogue spells/talents DO NOT EXIST YET. The oft-posted fake ones are not in the DBC at all. The patch notes themselves note the exclusion of new rogue skills

Warrior spells/talents:

* Titan's Grip - Allows you to equip two-handed axes, maces and swords in one hand, but you attack 28/26/24/22/20% slower then normal (fury)

* Strength of Arms - Increases your Strength and total health by 1/2/3/4/5%. (arms)

* Shockwave - "Sends a wave of force in front of the warrior, causing ${$m3/100*$AP} damage (based on attack power) and stunning all enemy targets within 10 yards in a frontal cone for 4 sec. This ability causes a high amount of threat." [20 rage, 45 sec cooldown] (prot)

* Sword and Board - When your Devastate and Shield Slam abilities deal damage they have a 2/4/6/8/10% chance of refreshing the cooldown of your Shield Slam ability and reducing its cost by 100% for 5 sec. (prot)

* Safeguard - ,"Reduces damage taken by the target of your Intervene ability by 20/40/60% for 6 sec. In addition, your Charge, Intercept and Intervene abilities have a 33%/66%/100% chance to remove all movement impairing effects when used." (prot)

* Trauma - "Your normal melee critical strikes increase the effectiveness of Bleed effects on the target by 15/30% for 15 sec."

* _Bladestorm - Instantly Whirlwind all nearby targets and for the next 4.5 sec you will perform a whirlwind attack every 1.5 seconds. While under the effects of Bladestorm, you can move but cannot perform any other attacks or abilities but you do not feel pity or remorse or fear and you cannot be stopped unless killed. [25 rage, cooldown: 90 sec] (arms)

* Stalwart Protector - You gain 1/2 rage every time you parry or dodge an attack.

* Furious Resolve - Reduces threat caused by attacks in Battle and Berserker Stance by 4/7/10% and increases your total Stamina by 1/3/5%. (fury)

* Mighty Blow - Inflicts normal damage plus $s1 to an enemy, knocking it back.

* Bull Rush - Increases the duration of the Stun effect of your Charge and Intercept abilities by [?] seconds. (arms)

* Unrelenting Assault - Reduces the cooldown of your Overpower and Revenge abilities by [?] seconds. (arms)

* Bloodsurge - Your Bloodthirst critical hits have a [?]% chance of reducing the swing time of your next Slam by [?] for [?]. (fury)

* Critical Block - Your successful blocks have a [?]% chance to block double the normal amount. (prot)

Mage spells/talents:

* Arcane Barrage (Rank 3, Level 80, 610 mana, instant, 3 sec cooldown) - Launches several missiles at the enemy target, causing 936-1145 Arcane damage.

(Rank 1, 60, 335 mana, 385-470)

(Rank 2, 70, 405 mana, 709-866)

* Burnout - Increases your spell critical damage bonus with all Fire spells by 5/10/15/20/25% but every time you critical with a Fire spell you lose an additional ?% of your total mana.

* Chilled to the Bone - Increases the damage caused by your Frostbolt and Ice Lance spells by 1/2/3/4/5% and reduces the movement speed of all chilled targets by an additional 2/4/6/8/10%.

* Deep Freeze - Stuns the target for 5 sec. Only usable on Frozen targets. [30 sec cooldown]

* Frostfire Bolt (Rank 1, Level 75) - "Launches a bolt of frostfire at the enemy, causing 629-732 Fire damage, slowing movement speed by 40% and causing an additional 57 Fire damage over 9 sec. If the target is more vulnerable to Frost damage, this spell will cause Frost instead of Fire damage."

* Netherwind Presence - Gives your Arcane Missiles, Arcane Barrage, Arcane Blast, Fireball, Frostbolt and Frostfire Bolt spells a 1/2/3/4/5% chance to cause the next Arcane Blast, Fireball, Frostbolt or Frostfire Bolt to be instant.

Despite the similar name and effect, this is not the same as the tier 2 bonus.

* Food: Sweet Potato Pie (75), Strudel (79)

* Water: Rain Water (74), Crystal Spring Water (7Cool

* Gem: Mana Sapphire (77, 3412 mana)

Druid spells/talents

* Living Seed - When you gain a critical effect from your Swiftmend, Regrowth, Nourish or Healing Touch spell you have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to plant a Living Seed on the target for % of the amount healed. The Living Seed will bloom when the target is next attacked. Lasts 15 sec.

* Spark of Nature- "Increases the critical effect chance of your Swiftmend and Nourish spells by 5/10/15%."

* Improved Tree of Life- "Increases your Armor while in Tree of Life Form by 120/240/360%, and increases the effect of your Bark's Blessing by 1/3/5%"

* Nature's Fury - "Converts 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus healing into bonus spell damage. In addition, your Wrath and Starfire spells have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance of applying the Nature's Fury debuff on the target. The Nature's Fury debuff increases Nature and Arcane damage done to the target by 2%. Lasts 10 sec. Stacks up to 3 times."

* Starfall (Rank 1, Level 80, 866 mana, instant, 3 min cooldown) - "You summon a flurry of stars from the sky on all targets within 30 yards of the caster, each doing 500 Arcane damage, and an additional 170 Arcane to all nearby targets within 10 yards. Maximum 20 stars. Lasts 10 sec."

* Infected Wounds - Your Shred, Maul and Mangle attacks have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to cause an Infected Wound in the target. The Infected Wound reduces the movement speed and casting speed of the target by 10%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 12 sec.

* Berserk - Removes all Stun, Fear, Snare and Movement Impairing Effects and increases your energy regeneration rate by 100% while in Cat form, and increases your total health by 20% while in Bear form. After the effect ends, the health is lost. Effect lasts 20 seconds.

* Flourish (Rank 1, Level 80, 450 mana, instant) - "Heals friendly party or raid members within 10 yards of the target for 665 over 7 sec. The healing is applied quickly at first, and slows down as the Flourish reaches its full duration."

* Improved Moonkin Form - "Your Moonkin Aura also causes affected targets to have a 33/66/100% chance to gain 100% spell haste when they critically hit with spells for seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every few seconds."

* Replenish - "Your Rejuvenation and Flourish spells have a 4/7/10% chance to restore 10 Energy, 4 Rage, % Mana or 10 Runic Power per tick."

* Typhoon - "You summon a violent Typhoon that does 745 Nature damage when in contact with hostile targets, slowing their movement speed by %. If hit twice from the same Typhoon, the enemy will be knocked back 5 yards. Typhoon will travel 20 yards and last up to 8 sec."

* Gale Winds - "Increases damage done by your Hurricane and Typhoon spells by 25/50%, and increases the range of your Cyclone spell by 10/20 yards."

* Defense Curl - "You have a 33/66/100% chance when critically struck while in Bear Form, Dire Bear Form and Cat Form to increase your Agility and Armor by 40% for 6 sec."

* Owlkin Frenzy - "Attacks done to you while in Moonkin form have a 5/10/15% chance to cause you to go into a Frenzy, increasing your spell haste by 25% and increasing your damage by 10%. Lasts 10 sec."

* Eclipse - "When you critically hit with Starfire, you have a 20/40/60% chance of increasing damage done by Wrath by 10%. When you critically hit with Wrath, you have a 20/40/60% chance of increasing your critical strike chance with Starfire by 10%. Effect lasts 12 sec."

*Tree Form addition - "Your heals also grant friendly targets your Bark's Blessing, increasing healing done to them by 25% of your total Spirit. Bark's Blessing lasts 8 sec." - While it may seem identical to the already present aura, note that it affects any friendly targets (vs only party members), and may stack with the aura.

* Nourish- "Heals a friendly target for 1550 to 1800. Heals for an additional 387.5 to 450 if Rejuvenation is on the target."

Shaman spells/talents

* Mind Shock - Shocks an enemy with concussive force, inflicting Nature damage and slowing attack and casting speeds by $s2% for $d.Time between attacks increased by $s2%.

* Temporal Rift - Channels a temporal rift on an enemy target for $d. While trapped in the rift, all damage done to the target is increased by $s1%. In addition, for every 2000 damage done to a target affected by Temporal Rift, 1 Shock Charge is generated.

* (Unknown name) - "Halts the passage of time, freezing all enemies within $r1 in place for $d. This attack applies 5 Shock Charges to each affected target

Priest spells/talents

* Dispersion - You disperse into pure shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by $s1%. You are unable to attack or cast spells, but you regenerate $s2% health and mana every 1 sec for $d.

* Persecution - Gives your Holy damage spells a $h% chance to Incapacitate the target for $47654d

* Mind Rot - Drains $o1 mana from the target over $d.Mana drain, $s1 points every 5 seconds.

* Mind Twisting - "Deals $s1 damage and knocks the targets up in the air."

* Nightmare - "Assault the target's mind, causing a powerful nightmare that deals $s2 Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards of the target. Lasts $d."

* Rapture - Causes your party members to gain mana equal to ${$m1/2}.1% of the healing done by your Greater Heal, Flash Heal and Penance spells.

* Divine Providence - "Increases the amount healed by Circle of Healing, Binding Heal, Prayer of Healing and Prayer of Mending by $s1%."

* Guardian Spirit - "Calls upon a guardian spirit to heal and watch over the friendly target. The spirit heals the target for 624 every 2 sec, and also prevents the target from dying by sacrificing itself. Lasts $48151d."

* Growing Pains - "Converts $s3% of your bonus healing into bonus spell damage. In addition, your Mind Flay has a $h% chance to refresh the duration of your Shadow Word: Pain on the target."

* Psychic Horror - " Causes your Psychic Scream spell to have a chance to Fear the target in horror for $d sec."

* Improved Shadowform - "Your Fade ability now has a $s1% chance to remove all movement impairing effects when used while in Shadowform, and gives you a $s2% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage when casting any Shadow spell while in Shadow form."

* Serendipity - "If your Greater Heal or Flash Heal spells heal the target for less than 50% of its intended effect, you have a $h% chance to be refunded the mana cost of the spell. This effect has a 10 second cooldown."

* Kindling Soul - "Your spell damage is increased by $s2% of your Spirit, and your spell criticals increase your Spirit by $47427s1% for 10 sec."

* Aspiration - "Reduces the cooldown of your Inner Focus, Power Infusion and Pain Suppression spells by $s1%."

* Divine Aegis - "Critical heals create a protective shield on the target, absorbing $s1% of the amount healed. Lasts $47753d."

* Grace - "Your Flash Heal, Greater Heal, and Penance spells bless the target with Grace, reducing damage done to the target by $47932s1%, and increasing healing done to the target by $47932s2%. This effect will stack up to 3 times."

* Dark Spirit - "Increases your Shadow damage by up to $s1% of your total Spirit."

* Test of Faith - "Increases healing by $s1% and spell critical effect chance by $s2% on friendly targets at or below 50% health."

* Mark of Divinity - "Marks the target with Divinity, causing 30% of all of your healing to also heal the target."

* Divine Hymn - "You recite a holy hymn, granting your party protection from attackers. Any attacks done to you or your party will cause the attacker to be afflicted by sleep for $48037d. Divine Hymn will last $47953d."

* Mind Sear - "Causes an explosion of shadow magic around the enemy target, causing $s1 Shadow damage every $f sec for $d to all targets within $49821a1 yards."

Warlock spells/talents

* Everlasting Affliction - Your Corruption, Siphon Life and Seed of Corruption spells gain an additional 4/8/12/16/20% of your bonus spell damage effects, and your Drain Life and Shadow Bolt spells have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to reset the duration of your Corruption spell on the target.

* Atrocity - "You devastate the area, causing Corruption (Rank Cool to all targets within 15 yards. In addition, your Corruption spell will do 434 Shadow damage to the target when it finishes its duration."

* Love Struck - "While the Succubus is active, physical attacks done to you or your Succubus have a chance to heal you or your Succubus instead of doing damage. The healing caused by Love Struck will not exceed 50% of the Warlock or Succubus' total health. This effect has a 6 second cooldown."

* Demonic Pact - Increases your Spirit by 1/2/3/4/5% while your Demon is active. In addition, your pet attacks have a 7/14/21/28/35% chance to increase your party's total Health and Damage by 1%. Stacks up to 3 times. Lasts 10 sec.

* Metamorphosis - "You transform into a Demon, with full health and mana. While in Demon Form, you gain Demonic abilities and your armor is increased to 360%, but your pet no longer is summoned."

* When leaving Demon Form, your health and mana is returned back to normal and your pet is re-summoned. Lasts 45 sec. [5 min cooldown]

* Eternal Flames - Your Searing Pain and Incinerate spells have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to refresh the duration of your Immolate spell on the target, and increases the critical strike damage of your Destruction spells by an additional 2/4/6/8/10%.

* Decimate - Your next Shadow or Fire spell is instant cast, and does damage in the form of Chaos damage, ignoring all resistances, absorption, and immunity mechanics. After the end of the Decimated cast, you become exhausted, disabling you from casting a spell of the same school for 3 sec.

* Haunt (Rank 1, Level 80, 650 mana, 30 sec cooldown) - You send a corrupted soul into the target, doing 800 damage over 2 sec. Haunt will continue to travel between targets who suffer from your Corruption spell. After traveling from up to three targets, the corrupted soul will return to you, healing you for 50% of the total damage done.

* Empowered Imp- Increases the damage done by your Imp by 5/10/15%, and all critical hits done by your Imp have a 20/40/60% chance to increase your spell critical hit chance by 100%. This effect lasts 8 sec.

* Molten Core - Your Shadow spells and damage over time effects have a 4/7/10% chance to increase the damage of your Fire spells by 10% for 6 sec.

* Backdraft - Increases the critical chance of your Conflagrate, Immolate and Shadowflame spells by 4/7/10%.

* Torture - After you critically strike with a Shadow spell, your next Searing Pain or Immolate spells have a % chance to become instant cast. This ability has a 20 second cooldown.

* Eradication - Your Corruption, Siphon Life, and Curse of Agony ticks have a 5/10/15% chance to increase your spell casting speed by % for 8 sec. This effect has a 10 second cooldown.

* Fel Synergy - Your Summoned Demons share an additional 5/10% of your Armor, Intellect and Stamina, and you have a 50/100% chance to heal your pet for 15% of the amount of damage done by you.

* Demonic Empathy - When you or your pet is critically hit, the other has a 33/66/100% chance to have their casting or attack speed increased by 30% for 8 sec.

* Shadowflame (Rank 1, Level 75, 745 mana, instant, 15 sec cooldown) - Targets in a cone in front of the caster take 934-1020 Shadow damage and an additional 492 Fire damage over 8 sec.


* Martyr - "Redirect all harmful spells directed at friendly targets to yourself for $d."

* Shout of Crusader - ''The Paladin lets out a mighty shout, causing all targets within 15 yards to become afflicted by Judgment of the Crusader, increasing all holy damage taken by $47960d.''


* Improved Icebound Fortitude - "Increases the duration of your Icebound Fortitude. In addition your Icebound Fortitude will dispel any damage over time effects and replace them with heal over time effects. Armor increased by $s2%. Immune to Stun effects."

* Miner's Revenge - "Hurls your pick axe at the target, inflicting $s1 Physical damage, ignoring any armor."

* Shield Break - Break down the enemy's defenses, disarming any shield they have equipped or reducing the chance the enemy will block by $s3% for $d.


? The following tradeskills are available to train up to 450: First Aid, Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning.


* Enchant Cloak - Haste: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase haste rating by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Cloak - Wisdom: "Permanently enchant a cloak to reduce threat slightly and increase Spirit by 10. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Cloak - Mighty Armor: "Permanently enchant a cloak to give 225 additional armor. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Cloak - Superior Shadow Resistance: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Shadow resistance by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Cloak - Titanweave: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase defense rating by 16. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Cloak - Spell Piercing: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase spell penetration by 35. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Cloak - Superior Agility: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Agility by 16. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Cloak - Superior Fire Resistance: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Fire resistance by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Cloak - Shadow Armor: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase stealth slightly and increase Agility by 10. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Cloak - Superior Arcane Resistance: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Arcane resistance by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Cloak - Superior Frost Resistance: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Frost resistance by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Cloak - Superior Fire Resistance: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Fire resistance by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Cloak - Superior Nature Resistance: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Nature resistance by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Chest - Exceptional Health: "Permanently enchant chest armor to increase health by 275. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Chest - Greater Defense: "Permanently enchant chest armor to increase defense rating by 16. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Chest - Exceptional Resilience: "Permanently enchant chest armor to increase resilience rating by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Chest - Greater Mana Restoration: "Permanently enchant chest armor to restore 8 mana every 5 seconds. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Boots - Tuskar's Vitality: "Permanently enchant boots to give a minor movement speed increase and 15 Stamina. Requires a level 60 or higher level item."

* Enchant Boots - Greater Fortitude: "Permanently enchant boots to increase Stamina by 22. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Boots - Greater Vitality: "Permanently enchant boots to restore 6 mana and health every 5 seconds. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Boots - Superior Agility: "Permanently enchant boots to increase Agility by 16. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Boots - Greater Spirit: "Permanently enchant boots to increase Spirit by 18. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Boots - Icewalker: "Permanently enchant boots to increase snare and root resistance by 5% and increase Stamina by 15. Requires a level 60 or higher level item."

* Enchant Bracers - Greater Assault: "Permanently enchant bracers to increase attack power by 38. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Bracers - Major Spirit: "Permanently enchant bracers to increase Spirit by 18. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Bracers - Expertise: "Permanently enchant bracers to increase expertise rating by 15. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Bracers - Exceptional Intellect: "Permanently enchant bracers to add +16 intellect. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Bracers - Exceptional Intellect: "Permanently enchant bracers to add +16 intellect. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Bracers - Major Healing: "Permanently enchant bracers to increase healing by 46 and spell damage by 16. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Bracers - Greater Spellpower: "Permanently enchant bracers to increase damage and healing from spells by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Bracer - Major Stamina: "Permanently enchant bracers to increase Stamina by 16. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Gloves - Greater Assault: "Permanently enchant gloves to add 32 attack power. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Gloves - Exceptional Spellpower: "Permanently enchant gloves to increase your spell damage by up to 28. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Gloves - Exceptional Healing: "Permanently enchant gloves to increase healing by up to 44 and spell damage by up to 15. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Gloves - Major Agility: "Permanently enchant boots to increase your agility by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Gloves - Gatherer: "Permanently enchant gloves to increase Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning by 5. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Gloves - Expertise: "Permanently enchant gloves to increase expertise rating by 15. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Gloves - Greater Spell Strike: "Permanently enchant gloves to increase spell hit rating by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Gloves - Greater Blasting: "Permanently enchant gloves to increase your spell critical rating by up to 16. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Shield - Exceptional Stamina: "Permanently enchant a shield to increase Stamina by 22. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Shield - Defense: "Permanently enchant a shield to increase defense rating by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Weapon - Lifeward: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to sometimes heal you. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Weapon - Scourgebane: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase attack power by $44594s1 against Undead. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Weapon - Exceptional Spellpower: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase spell damage and healing by up to 55. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Weapon - Greater Savagery: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase attack power by 90. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Weapon - Exceptional Healing: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase healing by up to 101 and spell damage by up to 34. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Weapon - Exceptional Agility: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase Agility by 26. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Weapon - Exceptional Striking: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to do 10 additional points of damage. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Weapon - Exceptional Intellect: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase Intellect by 45. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Weapon - Exceptional Spirit: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase Spirit by 45. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Weapon - Icebreake: "Permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to sometimes inflict Fire damage. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Weapon - Deathfrost: "Permanently enchant a weapon so your damaging spells and melee weapon hits occasionally inflict an additional 150 Frost damage and reduce the target's melee, ranged, and casting speed by 15% for 8 sec. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Weapon - Giant Slayer: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to have a chance of reducing movement speed and doing additional damage against Giants. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

* Enchant Ring - Greater Spellpower: "Permanently enchant a ring to increase spell damage and healing by up to 23. Only the Enchanter's rings can be enchanted, and enchanting a ring will cause it to become soulbound."

* Enchant Ring - Haste: "Permanently enchant a ring to increase haste rating by 20. Only the Enchanter's rings can be enchanted, and enchanting a ring will cause it to become soulbound."

* Enchant Ring - Greater Healing Power: "Permanently enchant a ring to increase healing by up to 44 and spell damage by up to 15. Only the Enchanter's rings can be enchanted, and enchanting a ring will cause it to become soulbound."

* Enchant Ring - Assault: "Permanently enchant a ring to increase attack power by 40. Only the Enchanter's rings can be enchanted, and enchanting a ring will cause it to become soulbound."

* Enchanted White Wand: "Creates an enchanted white wand."

* Enchanted Crimson Wand: "Creates an enchanted crimson wand."

* Exceptional Mana Oil: "While applied to target weapon it restores 19 mana to the caster every 5 seconds. Lasts for 1 hour."

* Exceptional Wizard Oil: "While applied to target weapon it increases spell damage by up to 56. Lasts for 1 hour."


* Smelt Froststeel : "Allows the miner to smelt 3 azurite bars and an eternal water into a froststeel bar. Requires a forge."

* Smelt Hardened Azurite : "Allows the miner to smelt 10 azurite bars into a hardened azurite bar. Requires a forge."

* Smelt Azurite : "Allows the miner to smelt azurite ore into an azurite bar. Requires a forge."

* Smelt Saronite : "Allows the miner to smelt 10 saronite ore into a saronite bar. Requires a forge."

* Smelt Titansteel : "Allows the miner to smelt a saronite bar and titanium ore into a titansteel bar. Requires a forge."

* Smelt Cobalt : "Allows the miner to smelt cobalt ore into a cobalt bar. Requires a forge."


* Black Warp Stalker - "Summons and dismisses a rideable Warp Stalker. This is a very fast mount."

Oh and blizz nuked 365,000 accounts today for win trading /botting and other act's

Polar bear mount should be white, regardless if polar bears aren't white.

Did a ZA run tonight, would have gotten the first 2 chests, but I DCed right when we pull Bear boss, so that wasn't going to happen. But bear, dropped my Jungle Stompers, and Hawk boss drop that DPS plate. And being only plate wearer in the run, I got them both. So I need T4 Shoulders or the one's from ZA, Gruul/Jan'alai shield, and I'll be happy with my toon. Seein as we aren't in Tk/SSC, those are the last 2 places I need/want upgrades.

Had to call ZA run short, since the OT, couldn't grab the spirit. It's a mage who recently switched mains to his druid, and he's learning to tank, but create a macro doing /tar Spirit and instantly taunting/highest threat abilitie, isn't so hard to do is it? Well the druid either ignored it, so I had to drag boss around to pick it up, or druid taunted boss of me. :(

Polar bear mount should be white, regardless if polar bears aren't white.

Did a ZA run tonight, would have gotten the first 2 chests, but I DCed right when we pull Bear boss, so that wasn't going to happen. But bear, dropped my Jungle Stompers, and Hawk boss drop that DPS plate. And being only plate wearer in the run, I got them both. So I need T4 Shoulders or the one's from ZA, Gruul/Jan'alai shield, and I'll be happy with my toon. Seein as we aren't in Tk/SSC, those are the last 2 places I need/want upgrades.

Had to call ZA run short, since the OT, couldn't grab the spirit. It's a mage who recently switched mains to his druid, and he's learning to tank, but create a macro doing /tar Spirit and instantly taunting/highest threat abilitie, isn't so hard to do is it? Well the druid either ignored it, so I had to drag boss around to pick it up, or druid taunted boss of me. :(

I hate the Lynx boss but my hatred is from a healing POV, just always seems like such a stuggle. Also since the last patch he seems even harder but i think that's just because of our recent groups there.

I hate the Lynx boss but my hatred is from a healing POV, just always seems like such a stuggle. Also since the last patch he seems even harder but i think that's just because of our recent groups there.

I haven't done it recently so I can't comment on nerfs but these are some of the things that helped make the fight more predictable when I did run it:

  • Your off tank shouldn't take a lot of damage apart from saberlash. Our tanks would just gear for pure avoidance just as they would for Mother Shaz: it increases the time between huge spikes.
  • The saberlash tank doesn't need to generate any threat after he's on the bosses list of targets (1 melee hit will make sure he is). You can use this to your advantage by having your OT stop attacking after saber-lash to avoid parrying the boss and causing a nasty Hit -> lash -> (hasted)hit combo. Getting expertise capped is also worth the effort if they aren't already.
  • I made a cast sequence to deal with dispel+heal during the flame-shock phase: /castsequence [target=mouseover] dispel magic, renew and I bound that to a button on the mouse. Then I just watched for someone getting flame stuck and clicked them twice.
  • There's no good reason to hit the add during phase 2 once he's tanked.
  • DPS tweaked their FLK macros slightly:
    /target corrupted
    /cast <sinister strike, shadow word: death, fire blast, etc. goes here>

    If all of your DPS spam that when the totem pops, it should die before it casts almost every time - of course they'll need to make sure they keep enough energy/rage for the ability and remember not to put that ability on cooldown.

I found this fight one of the least enjoyable in the zone: it's a pure tank and spank with mechanics almost identical to Molten Core trash.

I found this fight one of the least enjoyable in the zone: it's a pure tank and spank with mechanics almost identical to Molten Core trash.

Definately the least enjoyable, we wipe on him more than any other and we shouldn't as like you say it really is a tank and spank.

I haven't played World of Warcraft for quite some time, haven't followed the WoW 'scene' either.

But I got two Wotlk questions I was hoping someone could answer.

I saw the link and noticed some wotlk-beta official torrents, has the beta been publicly released or is this the friends/family beta?

Also, all the Deathknight photos I've seen feature the deathknight in full armour - When we create our Deathknight, will he be decked out in this set or is this merely for show?

I saw the link and noticed some wotlk-beta official torrents, has the beta been publicly released or is this the friends/family beta?

The alpha has started and for a while the client files were downloadable from Blizzards website without authentication?they may still be. You can't actually play the alpha content, but you can open the files and data mine them if that sort of thing is fun for you.

Also, all the Deathknight photos I've seen feature the deathknight in full armour - When we create our Deathknight, will he be decked out in this set or is this merely for show?

According to Tom Chilton (one of the lead designers/developers), they start at level 55 and come with a set of blue/green quality armor: it's not unreasonable to suspect they'll come looking something like the pictures that are on the website. Sadly, they'll all look like unemployed clowns with 15 minutes of hitting level 58 and heading to HFP.

Since the Lynx boss is tank and spank, I found him to be one of the easier bosses, out of the 4 animal bosses. No tank switching, no adds (like jan'alai), just burst damage, with a shock/totem on phase 2. Otherwise it's a really easy fight, and we usually never have problems with him. But last night, with that OT, was horrible. I don't want to call him a bad tank, seeing how it's the first time I ran with this guy, I try to save my judgement for a few runs to judge someone. But he's either bad or just really slow. :(

Edited by Slane

Finally made a new UI - my old one has been creaking along since 2.4 came out and it was past due for an update.

replaced all my spells with macros that do things like down rank on shift, convert shield to res when my target is dead, and cast DPS spells when my target is hostile. Changed up keybindings to "ESDF" and gained some free buttons on the right of the left of the keyboard and mouse bound the rest.

Next up is 'tweaking' it to work for my mage & rogue.


Finally made a new UI - my old one has been creaking along since 2.4 came out and it was past due for an update.

replaced all my spells with macros that do things like down rank on shift, convert shield to res when my target is dead, and cast DPS spells when my target is hostile. Changed up keybindings to "ESDF" and gained some free buttons on the right of the left of the keyboard and mouse bound the rest.

Next up is 'tweaking' it to work for my mage & rogue.

I see a configuration such as this and think wow, that is utterly 1337. I've been looking for something along these lines, but can't find any good material to go off of. Is this something you make from scratch? Obviously, like you said you can clean up the slutter of so amny button by using macros, but what about not having the minimap and totally revamping the UI? Do you have some good reads on this? As this is probably too much to explain.

Is this something you make from scratch?

I start by collecting add ons that accomplish the common things i want (ie: moving the mini-map, enhancing chat, etc), then I write macros or scripts for more complicated functions that aren't going to exist in pre-packaged add ons. From there I lay them out and tweak colors/fonts/textures until they have some sort of cohesive feeling (i find them less distracting this way).

All totaled there's probably about 25-30 add-ons that I use to do everything form clumping all my bags into 1 large 95-slot bag.

Some people build up a UI and then package it all so that other people can Install it, you can find things like that at sites like

I use WowAceUpdater to install/update my add ons so I'm not constantly babysitting things when blizzard changes the add-on API.

Obviously, like you said you can clean up the slutter of so amny button by using macros

Here's an example of my "Power Word:Shield" macro (from memory):

/cast [mod:alt,t=player]Power Word: Shield;[nodead,help]Power Word:Shield
/stopmacro [mod:alt][nodead,help]
/cast [dead, help]Ressurection
/cast [harm][mod:ctrl]Mana Burn
/stopmacro [harm][mod:ctrl]
/cast [mod:shift,alt][nomod]Power Word: Shield

What it does:

  • Shield on my target if pressed
  • Shield on me if I hold alt
  • Resurrection if my target is dead
  • Mana Burn if I have an enemy targeted
  • Make the next friendly target I click end up shielded if:
    • I have no target selected
    • I hold alt and shift together

The last part is really nice for the giant-robot trash leading from Mother Shaz to Council, but you'll probably never find it in a pre-packaged addon and it's a huge pain to create that sort of functionality using a toolbar addon (it can be done, but the macro is much more reliable and customizable if need the space).

I also macro more trival things like the trinket slots (again from memory):

/cast [mod:shift] 14
/stopmacro [mod:shift]
/cast [mod:alt] Tears of the Goddess, Najentus Spine, Tainted Core, whatever
/stopmacro [mod:alt]
/cast 13

This will use whatever is in your top trinket slot whenever you click it, whatever is in the bottom slot when you hold shift, and the encounter specific item like Tears during Archimonde when you hold alt.

This is nice because it saves you from having to drag things like the tears from the bag to an empty toolbar slot. It also continues to work when you replace your swap a damage trinket for the PVP "get out of everything" trinket - no need to update the toolbar, just press the same button you always would.

All of the visible buttons are macros that work like this: it means I don't have to flip bars around whenever I want to farm.

but what about not having the minimap and totally revamping the UI?

Macros reduce the number of buttons I need, from there I use add-ons to replace action bars, unit frames, raid-frames, buff lists, bags. I use a few more to enhance the chat, tooltips, etc. Then I add more information with class buff/debuff timers, boss ability timers, damage/healing/decruse tracking mods, threat meter, etc.

The wowwiki page gives a bit of an introduction but I think most people end up just experimenting with various add ons and asking people for advice on what to do in order to accomplish a task.

Do you have some good reads on this? As this is probably too much to explain.

I'm working on a "how to priest bt/hyjal/sunwell" guide for the new priests - a large section is about setting up a raid UI. I'll post the relevant section when I'm finished.

I'll edit this post with an annotated screenshot so you can see what add ons I use. You can get all of them using wow ace updater or by downloading them from

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