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when you should be happy with what we got, how many years did they ignore our pleas

Maybe it's me being stupid, but I don't get what you're trying to say.

I didn't play in Vanilla.

  • In classic druids were third rate at everything: all PVE rolls and all PVP rolls were better served by other classes. You saw them in raids as buff bots: they were there to toss innervate on priests and sponge the stormrage that dropped non-stop in BWL.
  • TBC made druids first-class tanks, the dominate PVP class, and passable melee DPS. While they had some healing utility they were marginalized by content. Sunwell heavily favored priests and shaman over druids as healers but you could still expect to find one or two tanking and maybe a tree for good luck (unlike say mages who raided sunwell from the front step by handing out buffs to the 'useful' classes).
  • In WoTLK a druid handily fills all four rolls in PVE and remains a strong PVP class too.

Blizzard hasn't been ignoring druids, they've spent their time making the class one of the most well

rounded in the game. if "these graphics aren't cool enough" can make it on to the list of complaints then the class is doing just fine.

That'd be great. I've seen those frames before just never knew what they were called.

You can get TukUI then in the forums there, is a section called skinning. There you can get addons allready skinned for the UI such as sexycooldown, recount and omen. Its pretty nifty :)

I also remember such an addon, or at least the functionality.. but don't remember the name.

What you can do is bind the Skull icon to a key and use it when you attack a mob.

You can also add it to a macro with a common attack that you're using.

Like Heroic Strike, or Swipe - I don't know if it will make the Skull icon go crazy, but it's a solution :p

I also remember such an addon, or at least the functionality.. but don't remember the name.

What you can do is bind the Skull icon to a key and use it when you attack a mob.

You can also add it to a macro with a common attack that you're using.

Like Heroic Strike, or Swipe - I don't know if it will make the Skull icon go crazy, but it's a solution :p

Nah, I don't want any more buttons in the UI nor do I want Macros as my openers differs, so that'd be quite annoying - Plus I'd have to dynamically be able to switch in combat, so everyone is

attacking the same target as me, would be annoying if I had to use a certain attack for it to switch.

So I'd find the addon I used, it was about 10 times easier :p

Thanks though (Y)

We're not looking for a DK at the moment but the standard fair "exceptional players always welcome" applies. We have two regular DKs and one trialing as DW frost whom I expect will be accepted. If you've got gear on par with Fainn you'd probably be able to find a spot as a backup but a full time spot probably isn't open right now (we're casual but consistent so relatively few open raider spots).

If you've moved on from "We're crappy healers, worthless DPS, free kills in PVP, and only useful on one fight as a tank (soaking hatefuls on patchwerk at 60)" to "we should look even more cool when we're smacking things" then I think you've made out just fine.

Almost on par with him. You can see Boredoom from Garona.


Nah, I don't want any more buttons in the UI nor do I want Macros as my openers differs, so that'd be quite annoying - Plus I'd have to dynamically be able to switch in combat, so everyone is

attacking the same target as me, would be annoying if I had to use a certain attack for it to switch.

So I'd find the addon I used, it was about 10 times easier :p

Thanks though (Y)

Can't you create a mouseover macro that sets the target just by (for example) CTRL-Shift-Click on the mob?

Something like "/run [mod:alt] SetRaidTarget("target", 8)"

There's also an addon called Simple Raid Target Icons that will let you double-click a mob and pick which icon you want from a popup "wheel" interface.

Can't you create a mouseover macro that sets the target just by (for example) CTRL-Shift-Click on the mob?

Something like "/run [mod:alt] SetRaidTarget("target", 8)"

There's also an addon called Simple Raid Target Icons that will let you double-click a mob and pick which icon you want from a popup "wheel" interface.

Which is useless in a fight with many mobs and you are switching main target in combat, can't go through wheels, menus and key-combos in that situation.

Oh well, just binded target markers on the F4, 5 and 6 keys - Will do for now, hopefully I'll find that addon I once used, it was really good.

Which is useless in a fight with many mobs and you are switching main target in combat, can't go through wheels, menus and key-combos in that situation.

Oh well, just binded target markers on the F4, 5 and 6 keys - Will do for now, hopefully I'll find that addon I once used, it was really good.

Or you could just say, "Hey guys, get smart and shoot the right thing." :p

So anyone (US peeps) got some good server names to drop? Going horde with a friend and we've been looking for a few days for a quality server and I'm wondering what some fellow neowian's have to say. PvE btw.

US - Area 52 - Horde; Horde dominated. I xferred here from a low pop. This is high pop awesomeness. I raid with guild. But my alt(s) run constant 12/12 25 man GDKP runs. As well as other content PuG / GDKP runs, tons of hard mode guilds etc.

US - Area 52 - Horde; Horde dominated. I xferred here from a low pop. This is high pop awesomeness. I raid with guild. But my alt(s) run constant 12/12 25 man GDKP runs. As well as other content PuG / GDKP runs, tons of hard mode guilds etc.


That's where we ended up at, after talking to a few people from various servers.

That's usually asking too much for some people. :whistle:

Exactly, you need to babysit every party you're in :laugh:

Check this out, might not be what you were looking for, but seems to have the basics of what you need.

Also, this.

I accept gratitude via PayPal, thank you very much :p (J/K of course :))

Eeeeep! that sounds like the stuff I need, thank you very much sweetheart :wub:

I don't know if it's been posted already but this made my day :D

On a side note I had my first Crushbridge PuG today, wiped 2 times the first 15min, then disband. The best part is 1h later I was having my best PuG ever in the Nexus, the guys were just starting so we had to do Keristrasza several times before getting her, but everybody was patient which is a rare quality in todays PuGs. I've also dinged 72 on my main and first char ever, and I'm only 800g short to get Artisan Riding. Great day :)

Oh, and some questions : I'm now Skinning / Herba. I'm almost max-lvl skinning, is it a good profession gold-wise ? or should I change to something else ? I'd like some suggestions on the best professions gold-wise and usefulness-wise for a Night Elf Druid :) Should I just drop skinning ang get Mining / Herba for max gold ?

Here's a weird one. I'm asking for add on advice.

Anyone know any great Shaman add ons?

To do what?

With the default keybinds for each set of totems and Totemic recall, I really didn't think there was any need for shaman addon's (Unless you want something other than totems).

I don't know if it's been posted already but this made my day :D

On a side note I had my first Crushbridge PuG today, wiped 2 times the first 15min, then disband. The best part is 1h later I was having my best PuG ever in the Nexus, the guys were just starting so we had to do Keristrasza several times before getting her, but everybody was patient which is a rare quality in todays PuGs. I've also dinged 72 on my main and first char ever, and I'm only 800g short to get Artisan Riding. Great day :)

Oh, and some questions : I'm now Skinning / Herba. I'm almost max-lvl skinning, is it a good profession gold-wise ? or should I change to something else ? I'd like some suggestions on the best professions gold-wise and usefulness-wise for a Night Elf Druid :) Should I just drop skinning ang get Mining / Herba for max gold ?

This. Is. Epic. Haha, nice video ;)

If you're after gold, JC is the best profession to have, but you'll need to work for it, it's not easy.

Gathering professions could be beneficial as well, you just need to learn your realm's economics, I never bother to, but I still manage to make a nice profit from low-level leathers and other materials, Herbs sell for VERY nice prices, almost on any realm.

If you're going to be raiding, I'd recommend a profession that boosts your DPS (if you're DPS) or that provides the most "utility", like Alchemy and JC.

Don't bother dropping Skinning for Mining, only drop professions for a Main one, not for another support profession.

To Minifig, you need to be a tad bit more specific than that :)

Not to insult you, but if you're Elemental, then you barely need a UI, let alone addons :p

If you're a healer, get Clique.

If you're the one that dies on every pull... I mean, Enchantment, eh - I don't think there are any Shaman specific addons other than Totem management.

There are obviously some very nice addons, but they're not exclusive to Shamans.

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