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Priests are hilariously broken on beta right now:

  • 1 Find a mob (level 80 mobs have around 30k health)
  • cast shadow word pain
  • run away and find another mob
  • repeat

You heal for roughly 200 HP/s for every mob you dot and you are getting SW:P ticks of 1.5-3k every 3 seconds and are automatically

casting free mind blasts (6-14k) at your selected target every second. Your DPS, HPS and Regen scale with the number of mobs you can DOT

so you're literally an unstoppable killing machine. You can get a bar of XP in about 4 or 5 minutes just running around.

I'd argue it's more broken than even DKs were in WoTLK beta.

Transfer to the PVE server - we can make a guild and such.

The mechanics in the new 5-mans are about as difficult as karazhan which means that most pugs are incapable of doing them after 2 years of being handed free loot.

This puts a huge grin in my face. Keep it like this for live.

Hi all,

Im sure im missing something, but I've hit Level 80, got all my Tier 9 gear and am trying to get frosties for Tier 10.

The trouble is, i can only seem to get them by doing the daily dungeon.

I hang around Dalran and Stormwin, looking at the trade channels and everyone wants folk for ICC, and rarely for VoA.

As i only have 4600 GS i get refused for ICC and im getting fed up looking for VoA so to be frank, im getting bored with it as its pointless just hanging around looking for a raid.

Any tips?

evn, how are the new 5-men mechanics different from their current state exactly ?

Mobs actually have abilities that you can't just ignore. You need crowd control, everyone DPSing the same target and correct positioning in 5-mans or you simply die.

Hi all,

Im sure im missing something, but I've hit Level 80, got all my Tier 9 gear and am trying to get frosties for Tier 10.

The trouble is, i can only seem to get them by doing the daily dungeon.

I hang around Dalran and Stormwin, looking at the trade channels and everyone wants folk for ICC, and rarely for VoA.

As i only have 4600 GS i get refused for ICC and im getting fed up looking for VoA so to be frank, im getting bored with it as its pointless just hanging around looking for a raid.

Any tips?

Try the Icecrown 5-mans on heroic.(Halls of Reflection, Pit of Saron and Forge of Souls). They drop iLvl 232 loot that's pretty good. Aside that it's pretty much just looking out for ICC groups that only do the first 4 bosses... Gearscore really killed the game.

As i only have 4600 GS i get refused for ICC and im getting fed up looking for VoA so to be frank, im getting bored with it as its pointless just hanging around looking for a raid.

Any tips?

Get in a casual guild. No point trying to PUG raids the ******** to person ratio is far too high.

Mobs actually have abilities that you can't just ignore. You need crowd control, everyone DPSing the same target and correct positioning in 5-mans or you simply die.

Try the Icecrown 5-mans on heroic.(Halls of Reflection, Pit of Saron and Forge of Souls). They drop iLvl 232 loot that's pretty good. Aside that it's pretty much just looking out for ICC groups that only do the first 4 bosses... Gearscore really killed the game.

Thats just it, nearly everything i have is 232 and some is above 232.

Im in Limbo, not enough GS for raids but to high for heroics, so unless i spend ages flying round mining to get cash for the AH to buy stuff which, to be frank, is unbelievably boring, then im screwed.

Big let down after having got this far.

Thats just it, nearly everything i have is 232 and some is above 232.

Im in Limbo, not enough GS for raids but to high for heroics, so unless i spend ages flying round mining to get cash for the AH to buy stuff which, to be frank, is unbelievably boring, then im screwed.

Big let down after having got this far.

Oh! Try to get in some ToC25's! They're easy as hell and have pretty nice 245 gear! (aside that, I feel your pain. Once you it 5k gs it all gets much easier)

Thats just it, nearly everything i have is 232 and some is above 232.

Im in Limbo, not enough GS for raids but to high for heroics, so unless i spend ages flying round mining to get cash for the AH to buy stuff which, to be frank, is unbelievably boring, then im screwed.

Big let down after having got this far.

Oh! Try to get in some ToC25's! They're easy as hell and have pretty nice 245 gear! (aside that, I feel your pain. Once you it 5k gs it all gets much easier)


I need advice concerning leveling 70-80. I'm 72 right now on my main (Moonkin) but I feel leveling has become extremely slow. I was used to ding a level each day in Outland just doing instances and questing in between, but I'm now stuck in 72 for 3 days and still have 2 bars to ding. I mean i'm not QQing or something, it's just that I feel that I'm wasting a lot of my time : except for rare cases, PuGs disband automatically if they wipe, no one is doing TBC heroics/raids and even when I complete an instance the XP rewards are somehow even less than if I had quested for the same amount of time. Any secret recipe to speed level through the 10 last levels ? :D

I'm 72 right now on my main (Moonkin) but I feel leveling has become extremely slow.

This is by design, to a point. With the release of Wrath, Blizzard artificially accelerated levelling through the old world and Outland so people could get to the newest content faster. Now you're playing the newest content, expansion-wise, levelling will slow down.

My recommendation is to embrace the change and have fun. Questing through Northrend is much more fun than the old world and Outland. It took me a while to go 70-80, but I had a ton of fun doing it.


I need advice concerning leveling 70-80. I'm 72 right now on my main (Moonkin) but I feel leveling has become extremely slow. I was used to ding a level each day in Outland just doing instances and questing in between, but I'm now stuck in 72 for 3 days and still have 2 bars to ding. I mean i'm not QQing or something, it's just that I feel that I'm wasting a lot of my time : except for rare cases, PuGs disband automatically if they wipe, no one is doing TBC heroics/raids and even when I complete an instance the XP rewards are somehow even less than if I had quested for the same amount of time. Any secret recipe to speed level through the 10 last levels ? :D

AV - I did 3 levels in a day in there, 72-75 and I had to stop so my gear wouldn't be too outdated for dungeons.

This is by design, to a point. With the release of Wrath, Blizzard artificially accelerated levelling through the old world and Outland so people could get to the newest content faster. Now you're playing the newest content, expansion-wise, levelling will slow down.

My recommendation is to embrace the change and have fun. Questing through Northrend is much more fun than the old world and Outland. It took me a while to go 70-80, but I had a ton of fun doing it.

Thanks, that's what I thought too, just gotta keep questing.


Yeah but I'm not really into PvP, let alone BGs :/ Kinda anxious about it as I don't have resilience gear at all and I'm not comfrotable with PvP mechanics. Thanks anyway :)

evn, how are the new 5-men mechanics different from their current state exactly ?

Take any fight in the current game save for the Lich King escape at the end of HoR and you can basically blast through it in 10 or 15 seconds.

During WoTLK leveling a given boss fight lasted about 1 minute but most of the mechanics could be described as:

  • Kill boss
  • Kill an add or two
  • Kill boss some more

There weren't really any abilities that would target party members and kill them so you could basically ignore the AOEs or debuffs and

play every fight as a tank and spank. For example, consider the Nexus:

  • tank and spank with 2 adds
  • tank and spank - split to 3 adds then back
  • tank and spank swapping between a boss and an add
  • tank and spank
  • tank and spank, press your jump a couple of times.

The first boss in Blackrock caverns is similar to the 4th boss in Nexus but if you ignore his "line on the floor = AOE" then you'll die.

He's also got a shade of aran/sindragosa style teleport & explode (with some chains to DPS before you can move) and again if you

fail then you will die. The third (?) boss is similar to netherspite with beams that activate adds but you can block them by breaking

line of sight with your character. If the debuff from the beam stacks to 100 then you're transformed and mind controlled similar to

Chromagus so there's some rotating that needs to happen. I suspect that a well geared healer and tank might be able to carry a

group ignoring the beams by chaining cooldowns but it'd be very RNG prone if it worked.

Fights seem to last about 2 or 3 minutes assuming a group with average quality gear (251 or 264 tier 10). Things last less time when I'm

teamed with other people in 277 but I think that has more to do with player skill than the quality of their gear (if you have full 277 then

you've been farming heroic ICC for a while which means you're probably quiet experienced with your class). No matter what you'll be

dealing with the gimmic at a handful of times before the boss dies.

Overall they remind me of TBC dungeons and that's a good thing. Even with a full set of Tier 4 there were 5-man dungeons that were no

joke until long after the epic gear buff/dungeon nerf in 2.0.6. Heroics were fun in TBC and I'm hopeful that they will be in Cata too.

Thanks, that's what I thought too, just gotta keep questing.


Yeah but I'm not really into PvP, let alone BGs :/ Kinda anxious about it as I don't have resilience gear at all and I'm not comfrotable with PvP mechanics. Thanks anyway :)

Resilience gear, into PvP?

I was sitting for 8 hours guarding flags in AV and watching movies on my second 24", I managed to get quite through a few - Then back out, didn't have to do anything. Easiest 3 levels ever.

.evn, sorry if this was "answered" somewhere obvious and I completely missed it, but:

How can you be certain that we won't steamroll through Heroics when we get geared from Cata raids or, from the same heroics - as we're effectively doing now ?

Granted they weren't really hard to begin with, but I'm 99% sure that people (not saying I will..) learn these heroics in no time and with the proper gear they'll be facerolling once again.

From the little I saw of the dungeons, they bring nothing "new", just rehashed abilities and some mixed ones.

CC was important in TBC as well, but by the time BT was under farm status for most guilds, and especially when Sunwell came out, people largely ignored CC in heroics and did quite well.

I'm not particularly excited about this, I'm more excited about the changes in the Old World and the new-revamped areas and quests.

I might even roll some more alts.. :)

Just one example of a semi difficult encounter in a LK Heroic, Loken, he WAS hard at the beginning, people HAD died due to his Lightning Nova, but now ? We zerg and even if we do get hit by it, twice - it's nothing that a Healer can't deal with. Nowadays of course, the exact same thing will happen in Cata, you'll die at first, but when you outgear it, you'll faceroll the boss.

.evn, sorry if this was "answered" somewhere obvious and I completely missed it, but:

How can you be certain that we won't steamroll through Heroics when we get geared from Cata raids or, from the same heroics - as we're effectively doing now ?

Granted they weren't really hard to begin with, but I'm 99% sure that people (not saying I will..) learn these heroics in no time and with the proper gear they'll be facerolling once again.

From the little I saw of the dungeons, they bring nothing "new", just rehashed abilities and some mixed ones.

CC was important in TBC as well, but by the time BT was under farm status for most guilds, and especially when Sunwell came out, people largely ignored CC in heroics and did quite well.

I'm not particularly excited about this, I'm more excited about the changes in the Old World and the new-revamped areas and quests.

I might even roll some more alts.. :)

Just one example of a semi difficult encounter in a LK Heroic, Loken, he WAS hard at the beginning, people HAD died due to his Lightning Nova, but now ? We zerg and even if we do get hit by it, twice - it's nothing that a Healer can't deal with. Nowadays of course, the exact same thing will happen in Cata, you'll die at first, but when you outgear it, you'll faceroll the boss.

Yea, I have a feeling this'll still be the case.

I won't mind if they're on par with the difficulty of Forge of Souls or a teensy bit harder (when you're at around a 4400 GS), but I never want to see the difficulty of TBC Heroics again, especially with the random dungeon finder. I love the tool because it gets me quick groups, but I don't think random groups could even take another Heroic Halls of Reflection (much less something like Heroic Magister's Terrace). Random players tend to jump ship very easily if things aren't going perfectly.

.evn, sorry if this was "answered" somewhere obvious and I completely missed it, but:

How can you be certain that we won't steamroll through Heroics when we get geared from Cata raids or, from the same heroics - as we're effectively doing now ?

That almost certainly will happen, but I don't care if year old content is easy. I didn't like WoTLK because "current" content was too easy. Leveling dungeons were face

rolled by people in TBC welfare epics. WoTLK heroics were face rolled by the same group of people.

Tier 11 is allowed to be easy when I'm in Tier 12, it shouldn't be trivial when I'm in Tier 10. If the Cataclsym levelling dungeons provide a good time while levelling and

the heroic dungeons are fun while the first set of raids are progression content then they'll have been well done.

From the little I saw of the dungeons, they bring nothing "new", just rehashed abilities and some mixed ones.

I'm fine with rehashed abilities provided they're fun and play a significant roll in the encounter.

, Loken, he WAS hard at the beginning, people HAD died due to his Lightning Nova, but now

On normal mode lightning nova hits for about 6.5k which you would have in Tier 4 gear

(That world boss in front of black temple had a trample that hit for 6.5k and I know we were killing him in Tier 4 during TBC). On heroic mode it hits for 11k which you would have easily in Tier 7 (I had over 11k buffed health at level 70). Loken was a rehash of Murmur from shadow lab who had similar mechanics except standing "out" during the "in" phase killed you, standing "in" during the "out" phase killed you, and there was that whole bomb thing to worry about too.

Compare those numbers to Cataclysm abilities. I have about 50k buffed health still using iLevel 277 gear (which is probably 5% better than quest reward greens so everyone is equally geared by level 83). Abilities in Blackrock Caverns that you're supposed to avoid are hitting for >60k. Unfortunately wowhead doesn't have spells listed so it's hard to link them. Either way, there's pretty much

no way to ignore mechanics in levelling content because you out gear everything.

That's not to say that people couldn't fail at him, but that it was orders of magnitude easier to complete WoTLK dungeons than either TBC or Classic 5-mans and it looks like Cataclsym will be similarly challenging. I'm not expecting to see Patch 2.0 Arcatraz/Shadow Lab/Shattered Halls, but I think we can expect Magister's Terrace or Halls of Reflection and that's a good start.

Unrelated: grinding video

I basically just travel around spamming shadow word pain on everything that moves (while doing quests) and getting experience for no good reason.

Took about 2 hours each for level 81 and 82 and then things slowed down. Level 83 is about 6 hours but I did that in Vashj'ir rather than going to deepholm.

The site requires Quicktime, by the way ><

I'm not keen on installing random crap on my PC, other than WoW of course :p

Still want to watch it, so I'm downloading it hoping MPCHC will play it.


Surprisingly, WMP played it just fine, oh well.

As awesome as it is, I can't see it going live, although this made me want to level my Priest SO BADLY.. heh

Also, what band was that ? I sort of liked it, care to share ?

The site requires Quicktime, by the way ><

I'm not keen on installing random crap on my PC, other than WoW of course :p

Still want to watch it, so I'm downloading it hoping MPCHC will play it.


Surprisingly, WMP played it just fine, oh well.

As awesome as it is, I can't see it going live, although this made me want to level my Priest SO BADLY.. heh

Also, what band was that ? I sort of liked it, care to share ?

:heart: MobileMe galleries. I'm getting this in Safari, on a Mac. :laugh:


That almost certainly will happen, but I don't care if year old content is easy. I didn't like WoTLK because "current" content was too easy. Leveling dungeons were face

rolled by people in TBC welfare epics. WoTLK heroics were face rolled by the same group of people.

Tier 11 is allowed to be easy when I'm in Tier 12, it shouldn't be trivial when I'm in Tier 10. If the Cataclsym levelling dungeons provide a good time while levelling and

the heroic dungeons are fun while the first set of raids are progression content then they'll have been well done.

I'm fine with rehashed abilities provided they're fun and play a significant roll in the encounter.

On normal mode lightning nova hits for about 6.5k which you would have in Tier 4 gear

(That world boss in front of black temple had a trample that hit for 6.5k and I know we were killing him in Tier 4 during TBC). On heroic mode it hits for 11k which you would have easily in Tier 7 (I had over 11k buffed health at level 70). Loken was a rehash of Murmur from shadow lab who had similar mechanics except standing "out" during the "in" phase killed you, standing "in" during the "out" phase killed you, and there was that whole bomb thing to worry about too.

Compare those numbers to Cataclysm abilities. I have about 50k buffed health still using iLevel 277 gear (which is probably 5% better than quest reward greens so everyone is equally geared by level 83). Abilities in Blackrock Caverns that you're supposed to avoid are hitting for >60k. Unfortunately wowhead doesn't have spells listed so it's hard to link them. Either way, there's pretty much

no way to ignore mechanics in levelling content because you out gear everything.

That's not to say that people couldn't fail at him, but that it was orders of magnitude easier to complete WoTLK dungeons than either TBC or Classic 5-mans and it looks like Cataclsym will be similarly challenging. I'm not expecting to see Patch 2.0 Arcatraz/Shadow Lab/Shattered Halls, but I think we can expect Magister's Terrace or Halls of Reflection and that's a good start.

Unrelated: grinding video

I basically just travel around spamming shadow word pain on everything that moves (while doing quests) and getting experience for no good reason.

Took about 2 hours each for level 81 and 82 and then things slowed down. Level 83 is about 6 hours but I did that in Vashj'ir rather than going to deepholm.

I completely agree with your perception of past TBC and current WotLK content and I would be ecstatic if they introduced H HoR, H MgT, or even H SLabs difficulty in Cataclysm. If they did, it would re-kindle my love of this game as it was in TBC. However, I find it a pipe dream that they will do so. This is beta and they will, in my opinion, nerf these encounters to make them "accessible for everyone" as they always say. I don't believe they have the desire to make heroic dungeons as difficult as they were in TBC. Can you imagine the frustration with constantly being automatically grouped with players completely incapable of self awareness in the fights you have described?

Players have been conditioned this way. They have created a new path for players to progress. Heroics aren't progression, neither are any past raid tier. The new concept is: Everything before now is useless. Every new content release makes the previous content useless to progress through because now you get those same badges from heroics. I do still hope though, that they have learned from some self-admitted mistakes they have made in WotLK.

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