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Maybe he was just messing with you.

Considering he said it was his raiding set, and was wearing it with pride,... I doubt it.


I have something I'm pretty proud to show off.. this isn't the epic part of it yet..

The part I'm REALLY proud of is Part 2, because I've learned how to use Adobe After Effects, and it.. it just looks fantastic.. I can't wait to show it off after it's done uploading.

what happens when you get the pride thing? i know i can turn into a gnome but where do i go from here? the quest ends and doesn't lead anywhere.

Once you get the FOS it's over till they release more stuff either before Cata or at Cata launch.

Gotta be 78 to do the final quest(s).

Did you buy one from this guy?

We've got a solid 5-man on the beta but really want a group to clear the raid instances (go go server firsts!).

If it's legit I bet he could make 150-200k this weekend.

Yeah I bought it from him. The thing about beta is character transfers havent worked for about 5 days now so the beta is rather boring until I can get an 80 over there. :p

Yeah I bought it from him. The thing about beta is character transfers havent worked for about 5 days now so the beta is rather boring until I can get an 80 over there. :p

How exactly did you manage to buy into the beta when the beta is not keys it is accounts? there are NO keys for this beta they simply add it to your account. did you get the guys whole account? if you did that is illegal.

How exactly did you manage to buy into the beta when the beta is not keys it is accounts? there are NO keys for this beta they simply add it to your account. did you get the guys whole account? if you did that is illegal.

Actually, there are keys - Loads of sites have been doing giveaways.

Random google hit;

Feel free to search for more.

Actually, there are keys - Loads of sites have been doing giveaways.

Yes they do giveaways however, the giveaway they just ask for your email address and they send that to blizzard who attaches that to the account tied to that email address.

From the official forums

Re: Cataclysm Beta key problem 29/07/2010 04:32:30 PDT

quote reply


Beta participation is added to your account through a lottery of sorts and this will only happen if you used the Beta Opt-in option via our Account Management page, or if you have a invite code from a Blizzcon event. Invites are sent our randomly and access to any beta are now done so automatically, no key is ever sent to you via e-mail.

If you have logged into a website linked in that e-mail you received I would recommend you change your account password as soon as possible.

No keys are sent out for Beta participation for Cataclysm.

Yes they do giveaways however, the giveaway they just ask for your email address and they send that to blizzard who attaches that to the account tied to that email address.

Read my edited post, it is keys.

Not to mention, Blizzard are very much against posting your account email anywhere - So it sounds pretty implausible that's the way they'd do it.

EDIT: These sites must be fibbing then;

... Wonder what they mean by "Beta keys" ... hmm

EDIT 2: Random post from a winner;


Junior Member

Join Date: Aug 2010

Posts: 6

Re: Win a Cataclysm Beta Key!

Where do we input the keycode?

Ignore me, put it in ADD NEW GAMe.

Can definatly confirm the keys work."

That must be code talk for account flagging done by Blizzard!

I'm ready to xfer servers. I play on one of the lowest servers currently and its getting old. Tortheldrin is my current server. I have 1 main and a low lvl alt with loom. So I can xfer the main and the loom easy.

Where should I go? I want somewhere where I can jump in with a top lvl guild and have them run me in heroics and such.

I'm ready to xfer servers. I play on one of the lowest servers currently and its getting old. Tortheldrin is my current server. I have 1 main and a low lvl alt with loom. So I can xfer the main and the loom easy.

Where should I go? I want somewhere where I can jump in with a top lvl guild and have them run me in heroics and such.

I'm sorry but your chances of being accepted by a top guild and have them run you through everything is probably not going to happen.

I'm sorry but your chances of being accepted by a top guild and have them run you through everything is probably not going to happen.

Not only that, but what is a top leveling guild anyway? You just need to switch to a balanced server with a decent population and join a leveling guild until you get serious and apply to a raiding guild.

Check out:

You want a realm that is as close to 1:1 as possible, that would be my suggestion.

Not only that, but what is a top leveling guild anyway? You just need to switch to a balanced server with a decent population and join a leveling guild until you get serious and apply to a raiding guild.

Check out:

You want a realm that is as close to 1:1 as possible, that would be my suggestion.

Thats what I wanted to say. Just worded it way wrong.

Any suggestions on servers? I was thinking bonechewer.

WoW's economy is driven by the players, you want it balanced, you balance it, I don't think it can sustain the same "structure" for a long time, you'd better off just to avoid the extremes, like on my realm (Hellfire-EU) people screw with the Glyphs all the time, selling them for 99g, and I don't know if people buy, but I see it all the time in weekend morning, and then it drops to normal prices by the time the weekend is over.

Those scam mails really do become more and more professional, I had a hard time telling this apart from a genuine Blizzard email: ( Yeah I'm kidding ) Account:

Recently, the problem of account invasion is getting worse and worse which

cause enormous players equipments and virtual currency stolen. This

severely damages the benefits of mass players, also causes our

company lose a lot of customers.

Our company has to adopt some measures to safeguard our common benefits

in order to strengthen the safety of mass players' accounts, and firmly

resist the account to be stolen again. Through our company's research

and investigation to most of us customers, we will make the following

decisions: we launch a package of updated code strengthen system and

dynamic code protection card which can effectively prevent the accounts

invaded. We will send this package of code protection system to

players free of charge

Please open this connection

/www.battle-changelogin ( I broke the URL, so people don't click ... Then again, you'd probably deserve then )

If your account passes the check successfully, we will send this

package of dynamic code protection card to you in the form of e-mail.

In 3 days after you receiving the e-mail, if you don't submit your

information, we have right to freeze your account, every player is

obligated to protect the safety of the account. You must work together

with us to be determined to crack down all the behaviors of destroying games

If you had already authenticator your account, please disregard

this automatic notification.

He said Spirit. 100% I did not misread.

My friend Wain, on another server is the best Shaman I've ever known. Consistently pulls the highest DPS of any Shaman I've ever seen. He used to play on our server.. the man was a BEAST with dps.

He's also the character who I'm modeling my characters Enhancement tree off of.

The best shaman you've ever known is in 251's and not even 12/12 on regular mode either 10 or 25?

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