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I have technical question: how well does WoW run on Macs (iBooks and iMacs)?

im playing it on Windows and wondering how it would perform on a mac (if I get one) without DirectX?

Depends which model and video card you have. There's a current OBNOXIOUS bug due to Leopard and some video cards which involves incredibly annoying geometry glitches. I'd normally play FFXI on my desktop and WoW on my 12" PowerBook concurrently, but can't really do that anymore because this graphic glitch is that annoying.

I just started this game 2 days ago. I'm a level 7 Undead Warlock. It's pretty fun so far, but it seems really confusing. Abilities, spells, classes, races, instances, raids, partys. I've paid other MMO's so get the basic stuff. I only have 1 online friend that plays it, he's not around much, so I have no one to teach me.

I'm on the 10 day free trial btw. What is a raid and when do you start doing them? Should I keep grinding and doing quests alone or should I find people? What abilities should I buy or 'train' for my Warlock, every one that's available? I'm on the Firetree server. (think that's the name)

I just started this game 2 days ago. I'm a level 7 Undead Warlock. It's pretty fun so far, but it seems really confusing. Abilities, spells, classes, races, instances, raids, partys. I've paid other MMO's so get the basic stuff. I only have 1 online friend that plays it, he's not around much, so I have no one to teach me.

I'm on the 10 day free trial btw. What is a raid and when do you start doing them? Should I keep grinding and doing quests alone or should I find people? What abilities should I buy or 'train' for my Warlock, every one that's available? I'm on the Firetree server. (think that's the name)

I played WoW for a little over a year, its a very fun and addictive game. I just stopped having the time for it.

I always quested alone. I would stay away from guild at first and just stick to getting leveled up. Usually you would want to get into a raid when your at your peak level. Raids are just a party of 5+, where you usually get as many as you can (i think 40 is the max). Raids can be doing Kara or other dungeons to attacking a small opposing town.

For a warlock I would do tailoring and enchanting. These two are a good bind and tailoring is beneficial for a warlock at 70 for tailored epic gear.

Vindicated, 70: echo isles

You dont start raiding truely in instances till level 70. Theres level 60 raid instances but people dont do those anymore.

I was raiding in the old end game content before BC came guild had just started with BWL but we gave it up once BC came but me and my friends are still eager to kick bosses in MC, Onyxia, ZG etc...we loved them when we where 60 and we still do :D

So sometimes when we have enough ppl we do a pre-tbc raid instead of a BC raid..unless someone can't show up ofc

I'm the opposite of evn. I pvp only and enjoy it more then I ever did pveing. I guess wasting 50 hours a week raiding pre-tbc has totally turned me away from doing any sort of pve in TBC. I have my warrior that has all heroic keys and I've cleared Karazhan once. Other than that I stick to the battle grounds.

Currently, I am leveling a Druid to try out druid/lock in the arenas. My warrior is 4/5 s2 gear, with mostly the new vindicator's pieces. My priest(main char now) is 2/5 s3 with vindicator's pieces(neck,belt,bracers, etc). As for gold, I'm a cheap ass and only do the pvp daily.... so gemming new gear takes some time unless I beg my raiding friend for some gold to hold me over hahahah.

Ya greg, I want to do something like that but I cannot seem to find a class that I like. I may just roll a priest again because I enjoy shadow that much. I know I can roll a lock, but they seem a bit too slow for me. I hate the put dots and wait idea, prefer going in and hitting them hard from the beginning (although that can be done with a destro lock)

Also do you guys know where I can DL wow quickly?

I know I can roll a lock, but they seem a bit too slow for me. I hate the put dots and wait idea, prefer going in and hitting them hard from the beginning (although that can be done with a destro lock)

The key to warlock kill speed is to kill more than one thing at a time. By level 40 you should be able to juggle 3-4 monsters roughly your level and kill them without losing substantial health or mana.

Also do you guys know where I can DL wow quickly?

The trial version is the same as the full retail edition. The account you log in with determins whether or not to run in 'trial mode' or not.

ok... I really cant wait for it to come out.. looking for more things to do in this game lol...

Get Dungeon Set 2. I saw more people in 9/9 Faith than I ever saw in 8/8 Virtuous. I'm willing to bet it's more rare than 5/5 Tier 6 too.

Also has there been any news on the arrival of the new expansion?

When it's ready is the official word.

Nax. was released in June - 6 months before the expansion. Patch 2.0 was released in December, 1 month before the expansion.

The notable difference between now and Nax. is that when Nax. came out very few guilds had managed to see C'thun where as (at current rates) >700 guilds world-wide will have killed Illidan if Sunwell comes out at the start of April.

Edited by the evn show

Just started playing again, was getting tons of honor with my Warrior, could afford the Gladiator's Greatsword tommorow :D

I log out for 10 minutes, in 10 minutes my entire account was stripped, lost 4000g + Tons of Epics.

Now my account is suspended for investigation ... :cry:

I'm so angry & frustrated.

I did a party last night, me, lvl 14 lock, with some others my level, wasn't too organized, we went in RFC, and it was damn fun! My first time killing stuff in a group. We had a healer, a puller, a tank and I summoned my imp, was doing DoT attacks from a distance, casting spells on it, draining the damn things life. I love discovering new things in the game, ways of killing stuff, new attacks, and areas. You kind of start doing some boring stuff, then all the sudden something cool happens and it's exciting again, and that happens a few times a day for me.

I hope it's worth buying still. How long does it take to get to level 60 if you play everday? Is there a sneaky way of leveling faster than normal? I saw a video of a guy going from 60-70 in 24 hours.

I have to say that for new players who are looking at leveling up in a nice, fast-paced fashion, you should think about looking here:

Jame's Horde Leveling Guide

All my characters are horde and you can level up really fast with that guide. It walks you through everything in the fastest manner to solo your way to 70. Very nice actually. I printed it out on my inkjet printer and put it in a binder and use it to level up alts. I don't recommend this for people just starting out because ... well, enjoy the game a little!!! :D But when I level up alts, I can't always remember the repetitive things I've done and hate alt-tabbing out of WoW to look online for where quest items are, etc. Yes, I know Joana makes one and all that but this one is FREE and it is laid out better than his in my opinion.

That also kind of goes to my next add-ons for faster leveling:

LightHeaded, DoubleWide and TomTom can all be found by clicking here

Once again, nice for leveling up quick.

  1. LightHeaded installs a database of how to pass quests quickly from Wowhead (right in the game)
  2. TomTom allows you to add way-points on your map, like little yellow marks so you don't have to keep opening up your map to see how close you are to your target
  3. DoubleWide works great to allow you to view quest notes easier, as you do less scrolling on the little Window Blizzard provides you with by default

I am all about game enjoyment, but to be honest, after leveling up 6 characters, sometimes I just want to race through things instead of try to rely on my overstuffed brain to remember all the things related to every WoW quest I've done 5 times already :rolleyes:

Just a UI Update, I was bored so i thought i would post.

I really like the way you handled the Player/Target unit frames by stacking them. I think I'll steal that layout for mine this weekend.


One shot everything from Hydross to Archimonde yesterday (attuning 5 people along the way) only to have an

idiot shadow preist and shaman end our evening with a wipe 30 seconds into the fight because they just can't click tears and

not stand near the giant line of flames.

Also, our best geared paladin ebayed (3/6 T6) and the resulting drama cost us another. Add in a couple of people feeling burnt out and this last week has been really bad for attrition, I can't imagine what the hardcore guilds must go through.

I did a party last night, me, lvl 14 lock, with some others my level, wasn't too organized, we went in RFC, and it was damn fun!

Now imagine doing that with 7 other groups of five, fighting a monster the size of the auction house in Ogrimmar, tenticles breaking through the ground and swallow you whole (where you attack the monster inside it's stomach), throw in an eye-beams of doom chasing you around and you have C'thun: definitely one of the coolest fights in any game, ever.

For me, the sight of 40 (or 25 now) people moving and fighting in concert is one of the most interesting things to see & do in a video game.

I hope it's worth buying still. How long does it take to get to level 60 if you play everday? Is there a sneaky way of leveling faster than normal? I saw a video of a guy going from 60-70 in 24 hours.

I took about 175 hours to hit 60 on my priest and 125 to do it on my mage - both were before the buffs to quest experience and the reduction in experience-to-level requirement.

Assuming you follow a guide I think that about 100 hours is a reasonable amount to make it through the Dark Portal.

Leveling form 60-70 took another 100 hours on both characters. There are ways to level faster but typically the infrastructure required to do it simply isn't available to most people

The 24-hour 60-70 grind was done by having a full raid guild chain-killing monsters for another person. That exact approach is no longer workable anymore anyway (changes to the way XP for a kill are calculated occured shortly after this).

Edited by the evn show
One shot everything from Hydross to Archimonde yesterday (attuning 5 people along the way) only to have an

idiot shadow preist and shaman end our evening with a wipe 30 seconds into the fight because they just can't click tears and

not stand near the giant line of flames.

Also, our best geared paladin ebayed (3/6 T6) and the resulting drama cost us another. Add in a couple of people feeling burnt out and this last week has been really bad for attrition, I can't imagine what the hardcore guilds must go through.

I was hearing the same thing from a guild on our server. 4 people were so ****ed off about the Romulo and J fight (losing, playing with idiots I guess) that they gquit right then and there and that was it.

I've been down on the game lately - mostly due to guild crap I guess. I normally play it every day to relieve stress and help me sleep (drains my brain from all the activities) but this week I haven't played at all. Been off for like 6 days.

I think I'm just not such a fan of the guild leader and his inability to actually lead. Remember before how I said we can't complete Kara? Well now he wants to do Gruul's. I'm like WTF!? He says, we have the gear for it. I guess that I'm just a n00b then. If we are so "readily geared" for it, then why the hell can't we pass Kara? Why bother going in if you can't get past an instance that's easier than the one you are attempting to enter!?!?!?

Whatever, I'm getting worked up again. /leave

Just a UI Update, I was bored so i thought i would post.

Ooh, I saw you posted the same thing on the EJ forums, good to see people around here too. :)

I've been playing around with a few different UI configs this week, although I can't get used to moving away from the default unit frames. I'm thinking that it's because I recognise targets by their portraits which the UI I was building didn't have in. Either way these are what I came up with.


Then finally ended up with...


I have to say that for new players who are looking at leveling up in a nice, fast-paced fashion, you should think about looking here:

Jame's Horde Leveling Guide

All my characters are horde and you can level up really fast with that guide. It walks you through everything in the fastest manner to solo your way to 70. Very nice actually. I printed it out on my inkjet printer and put it in a binder and use it to level up alts. I don't recommend this for people just starting out because ... well, enjoy the game a little!!! :D But when I level up alts, I can't always remember the repetitive things I've done and hate alt-tabbing out of WoW to look online for where quest items are, etc. Yes, I know Joana makes one and all that but this one is FREE and it is laid out better than his in my opinion.

That also kind of goes to my next add-ons for faster leveling:

LightHeaded, DoubleWide and TomTom can all be found by clicking here

Once again, nice for leveling up quick.

  1. LightHeaded installs a database of how to pass quests quickly from Wowhead (right in the game)
  2. TomTom allows you to add way-points on your map, like little yellow marks so you don't have to keep opening up your map to see how close you are to your target
  3. DoubleWide works great to allow you to view quest notes easier, as you do less scrolling on the little Window Blizzard provides you with by default

I am all about game enjoyment, but to be honest, after leveling up 6 characters, sometimes I just want to race through things instead of try to rely on my overstuffed brain to remember all the things related to every WoW quest I've done 5 times already :rolleyes:

Sweet. Will check all that out when I get home. Hope it's not too confusing, that one page was huge. (Y)

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