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We just killed Fathom-lord. Just 1 boss left before Vashj(Tidewalker), got the next step in BT attunement too :D


When trash was on a 45-minute timer we used to water-walk to Lurker then head for Tidewalker to get easy loot. I'd be surprised if you spent more than a week before making serious attempts Vashj.

As for the tentacle-haired bitch: I hope you farmed exalted with Cenerian Expedition: the repair guy is godsend.

She destroyed my first TBC raiding guild and almost made me quit (back when she could mind control) so give her a few /spits when you drop her.

If you can stick it out through her and Kael, it's pretty much free loot until Archimonde & Bloodboil.

Good luck, hopefully you're not going to need it.

I had a read-over the patch notes. Most were minor bug fixes and adding the new raid zone. The stuff most people will care about:

Everyone and their dog can go to hyjal / bt now

Horray. I hated running tier 5 for attunements and I'm glad I'll never have to do that crap again. Also, my alt mage has a chance of sneaking in on farm content to pick up some of the crap-tastic loot we otherwise can't give away. Not getting the hyjal rep ring is a pretty significant loss for people that don't get attuned.

There's a lot of whining in guild chat about all the effort we put in to learning those fights only to have "guilds that wipe on hydross able to get Tier-6 items". It seems to me the loudest complainers never had to do the "hard" stuff. If you didn't do original nightbane, gruul, magtheridon, and the heroics I don't think you have any place to whine about the latest round of attunement nerfs. We all benefited from easier access to TK/SSC, and we'll all benefit from easier access to BT/Hyjal too.

The first half of BT and 90% of hyjal are easy compared to Kael/vashj but they're still a substantial setup-up from the majority of SSC/TK. Guilds that can't kill Vashj/Kael aren't going to survive Anetheron and I doubt they'll have much luck with Kaz'Rogal. Depending on why they fail at Kael even Death n' Decay + Iceblock might stop them at the Rage.

Guilds without loot past Badges and Voidreaver aren't going to have the healing and DPS to take to Naj'entis nor the coordination to play 'toss the spines'.

The fights are cakewalks after Kael/Vashj, but then again Spiderwing/Instructor were a joke after killing Twin emps. A guild that wipes to vael wouldn't have a hope in hell of making progress in nax and I don't see this changing things.

Being able to skip right to kael/vashj is nice but I can't imagine that any guild capable of killing him would/

Maybe if you could fight him without the trash clear - TK is bloody soul-crushing if you skip bosses and only clear trash.

Having only a dozen trash pulls to vashj would be nice too - if only there was still a reason to kill her.

Magtheridon is easy mode

After the last patch, the problem wasn't the difficulty of the encounter - it's that his gear is obsolete. Why put in the effort to kill him when AFKing through battlegrounds, zul'aman, or mindlessly farming some horrible instance (karazhan, mechanar: take your pick) will get you better gear for the same amount of effort?

I'll be surprised to see how much easier they've made him. Cube clicking is already moron proof so removing the debuff or only requiring 3/5 cubes to be pushed is the only way I can see them making it significantly easier. The one thing that kind of sucks is that my <champion of the naaru> title means less in 2.4 than it does now. I guess all us 'no-life basement virgins' will be switching to <hand of a'dal>.

Tier 6-grade badge loot

I don't really care if every terrible player has better gear than me from face-rolling their way through mechanar 50 times.

So long as I'm not required to farm badges in order to 'upgrade' my BT/Hyjal gear I'm happy.

Stupid decisions like having the best shadow priest wand/gloves in the game as badge items is pretty damn lame. I don't care if you can buy an Apostle/Immaculate Recovery staff with 75 heroic badges, I just don't want the drop to be an upgrade that forces me to clear kara for another 2-3 weeks for a top-end piece of gear.

Unique equipped gems are just unqiue

This is how it should have been from day 1. Sadly it's not going to matter because people haven't been running heroics for loot since the influx of welfare epics (kara/za/badges/arena/honor).

I think they should put attunements back in..

i am not even 70 yet, thus not even attuned to kara, and I can see where this is a bad thing..

all the people got that got attuned, probably feel screwed, its probably a rite a passage.. feeling

I don't see how people can be that upset, you still got loot from those bosses that you needed for the attunment. And just because, like others have already said, everyone can get in....that doesn't mean everyone can kill these bosses.

I don't see how people can be that upset, you still got loot from those bosses that you needed for the attunment. And just because, like others have already said, everyone can get in....that doesn't mean everyone can kill these bosses.

well I see it as a good and a bad thing. I posted on it this morning at our blog. Guild Masterpiece

I think it has it's ups and downs. The biggest thing I think is the skipping other bosses to get to Vashj and Kael. I mean isn't that kinda strange? Considering before you had to do those just to get attuned basically, but now we are taking out attunement AND being able to skip other bosses. Wouldn't it have made more sense to take the attunement out and leave SSC and TK alone? Or leave the attunement in, but make it where you can skip directly to Vashj and Kael? Just seems ass backwards to me

With Blizzard adding in BT quality badge gear it seems there gonna make SSC/TK ghosttowns. Have everyone run kara for badges, get BT gear then hop to BT/Sunwell and finish it off.

Reason why badge gear fails. Reason why free gear from PvP fails. But they got to make masses happy to keep 10 million playing and paying. IMO, badge gear should be in game but not really on the same level as Tier gear. Maybe like it was just gear to help you out in heroics and start Kara and Gruul. But there shouldn't be T6 equal badge gear. That's just horseshit IMO. Good gear should continue to come from Arena and Raiding. You have to work for the gear that is good, not just run some bull**** heroics (and kara) that with a compent group can be cleared quickly. But people QQ so Blizz makes it even. Tis gay.

Patch 2.4 on the PTR now.

Legendary bow:


44972 : Legendary Bow Haste - Increases ranged attack speed by 15%. Does not stack with quiver or ammo pouch haste effects.

46699 : Requires No Ammo - Thori'dal generates magical arrows when the bow string is drawn. Does not use ammo.

Another reason they are probably taking out all the attunements, giving T6 equivalent badge items, and allowing you to go straight for Kael'Thas and Vashj, is so theres more people with access to high end gear when Wrath of the Lich King comes out.

Just remember what happened when TBC was released. Blizzard had to get everyone on an even playing field with gear. If they had to do that again, you'd see the first quest items in WotLK with +100 stamina, intellect, agility, etc....the stats would just get out of hand.

I just have a feeling the gear moving into the next expansion will just be a lot smoother this time.

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