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What raid frames addon are you using? They look clean and simple.

It's actually Pitbull Unit Frames.

I used to love x-perl and grid, but Pitbull offers so much more customization that I just swapped to it.

If you'd rather not take the time to learn how to make it, it's based off perfect raid raid frames, so you could just download that.

I leveled up years ago, but it doesn't really matter - servers vary wildly in the prices people are willing to pay.

A few lucky drops is all it take.

Well tbh, these days everything below 60 appears to be worth nothing now everyone is level cap.

Dunno about your server but they won't even fetch 100g. Our server is 3 years old though.

Shadowfang on our server sells for about 250-300g for twinks, Staff of Jordan I believe is about 300g no idea of the axe.

Our server prices are just daft sometimes though, currently Void Crystals are just 20g yet Large Prismatics are about 35-40g Obviously this will all change in 2.4 :)

EU Azjol-Nerub

Anyone else's virus system going crazy visitng page 189 of this thread? AVG keep telling me of a threat. Everytime I load this page.

Page number doesn't help. This is page 71 for me; people can change the number of posts per page in their settings.

No, BTW, in regards to your question about virus alerts, but I have a Mac.

Well tbh, these days everything below 60 appears to be worth nothing now everyone is level cap.

That's the nice thing about those items: they're best in slot and the alternatives aren't necessarily an option because they're dungeon drops and you risk leveling out of the bracket if you farm them too many times.

If you want a 19 sword rogue you pretty much have to get Shadowfang (main hand) + Cruel Barb (offhand) to have the best possible gear. The only reasonable alternative is to duel-wield Cruel Barbs or run Cruel Barb (main hand) and run with some random item until you earn enough honor for Legionnaire's Sword. Both of the alternatives are going to cost you you some DPS and the shadow fang bonus damage has a few benefits over standard melee. The horde also has access to Wingblade, but it's a poor substitute for a Shadow Fang.

Assassin's Blade is pretty much the "opener" weapon for a level 19 rogue. Backstab is pretty much useless at that bracket but ambush performs fairly well. Assassins blade has a 10% higher top-end damage than the alternatives: Tail Spike, Scout's Blade and they also have less AP contribution too.

The power of these items in level 19 Warsong Gultch is reflected in the average buy-out price listed on Wowhead (>250g each).

Can anyone tell me about herbalism? I just got it, I'm level 34. Do I have to go back to where level 1's are and start picking flowers/plants there? Til I get my Herbalism up to my level? I got rid of tailoring and got it 'cause I am absolutely broke. A kid my level has 1500gold, I have about 12 gold, he said you make a ton of money selling what you get in AH.


yeah you will have to go back to the earlier lvl sections to lvl tour herb. unfortunately. Personally, i find that skinning and mining gives out the most money, but that might just be on my server. This guy you're talking about must have done some saving for that amount... my pally's lvl 63 and the most hes had is around 500g lol. my advice would be to get big bags and pick up everything you see. When you're full go and sell it. rinse and repeat. my lock was 15 and i got 20g from doing just that.

hope that helps

Roger that. Sucks being new to a game and finding important **** out really late! Trial and error for me I guess.

It really shouldn't take you too long and being a little higher level than you would be if you'd done it from the start you shouldn't have to worry so much about the mobs surrounding the bits that you want to collect.

Still it can be a bit of a pain yes.

I level and dont worry about professions until I get level capped at 70. It takes less then an hour to raise a profession if you have enough gold to do it from 0-300.

Try googling a site called blizzguides ;) IT WILL HELP YOU A LOT!

Heres the enchanting one I'm currently using:

We usually run with free-for-all loot so loot screw ups happen roughly once a month. I trust everyone I raid with not to try and screw me and I think that even the most bitter pug or newest recruit understands that 2-3 pieces of Tier 6 aren't worth trading their raid-career on the server for. Giving a guild-member hell for a rare mistake isn't fun for anybody and it does very little to address the problem.

Every so often something 'screwy' happens but usually it's a not important enough to matter in the long run. We finally got Bloodboils staff to drop and I lost it to another priest that unintentionally rolled. Sure it'd be an upgrade, but it still went to a good player and it's not like loot is in short supply so nobody gets too worked up about it. In the rare case something goes really wrong and (ie: shaman getting plate) and we care enough to fix it: a GM ticket can usually fix that in less than a day.

It can happen with boe not bop epics.Plus it can happen with the master looter to if they are in a raid.

You guys really find that to be the case, eh? I've never ever had it happen but we go by strict rules for that stuff. I guess using an honor system would sometimes bring the creeps out of the woodwork and allow you to see how honest some people really are :p

I guess it's just different experience. I've never had it happen with a master looter either. Maybe we're just lucky. :D

I'm starting to get happy about playing again, and because of that I'll play more regulary. There's a good chance I can go dps since we are starting 25 mans, and have kara on farmed. I mean that's awesome. It'll be so nice to put out damage instead of taking it. (prot warr)

I'm starting to get happy about playing again, and because of that I'll play more regulary. There's a good chance I can go dps since we are starting 25 mans, and have kara on farmed. I mean that's awesome. It'll be so nice to put out damage instead of taking it. (prot warr)

I feel the same way, more happier, the more I play it.

The mouse speed acceleration performs differently in WoW than it does on a PC. Even if all acceleration is disabled on a MAC. I use both platforms and hate the "precision" technique that Apple uses that slows the mouse way down when you move it a little less, instead of keeping the speed constant whether you move the mouse a short distance or a long distance.

I've adjusted the MAC acceleration in and out of game and that's a difference that I simply hate between the MAC and PC. When you're so used to one but not the other, it's simply annoying.

I've adjusted the MAC acceleration in and out of game and that's a difference that I simply hate between the MAC and PC. When you're so used to one but not the other, it's simply annoying.

If you have a Logitech or a Microsoft mouse that should take care of the issue, their drivers / control panel can adjust the speed to be more "Windowish".

If you have a Logitech or a Microsoft mouse that should take care of the issue, their drivers / control panel can adjust the speed to be more "Windowish".

Good to know. I've always used the built-in drivers as opposed to the proprietary ones on the MAC. If that takes care of it, great. I don't even load up the G5 drivers on my Logitech for Windows because I hate how sensitive the mouse feels. It's just too sensitive even after going through all the adjustments. I guess I'm just used to my mouse working in a more "default fashion" - like, just plug it in and go! But yeah, good tip - I'll have to try that out and see how much I like it, thanks!

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