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What should I do with my talent tree between 10-20 to make things as easy as?

Between 10 and 20 I would put 5 in Improved Mark of the Wild (Restoration tree) as this will increase armor and stats in Mark of Wild buff, then 5 points in ferocity.

When you hit 20 reset points and go :

5 Feral Aggression (good to get at 20 because you get cat form and there +dmg% to fercious bite which will be your main finishing move)

3 Thick Hide (increasing armor)

2 Feral Instinct (reduced ability to be detected while in stealth)

At 20 & 21 - put your points in in Feral Swiftness which will make you move 30% faster outside in cat form +4% dodge

22 - put another point in Feral Instinct

23-25 - 3 points in Sharpened Claws

26 & 27 - 2 points into Primal Fury

28 & 29 - 2 points into predatory strikes ( you will pick up the 3rd point after)

30 - take Faerie Fire (Feral) Love this talent... debuffs targets armor, and useful for pulling mobs to you.

31 & 32 - 2 points in to Savage Fury

33 - put the last point into predatory strikes

34 - 1 point into ferocity (only to open up the next tier of talents)

35-39 - 5 points into Heart of the wild

40 - Leader of the pack

41 & 42 - 2 more points into ferocity

43 & 44 - 2 points into Improved Leader of the Pact

45 - 49 - 5 points into predatory instincts

50 - Mangle... this is a brutal attack which also now becomes your main attack!!!

51 & 52 - 2 more points to finish off Ferocity

53-57 - Improved mark of the wild (again from restro tree)

From here its up to you... you can choose in any order.

5 points in the Resto tree to open up Omen of Clarity (frequently gives you clear casting state where the next spell wont take mana or the next attack wont use energy/rage. To do this you can put points into Naturilst or furor (or some in each to total 5 to unlock Omen... then you can finish those 2 skill off after if you want.)

Optionally you can take 3 points for Survival of the fittest in Feral Tree.

If you want you can take 5 in Furor to unlock Omen then take Nature's Grasp and Improved Nature's Grasp in the Balance tree. I didn't because you would have to keep popping into normal form to cast it then shifting back into cat form every minute and it only has 1 charge so then only real times it may be useful is if a big mob is chasing but at the cost of 5 talent points, I would take cast entangling roots and run or shift into bear form to take less damage. So i don't suggest it.

After that, you can do pretty much what ever suits you!

I suggest my final build

This is my Druid's Talent Build

Edited by Ash
Between 10 and 20 I would put 5 in Improved Mark of the Wild (Restoration tree) as this will increase armor and stats in Mark of Wild buff, then 5 points in ferocity.

When you hit 20 reset points and go :

5 Feral Aggression (good to get at 20 because you get cat form and there +dmg% to fercious bite which will be your main finishing move)

3 Thick Hide (increasing armor)

2 Feral Instinct (reduced ability to be detected while in stealth)

At 20 & 21 - put your points in in Feral Swiftness which will make you move 30% faster outside in cat form +4% dodge

22 - put another point in Feral Instinct

23-25 - 3 points in Sharpened Claws

26 & 27 - 2 points into Primal Fury

28 & 29 - 2 points into predatory strikes ( you will pick up the 3rd point after)

30 - take Faerie Fire (Feral) Love this talent... debuffs targets armor, and useful for pulling mobs to you.

31 & 32 - 2 points in to Savage Fury

33 - put the last point into predatory strikes

34 - 1 point into ferocity (only to open up the next tier of talents)

35-39 - 5 points into Heart of the wild

40 - Leader of the pack

41 & 42 - 2 points into Survival of the Fittest (pick up the 3rd later)

43 & 44 - 2 points into Improved Leader of the Pact

45 - 49 - 5 points into predatory instincts

50 - Mangle... this is a brutal attack which also now becomes your main attack!!!

51-55 - Improved mark of the wild (again from restro tree)

56 - Finish off Survival of the fittest

From here its up to you... you can choose in any order.

4 more points in Ferocity

5 points in the Resto tree to open up Omen of Clarity (frequently gives you clear casting state where the next spell wont take mana or the next attack wont use energy/rage. To do this you can put points into Naturilst or furor (or some in each to total 5 to unlock Omen... then you can finish those 2 skill off after if you want.)

If you want you can take 5 in Furor to unlock Omen then take Nature's Grasp and Improved Nature's Grasp in the Balance tree. I didn't because you would have to keep popping into normal form to cast it then shifting back into cat form every minute and it only has 1 charge so then only real times it may be useful is if a big mob is chasing but at the cost of 5 talent points, I would take cast entangling roots and run or shift into bear form to take less damage. So i don't suggest it.

After that, you can do pretty much what ever suits you!

This is my Druid's Talent Build

Great post, thanks Ash!

I'll have a read through it, and then off I go :)

druid is awesome. they are the only class with a solution to almost every combat situation, however, they are probably one of the hardest classes to play optimally. you have three sets of abilities to remember and three forms to switch between. a fight against a heavy armor class requires you to open up in cat form, pounce (stun), mangle, rip (damage over time) shift to bear, charge (stun) stun again, shift back to caster form, cyclone, heal, heal, back to bear, charge finish em off. as aposed to a warlock, who does the same thing against any class, he casts a bunch of insta-cast damage over time spells and then fears you. re-cast DOT's. fear again. maybe sits down, has a snack, uses a free healthstone, then dots and fears you some more. sorta boring.

druid also has a travel form for land and water which in itself is an amazing bonus considering you will spend HOURS (no exaggeration) just running from place to place while you level. and once you hit 68, you get flight form. the ONLY class with an insta-cast flight ability is a HUGE advantage for initiating attacks and running away. if im pounding on some hord, and a few more show up and i know im out done, i pop into cheetah, run away, pop out, clear any curses and poisons, maybe a heal over time spell, then right into flight form and im gone. then i circle back, dive down a bit, shift out of flight, shift into cat, hit stealth before i hit the ground and re-initiate combat with my prey. its insane fun.

the most memerable moment is flying around outlands and comming across a group of 40 horde doing an outside boss fight (really really hard fight). waiting untill they are about 15-20 seconds into the fight, dropping down and cycloning the main tank then watching all 39 other people get 2-shot'd by the boss. aaaahhh the memories.

stick with one class ALL the way to 70, and then roll something else. every class is viable. no class is the "best" they all have their weakness's. i just thing ranged combat classes (mage, lock, hunter) are boring. you stand around shooting you highest damage spell in raids. its the melee classes that always keep the game exiting. imho.

Edited by Nose Nuggets
druid is awesome. they are the only class with a solution to almost every combat situation, however, they are probably one of the hardest classes to play optimally. you have three sets of abilities to remember and three forms to switch between. a fight against a heavy armor class requires you to open up in cat form, pounce (stun), mangle, rip (damage over time) shift to bear, charge (stun) stun again, shift back to caster form, cyclone, heal, heal, back to bear, charge finish em off. as aposed to a warlock, who does the same thing against any class, he casts a bunch of insta-cast damage over time spells and then fears you. re-cast DOT's. fear again. maybe sits down, has a snack, uses a free healthstone, then dots and fears you some more. sorta boring.

druid also has a travel form for land and water which in itself is an amazing bonus considering you will spend HOURS (no exaggeration) just running from place to place while you level. and once you hit 68, you get flight form. the ONLY class with an insta-cast flight ability is a HUGE advantage for initiating attacks and running away. if im pounding on some hord, and a few more show up and i know im out done, i pop into cheetah, run away, pop out, clear any curses and poisons, maybe a heal over time spell, then right into flight form and im gone. then i circle back, dive down a bit, shift out of flight, shift into cat, hit stealth before i hit the ground and re-initiate combat with my prey. its insane fun.

the most memerable moment is flying around outlands and comming across a group of 40 horde doing an outside boss fight (really really hard fight). waiting untill they are about 15-20 seconds into the fight, dropping down and cycloning the main tank then watching all 39 other people get 2-shot'd by the boss. aaaahhh the memories.

stick with one class ALL the way to 70, and then roll something else. every class is viable. no class is the "best" they all have their weakness's. i just thing ranged combat classes (mage, lock, hunter) are boring. you stand around shooting you highest damage spell in raids. its the melee classes that always keep the game exiting. imho.

Being a hunter did get kind of boring for me, thats why I kind of "died" at 68, and have been there for moooonths.

The only novelty I liked about the hunter was having a pet and there was a good variety to choose from.

That and what I said ealier, great solo class.

It came down to Druid/Rogue to try out melee and keep things interesting. Being a Druid does seem to have a a much higher "skill" (or should I say management abilities) needed than being a hunter :p I'll see how I get on though.

What is the best gear/stats to look out for (for feral, best leveling build). I assume strength and stamina?

ps. Has anyone here got the font "Avant Garde" ? I need it to make Spookie's GUI pack work right. I sent him a PM, but he's not been on NW for a while.

druid is awesome. they are the only class with a solution to almost every combat situation, however, they are probably one of the hardest classes to play optimally. you have three sets of abilities to remember and three forms to switch between. a fight against a heavy armor class requires you to open up in cat form, pounce (stun), mangle, rip (damage over time) shift to bear, charge (stun) stun again, shift back to caster form, cyclone, heal, heal, back to bear, charge finish em off. as aposed to a warlock, who does the same thing against any class, he casts a bunch of insta-cast damage over time spells and then fears you. re-cast DOT's. fear again. maybe sits down, has a snack, uses a free healthstone, then dots and fears you some more. sorta boring.

Nah most mobs I went against I didn't needa shift from form to form. Just keep mashing claw/mangle to get combo point then ferocious bite to do a big chunk of dmg (hopefully to finish the mob off). The only times I find any need to shift is multi mob fights. Like Caliph Scorpidsting the Wastewander guy in Tanaris walking around with 2 rogues.... sneak up on him do a few claws then a bite, start walking back hit yourself with a rejuvination, and maybe a heal if needed, pop into bear mode, hit demoralizing roar then start swiping (and if you have mangle after 50, use that whenevr possible) like mad. The initial mob should die quickly because you already did some decent dmg with the cat attacks, Swiping should finish him off and hurt the other mobs. Depending on the amount and level of the extra mobs you may needa entangle roots one of em if you getting too hurt.

stick with one class ALL the way to 70, and then roll something else. every class is viable. no class is the "best" they all have their weakness's. i just thing ranged combat classes (mage, lock, hunter) are boring. you stand around shooting you highest damage spell in raids. its the melee classes that always keep the game exiting. imho.

Me, play play one class for a while then another for a while, jumping between all various characters, so when you get bored of one play style you c an play another style... and that way your alts build up rested xp so when you return to em you level quicker! Right now I am juggling my BE Mage and NE Priest!

What is the best gear/stats to look out for (for feral, best leveling build). I assume strength and stamina?

For Feral Cat... Agility first and foremost, then a mixture of Stamina & strength. It may take a bit of learning how much of each you need... basically you only need enough stamina so that you don't die too easily! Focus on Agil because it ups your crit rate and armor level! I think my druid with leader of the pack talents is at 27% crit in cat form.

as your leveling a druid your gear requirements will change as you aquire your new forms. so between 1 and 20, dont worry about it too much. once you get cat at 20, you will be using cat almost exclusively and so you will want agility. once your 70 you will want to keep a set of gear for healing, tanking, and dps. sadly, the only real viable role for a druid end game is either resto spec and being a healer, or feral spec and being a tank. so make sure you dont mind either of those if you plan on doing a lot of end game PVE content. if PVP is more your bag then it does not matter. the best gear in the game is from battlegrounds and arena anyway. i have spent lots and lots of money on talent re-working so if you want to benefit from my pocket book you can go here and check out my spec;n=Sassquatch

rogue will always, always, always out damage a rogue. always. shadowstep rogues are immense fun to play. but its really hard to solo a warrior or paladin. it can be done, dont get me wrong, but its hard. there is just so much i like about the druid. if i want i can re-spec and be a healer. a rogue can not. i cal just switch my gear and be the one of the best tanks in the game, superior in almost every way to an = gear warrior. a rogue can not.

as far as stealth goes, if a rogue has full talents for +hiding he will bar fer less detectable then a druid with full talents in +hiding.

@ Ash: the high armor fight i specified in my initial post is PVP. you will be cat almost always while leveling or fighting non elite mobs. there is nothing a warrior or rogue loves more then a druid who stays in cat form. where talking a difference of 10K armor, thats close to 50% damage mitigation.

rogue will always, always, always out damage a rogue. always. shadowstep rogues are immense fun to play.

@ Ash: the high armor fight i specified in my initial post is PVP. you will be cat almost always while leveling or fighting non elite mobs. there is nothing a warrior or rogue loves more then a druid who stays in cat form. where talking a difference of 10K armor, thats close to 50% damage mitigation.

Ahh k ya I was more talking PvE Leveling. Like I mentioned before I haven't really done anything in the realm of PvP.

you said "rogue will always, always, always out damage a rogue." which part was a typo?

All through my leveling especially after I got Mangle, I was out killing everyone, except like I said there was an occasional Fire Mage which were able to drop things a tiny bit quicker, like a couple seconds, but for the most part I was out killing most mages too... and yes out killing rogues... but this is PvE. Even leveling wise I was able to drop mobs quicker on my Cat than my Rogue, which is why I switched from my Rogue to my Druid as my main!

rogue will always out damage a druid. sorry about that typo.

leveling is always incomparable. all comparisons are end game. a warrior lvl 1-20 suck donky balls. but end game they are one of the highest dps classes if speced for it. you should always quest down as well. i never do yellow or orange quests only greens. you can smash through them at twice the speed and get the same quest xp. with my rogue i kill cloth and leather mobs in 3 hits. druid, not so much. but with the druid i dont have a pop a vanish if i get adds i just bear form and frenzied regeneration. plus there is no down time. fight, fight, fight, fight caster form, heal, cat form, fight, fight, fight, repeat.

The fight is mostly about execution.

Are you going in to phase 4 with all the adds down? If you're not at least burning down Capernerian when kael breaks free then it's going to be messy (people are spread out leading to no healing on mind controls breaks, untanked phoenixes etc). Make sure the DPS knows the priority: Shock Barrier > Eggs > Kael > Phoenix.

Doesn't sound like your tank is getting owned by pyroblast so you've got the DPS to win. Sounds like people just need to work on not standing in a fire.

Pro tip: Keep a list of people that die to Thaladred, flame strike, or phoenixes: don't invite them to Archimonde, they'll just make you sad.

Shock barrier stops being a concern, mind control ends, and you spend a lot of time in the air so flame patches/phoenixes are much less threatening. It's pretty much the "You Win!" phase like Solarian's Voidwalker phase. Phase 2 heroic 5-man Kael is harder than 25-man man phase 5, I suspect that the orbs of doom are actually what they had intended for phase 5 but we got stuck with the stupid "beams of don't hurt" instead.

Thanks and yeah we normally have all the adds down about 1-2 secs before or after p4 actually begins. He shud drop this week or next as that 2 weeks of hitting p4 and no further

New PTR patched was deployed yesterday.

Looks like they nerf'd druids lifebloom but reduced the cost on mana of regrowth.... LOL. Theres a rumored distance change for cyclone which isn't really a huge nerf either. The only way they could nerf it is if they made it dispellable :)

Tried to log in today, password wasn't working.

It's the same password I use for everything...

Reset it by password request, logged in... characters missing (new druid I was leveling last night deleted).... my main 68 hunter was still there though, logged in, 900g missing and I was in a location I've never been to before.

Someone must have got access last night.


Only programs I ever used are wowace and some other updater. No idea how someone got my account details.

I've not played wow in months either, probably 4~5.

Anyway, whats the best Blizzard email/number to contact?


ps. All the items in my bag/bank are cleared out as well :(

I hope Blizzard can help, I can give them an exact time of when my account was compromised. Must of been in the last 12-15 hours.

Surely they have access logs?

Had to contact them through - - Telephone lines aren't available at the weekend.

Edited by Audioboxer

I've contacted a GM and am waiting a reply as well.

Anyone know WTF this is all about?


Yndi is my main 68 hunter that was hit hardest - 900g down/no items left.

What is with all the COD mail?

At least I have a name, fzof, who seems to be connected somehow?

Currently the reply time of emails ( They say on forums ) is in excess of 3 weeks. The account investigation and reimbursement is well over a month.

Just had my own account comprised a few weeks ago.

3 weeks?!

Bloody hell.

I thought this would be figured out fairly quickly. I mean I have such a small time window everything has happened in - They should easily be able to see the account being used within the hours I wasn't on (sleeping).

Only programs I ever used are wowace and some other updater.

I know wowace isn't compromised, tons of players would be flipping and would probally be down from people hitting it. That other updated could be though. If both of those are in good shape then, you have a keylogger or some other nasty on your computer. Run virus/spam check pronto. Or your username/password is insanely easy to figure out. I got an easy username, but my passwords change every month (or every few) and sometimes they simple and some times complex. Current one is 13 in length, not a word in it or a pattern just a bunch of randomness that I write down on my notebook. If I don't have that notebook I can't login from other computers.

I might be a bit extreme, but I like to keep what I have and would rather avoid the hassle.

I know wowace isn't compromised, tons of players would be flipping and would probally be down from people hitting it. That other updated could be though. If both of those are in good shape then, you have a keylogger or some other nasty on your computer. Run virus/spam check pronto. Or your username/password is insanely easy to figure out. I got an easy username, but my passwords change every month (or every few) and sometimes they simple and some times complex. Current one is 13 in length, not a word in it or a pattern just a bunch of randomness that I write down on my notebook. If I don't have that notebook I can't login from other computers.

I might be a bit extreme, but I like to keep what I have and would rather avoid the hassle.

The other updater was from

I've not used it in a while though.

By the way, that character Fzof came online (I added to friends).

Level 1 Warrior...

Must be gold sellers or something.

My username is from my email, but my password consits of letters and numbers, I wouldn't say it was easy to guess at all.

I use Avira Antivir and it's not picked up on anything on my PC :/

My WoW account has now been closed, I think the GM must have read my note.




We have temporarily suspended your account as there is evidence that it has been accessed by an external party:

Account Name: AUDIOBOXER

Type of Violation: Suspected Compromised Account

Details of Incident: Account Security Compromised

Consequences for Account: Account Suspended until Account reviewed as secure.

Our Account Administration team will evaluate the risk to your account. We will either ask you to provide further details or if it appears your account is relatively secure, will unlock your account and reset your password to your registered email address. In the latter case you will then be able to access the World of Warcraft Servers once more.

Please note that investigation into lost or missing items, characters or currency has not yet been performed and will be completed as soon as possible. Please allow several days for this to occur. You will be notified of the conclusion of investigation along with the results.

Edited by Audioboxer
3 weeks?!

Bloody hell.

I thought this would be figured out fairly quickly. I mean I have such a small time window everything has happened in - They should easily be able to see the account being used within the hours I wasn't on (sleeping).

Yes, It's not that they can't check the logs, see your account have compromised. It's the sheer number of people who have been hacked.

Go check the In-game customer support forum over at and you might get an understanding how big the problem is, so many people are getting hacked.

( It has gone down a bit, but just a week or two ago, 80% of each page was about compromised accounts. )

But i can re-assure you, even though the GameMasters and Community representatives have said 3 weeks plus reply time, you can get lucky.

I made a pretty long post on the in-game customer support forum, how i secured my PC, reinstalled windows etc. the following day ( 3 days after the hack, a weekend was in between ) my account was unlocked again, around 12 days later, i got my items back. ( I did send in the webform with my cd-key etc. ). When i said this in a general discussions thread in the wow-forums, everybody was actually amazed how i could get it back so fast, so i must have done something right?

Good thing to come of this was, every item i was reimbursed that was previously BoE and i had used, was returned to BoE status. So had some AH Epics i didn't use, i sold again with a profit.

So i got a flying epic mount out of it :p

Yes, It's not that they can't check the logs, see your account have compromised. It's the sheer number of people who have been hacked.

Go check the In-game customer support forum over at and you might get an understanding how big the problem is, so many people are getting hacked.

But i can re-assure you, even though the GameMasters and Community representatives have said 3 weeks plus reply time, you can get lucky.

I made a pretty long post on the in-game customer support forum, how i secured my PC, reinstalled windows etc. the following day ( 3 days after the hack, a weekend was in between ) my account was unlocked again, around 12 days later, i got my items back. ( I did send in the webform with my cd-key etc. ). When i said this in a general discussions thread in the wow-forums, everybody was actually amazed how i could get it back so fast, so i must have done something right?

Good thing to come of this was, every item i was reimbursed that was previously BoE and i had used, was returned to BoE status. So had some AH Epics i didn't use, i sold again with a profit.

So i got a flying epic mount out of it :p

Hope that happens to me :D

What does COD mean?

From the mail in my inbox as shown above (image), there was about 2k worth of gold in COD mail (200g per mail).

I could probably of been swimming in 2k of gold had I opened the mail :p However I'd rather have all my items back - Some rare stuff in there that took me many hours to get.

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