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Athene was definitely boosted throughout most of 1-70, so I dont see how its worth mentioning tbh. :cool:

Speaking of quick leveling, in my opinion guides have become redundant. Just get QuestHelper or Lightheaded and you wont even need to alt-tab out of WoW.

QuestHelper even shows your quest nodes on the map, and creates routes which will result in quickest quest completion.

Brian Kopp as well I found. Which is what I might use because it's Alliance.

I find that Alliance are so much easyer to level then horde. Maybe its because im new to horde or something, but it seems like im taking way longer than it should to level..

On Alliance I can get to 70 very very fast, never used a leveling guide. I just knew where to go all the time, myself built guide as you could say.

Last Alliance I got to 70 in /played 8days 10hours and something minutes. Thats my record time, I would be tempted to try and make it sorter, but I do not have the real life time to commit to another toon as I just started horde, but I might try again on Horde once my memory is refreshed :D

So I started a rogue today. My second one, the previous one was kinda screwed up (leveled without poisons for example and powered through them at 60). I figure they are good in pvp/BGs and can handle themselves well in solo questing as well. Should be fun trying it the second time around with the experience I have already.

So I started a rogue today. My second one, the previous one was kinda screwed up (leveled without poisons for example and powered through them at 60). I figure they are good in pvp/BGs and can handle themselves well in solo questing as well. Should be fun trying it the second time around with the experience I have already.

If you liked Rogue.... why not try a feral cat druid this time instead of a 2nd rogue. Similar but different experience and I loved it more than rogue!

yeah I have a 70 druid and now making a rogue.. Leveling a druid is awesome, since you get most of the rogue abilities as a cat, with the increased running speed which really helps doing quests, on top of the ability to tank in bear, and heal yourself.

A druid that does BGs as feral fails at life =)! Resto or go home

People who use the phrase "fails at life" generally fail to see that it doesnt matter what class or spec you play as long as you play it well. Just because popular opinion says a class shud be "x" spec doesnt make it a universal truth.

End of the day if you wanna play Feral in BG`s then go and by all means have fun, if you think your suckin hard and fast then by all means try resto or even god forbid balance, but dont cow-tow just because a bunch of forum posters tell you to.

I just dinged 70 :):):)

Pally / Horde on Bladefist :)

Grtz! :)

@Colicab: I agree completely

You many never hit 2200+ rating as feral but if you're having fun and doing pretty well at it then by all means enjoy your GAME.

I hate when people try to pigeonhole classes and builds :(

You guys should read up on the statistics the Lead Dev released about 3 weeks ago.

Druids play 217% of wanted classes based on the arena. 100% being the optimum amount. I bet 98% of the druid census is resto. They are less desired in 5s teams though :p

Dont get me wrong, I'm all for having fun...

You guys should read up on the statistics the Lead Dev released about 3 weeks ago.

Druids play 217% of wanted classes based on the arena. 100% being the optimum amount. I bet 98% of the druid census is resto. They are less desired in 5s teams though :p

Dont get me wrong, I'm all for having fun...

"You" bet that 90%, well it aint hard to see why. Also we were talking about Bgs, now Arena stats? Again this is all irevelant as if you play your class well theres no reason why you wont hit 2000+ ratings.

Plus what does being a sheep and speccin Resto for your arena matches get you? Easy win? No thanx. I play a pally and i play retribution, Ive been told about 100 times that im useless in arena and shud spec holy for fights. This from people who think they are giving me sound advice by tellin me to spec a diff tree as its what xx% others use or because theyve heard it on forums or other sites.

Like I say what it boils down to is playing a class/spec and playing it well. ANY* Class and spec can work in Arena, it just might require a bit more skill to do so.

*By ANY I dont mean idiots who spec 31/0/20 and think there imba balance versions of there class"

Anyone that is starting a new character read this: Only last night I found a new mod called 'Quest helper' its a mod that thinks for you, tells you the best route to take to were your heading to, tells you what order you should do your quests in. This is the best leveling mod in the world, and I only found out last night ><.

Go to google and type in quest healer and its the first link which takes you to Curse

From there download it and put it in the wow interface folder under addons. Like they say " once you get leveling pack you'll never go back"

"You" bet that 90%, well it aint hard to see why. Also we were talking about Bgs, now Arena stats? Again this is all irevelant as if you play your class well theres no reason why you wont hit 2000+ ratings.

But you'll never hit the top. Unfortunately.

This from people who think they are giving me sound advice by tellin me to spec a diff tree as its what xx% others use or because theyve heard it on forums or other sites.

Or it could be that the PvP is tacked on and horribly broken in wow. So in such small arenas therefore certain rock paper scissor builds excel over other classes and builds.

Like I say what it boils down to is playing a class/spec and playing it well. ANY* Class and spec can work in Arena, it just might require a bit more skill to do so.

I'm sure a mage in every tree could work in an arena against the right opponents. But there is a damn good reason the top 1000+ are dominated by the same group make up no matter what blizz try to 'fix'.

As you can tell I'm quite bitter by the changes blizz keeps making to PvE to accommodate the dire PvP system. :)

Spookie hit the nail on the head. To succed far in PvP you need certain specs and class combos. Sucks that way but its the truth.

Get full S3 as feral and I'll **** myself.

I could not agree more with you, arena is all about the combo, having the spec and gear, also having the skill and knowledge over your opposition. just the way it works and you cant argue with that.

Also to get full S3 in feral I would like to see that too lol, i believe that feral fails in arena resto all the way !!!

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