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boo for being alliance =P



I have been Horde before, but I couldn't get used to the Horde main cities - I just prefer Ironforge/SW.

My friends play on Alliance as well.

I like Undead though :(

I had to farm 2x Elemental Water, Air, Fire and Earth earlier for a chestpiece through Tailoring - Took ages, awful drop rates ftl (N)

I'm going to level either a Druid or a Paladin to 60/70 next I think (Y)

ps. UI questions answered on last page (210).

Edited by Audioboxer
Well you have probably already been made fun of for being a DPS Paladin. Just look at it this way, as a tank paladin you _just_ might get into a group lol.

Thats it promote a BS stereo type. I get plenty of groups and respect as DPS pally. My guild wouldnt have me raid as anything else, not when im doing just aswell as the rest of the melee group in raids, bringing buffs and prvovide a group wide +2%damage. Oh and lets not forget being able to refresh Seals on bosses, i.e Judgement of Wisdom, Light and of The Crusader, giving Mana regen, Health regen and +3% crit to all targets attack the boss or mob.

Trust me if ANYONE says Ret pallys are crap or cant dps then there talking out of backwards facing ass. In lower tiers, i.e Kara/t4 your probs gonna have a hard time as you wont be amazing dps until your into maybe t5 or equiv gear. Also remember a retadin really needs a good melee dps group to be most effective. We always try to have a combo of atleast 1 of each of the following in the melee group, Me(ret), Warrior, Shammy, Druid if you got all thos then you got yourself one hell of a melee group.

Im currently pushing about 1.2-1.4k on trash and on VR about the 1k dps. Got BT tomoz , forst go there but Im told that as of Bt/Hyj Retadin becomes a rogue beater in some fights. Espec as its really only in later stages of BT you get the ideal Ret weps (likewise with Horde RetaBelfs).

IMHO and this isnt a dig at anyone here, but if you are Ret generally its younger and immature players who will give you grief, tho I dont get much tbh. Maybe odd joke from a guildy but its all in good taste. Mind you the amount of welfare epic equipped Retanabs in Bgs is sickening, but hell it always has been.

I say grow a backbone and PVE for your Retribution!!!

Btw this is my retadin -

Not the best gear by anymeans, but if you can get it to near this level then your sorted for raiding SSC/TK and into Hyj/BT

Excuse tge spelling etc in this Im very tired been playing Heroic Magisters all night

Get DST. Then make a post on realm forums, and see how hard you get trolled/flamed/world ends posts. A pally on my server did it, one of the funniest threads I read. Retadin's are awesome, just like Colicab said need a melee group and starts to shine at the T5 stage of raiding.

Well, I re-installed WoW on my MacBook last night.

Do I dare take the plunge again?

Well, you didn't do that for no reason did you? :p

Unless of course you were bored, and wanting to fill up some hdd space ;)

So.. we cleared to Kalec both Weds and Thurs, trash was not a problem after we figured out how to do it, ALTHOUGH running back after wiping on Kalec we seem to always have that 1 retard who isn't paying attention and manages to pull a robot.... BTW that AOE chain they do has a RIDICULOUS radius on We got Kalec down to 62% and Demon down to 75%.. Not to bad will try again next week, now its back to Hyjal and BT.

Our server (Stonemaul US Central PVP) got to 4% into Phase2 around 8pm est last night. I can't wait for the repair guys :p

Evn I know EXACTLY what you mean, now that the attunements have been lifted and our guild is only the 2nd Horde guild to down Illidan on our server, we are getting apps from a TON of randoms, in ALL S1 PVP gear, or in blues, with HORRIBLE socket selection.. I mean I know you have to start somewhere, and I know they aren't in guilds now that have the opportunity to get T5-6, but at least take the time to find out the best gear and socket selection you have access too, its way to easy to do now.

Here are some good sites to start: - Good site for looking up Gems - Great Mage theorycrafting Site - Neat Gear check site. Gives you suggestions on upgrades/sockets/enchants.

We've got one Alliance guild with Kalecgos down, I suspect they'll get Brutallus this reset too.

I don't want to talk about Sunwell trash: it's depressing. Not only do those stupid robots have huge range on the lightening, it also ignores line-of-site and probably instance boundaries too. I'm fairly sure I could be standing in Shat. and still get hit by it.

Tripple loot is crap. Last week Double Vanquisher form nearly everything we killed. This week: Tripple Vanquisher. One of the feral druids is working on his moonkin set now.

On a positive note: A good friend finally got the off-hand warglaive for his rogue: excellent (he never got to finish Thunderfury so I'm really hoping next reset yields the mainhand).

Alot of ppl have said levelling a druid is fun, but I dunno I must be missing something I got to lvl 10 and just wasnt feeling anything. Actually thats a lie, I feel this is a very "beatnik" type character. All nature loving n stuff. Made me feel dirty.

I don't understand how anyone can use the default health bars. They're so ugly and uninformative.

I actually like them. While you can't really put heaps of information on them, I have a mod called Percent which as you may guess just puts health percentages on they're as good as any other. I've tried Pitbull and all those other ones but I keep coming back to the default.

Oh, also we killed Kalecgos first attempt of our 2nd night. We tried him on PTR and his health has been significantly reduced since then so it was rather easy. Working on Brutallus atm, our best attempt was 12% when we hit the enrage timer and then later 56% half way to enrage but we wiped.


The post 2.4 pre-made PVP crying on the forums is priceless. <3.

Yeah, the 100s or so people complaining on the forums about premade queue times doesn't reallly consider the thousands of people who can now enjoy queueing solo, without running against a premade 9/10 games. That said I haven't had any problems with queue times while queueing with a couple of friends, or even a group of 5.

Yeah, the 100s or so people complaining on the forums about premade queue times doesn't reallly consider the thousands of people who can now enjoy queueing solo, without running against a premade 9/10 games. That said I haven't had any problems with queue times while queueing with a couple of friends, or even a group of 5.

Agreed, nothing worse than going to do your daily pvp quest, only to get a pre-made 9/10 matches then loose the 10th match to pug. Espec when your only playing some pvp to pass time till raid. Lets face it 10 or so matches each 15-30mins long just to get 10g and 400 honour sucks.

Daily Q`s shudnt be mammoth tasks and tbh theres been a few folk in my guild who have sat for 2-3hrs playing Wsg/Ab (not really AV) just to get a daily q done.

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