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Ran a single-healer/mostly T6 trip through Karazhan. It's ridiculous what a difference gear can make.

Moroes dead with only 1 garrot.

Illhoof dead with 1 sacrifice.

Netherspite dead during his first banish phase (He was dead before icey veins came off cooldown from Shade of Aran)

Prince was looted before the third infernal hit the ground.

Curator down in 1 minute.

Nightbane down in 4 minutes with only 1 fear (we kept 3 DPS on him during air phase: he landed with 60K HP at the end of his final trip to the sky).

1 hour & 45 mins from zone in to portal out: there was some talk about trying for a 1:11 clear.

Even if they just brought the titles back and leave everything else (anyone can get any piece of armor) I'd love that. Or if you got a title depending on how many kills you had. It'd be useless but I'd still like it.

Titles are the only lasting rewards: the one-time status symbols offer no in-game advantage: let the people who did "great" things keep the last symbol of their achievement.

Does anyone know of a nice addon for UI? Although, the regular UI is working out for me right now I'm just interested in getting a better one (I hate being messy).

I also want to mention that I'm not level 24, my fishing is almost 200 now (it's so fun to do). I'm really am having a lot more fun than I ever had a WoW..even without my friends being there.

Also, I installed Auctioneer since I'm trying to get into the AH. How exactly does it work, does it give you a suggested price to put it up on the AH?

Ran a single-healer/mostly T6 trip through Karazhan. It's ridiculous what a difference gear can make.

Moroes dead with only 1 garrot.

Illhoof dead with 1 sacrifice.

Netherspite dead during his first banish phase (He was dead before icey veins came off cooldown from Shade of Aran)

Prince was looted before the third infernal hit the ground.

Curator down in 1 minute.

Nightbane down in 4 minutes with only 1 fear (we kept 3 DPS on him during air phase: he landed with 60K HP at the end of his final trip to the sky).

1 hour & 45 mins from zone in to portal out: there was some talk about trying for a 1:11 clear.

Wow, lucky SOB. Wish I could kill that quick and clear. Fastest I've done was everything in 3 hours. Being a tank and marking/leading/pulling through Kara I try to go as fast as possible, while the mana/health is there, I sometimes slow down due to the human factor. Damn old people.

Currently i am grinding a lvl 36 Blood Elf Mage. I am old and slow and its taken me a fair amount of time to figure out the game. Since I am not a real big fan of RTFM it has probably taken me 10x longer to understand even the basics. Coming from a FPS background has spoiled me. The most in depth i got was setting up my controls on my computer. Now its a whole different ballgame with WoW.

I must say it's a better quality game. I have met many people who pretty cool and very helpful and only a handful of losers and most of them have been alliance looking for an easy kill. It has become apparent that this is the game for me because of the addiction i now have. I quit smoking and took up World of Warcraft... its cheaper anyway.

Been saving up for a mount when they become availible... any one know how much they will go for??

Does anyone know of a nice addon for UI? Although, the regular UI is working out for me right now I'm just interested in getting a better one (I hate being messy).

I also want to mention that I'm not level 24, my fishing is almost 200 now (it's so fun to do). I'm really am having a lot more fun than I ever had a WoW..even without my friends being there.

Also, I installed Auctioneer since I'm trying to get into the AH. How exactly does it work, does it give you a suggested price to put it up on the AH?

The UI addon I use is X-Perl UnitFrames, although it doesn't really change the UI as much as the player images and party/raid layout.

Auctioneer classic would need to have an initial scan of the AH in order to gather pricing and suggestions on auctions. I'm pretty sure that the new auctioneer needs the same thing. Go to the AH, open a dialog, and you should see a scan button near the lower left of the dialog. Simply click that, wait for it to finish, and you have AH pricing. I would recommend scanning at least once a day to insure you have up-to-date prices.

Could you please link me to your UI mods? Thanks

I think Adam's done that like 10 times, what he gets for posting so many screenshots. lol.

He did it somewhat recently, can't tell ya how many pages back since I use different thread settings than default, but it shouldn't be too far back.

Bartender 3(actionbar)

cycircled vol


Elk Buff Bars



From earlier not sure what has and hasn't changed.

I think Adam's done that like 10 times, what he gets for posting so many screenshots. lol.

He did it somewhat recently, can't tell ya how many pages back since I use different thread settings than default, but it shouldn't be too far back.

From earlier not sure what has and hasn't changed.

Thanks a bunch!

Alright so I read all the strats on the fights I dont know in BT(Bloodboil and everything beyond him).

Gurtogg Bloodboil

Requires 3 tanks. 3 groups rotate in and out for the bloodboil debuff. Gurtogg does a cleave ability that hits 2 targets in front of him for alot of damage. Gurtogg will ocasionally do a fel acid ability on the MT, when the MT has 7 stacks of the fel acid he should stop generating threat and let another tank pick him up. Bloodboil will also disorent a tank in which he will attack 2nd highest on threat. He also does a knockback that lowers threat too. Phase 2 of the fight a random person gets fel rage, Bloodboil will only attack that target. They both get buffs. Rince and repeat.


This fight I'm still confused about. Phase 1 reduces all healing effects by 100%. The part I dont get is, someone runs up to the boss and takes fixate or whatever so the boss attacks them and then moves out or something? I think the boss also enrages or something so a rogue has to evasion tank or a Prot Tank goes and soaks damage? Phase 2 the boss will cast this very damage intensive ability that MUST be interrupted. He also casts daeden or something that should be spell reflected. I think the aura for this phase is it drains Mana/rage? Phase 3 is the DPS race. Aura deals damage equal to how much mana/rage you have I believe.

Mother Sharaz

Everyone except the MT in full SR gear. She will shoot out beams that will chain to other ppl so I assume spread out? She will hit a tank for 74-80K, so you need 2 other tanks so the damage is spread. Fatal attraction she teleports you to her and you must run away from each other(25 yards) so the debuff goes away.

Illidari Council

Stay away from mage due to his arcane explosion he'll do. The mage will also use a Blizzard/Fire AOE thing that people must move out of. The rogue will occasionally vanish and reappear, tank must pick him up again. The pally is the hard hitting one here and will cast buffs on other guys. He does a concencrate that you should move out of and will judge seal of command and blood. Spell reflect seal of command. The priest will cast Circle of healing that MUST BE INTERRUPTED.

Illidan Stormrage

Stay out of the fires he does when he slams onto the ground in P1. Move away if you have parasites. P2, Illidan flys in the airs, tosses in glaives on both sides of the metal plate in the middle of the summit. Spawns 2 Flames of azzinoth, essentially 2 Giant fire elementals. 2 tanks in FR gear needed for this phase. The flames are leashed onto there warglaive and if seperated they will enrage and wipe the raid. If the flames are too far from each other, will charge and thus enrage. Best to follow a path around the circle in the middle while tanking them. GTFO eye beam that illidan casts and move out of the flames the flames of azzinoth will occasionally put on ground. Take them facing away from raid. Probobly the phase I'll end up ****ing up on. :p Phase 3 is like Phase 1 except these wierd demons will stun a random person, they must be killed otherwise the person they chase will die. Phase 4 illidan goes into demon form, tanked by a warlock. No melee whatsoever due to his aura around him. Phase 5 kite him into traps to avoid his enrage thing and continue till he's dead.

Please correct me if I'm wrong. I dont wanna **** up on my first raid day with a new guild. :)

Alright so I read all the strats on the fights I dont know in BT(Bloodboil and everything beyond him).

Gurtogg Bloodboil

Our strategy varies a little we let stacks go higher and do it with 2 or 3 tanks depending on who's on. You can force him to switch to another tank with BOP -- as long as your tanks are working together, that's more than enough time to close the threat gap.

From the melee perspective it's a tank n spank with 2 threat targets to stay under - pretty boring all things considered.


Phase 1:

First thing's first: He has a standard agro table and will run down it killing people if he cannot attack his fixate target. That said, unless something goes terribly wrong you'll never have to worry about agro because of fixate.

Fixate is a 5 second debuff applied to the closest character. ROS will always attack the fixate target unless he cannot (ie: BoP, ice block, or the fixate target dies). Think of gaining fixate as if you had cast mocking blow on him.

Every minute he does a fairly standard "enrage" that increases attack speed and damage for 15 seconds. I believe the aura reduces defense but I can't remember.

No healing or regeneration effects work (that includes potions) so you're forced to "rotate" tanks. The way you rotate is by having the current fixate target back out of the way and a new one get closer so that the next time fixate is cast it will go on the new tank.

Typically you'd have a warrior run in and get fixated. He'd hold on to ROS for 1 minute (until enrage): during that time you don't need to generate threat so not attacking to avoid parries is acceptable. Concentrate on mitigating damage (make sure you get shields 15 seconds early, every 15 seconds after that. Blessing of Sacrifice, etc) You can have people intervene hits if someone gets low.

When enrage is due, you have a rogue or some other high-avoidance class step in and tank him for 15 seconds. Enrage tanking works exactly the same as a normal phase: he's just hitting harder. After that you'll cycle to your next tank and start all over again.

It's pretty unusual to go for more than 2 enrages. The key is to get into phase 1 with full HP because once ROS is out you can't be healed until phase 2.

Phase 2

From a tanking perspective: generate threat, and reflect deaden (cast every 30-ish seconds). Everythign else is on your rogues who have to make sure to kick spirit shocks which will otherwise disorient your tank. if your rogues have downs then you'll wipe, if they don't: you'll win.

You do double damage but also take damage equal to 50% of what hit for: take care not to get yourself killed if you're DPS.

Phase 3

it's a DPS race. There's an interesting +100% threat mechanic that happens whenever he switches targets. What we usually do is have a paladin run in, then the MT pulls off immediately (BOP) and generates threat for a few seconds (misdirects etc). After that the DPS can come in and go all out without any chance of pulling.

The aura processively increases the damage you deal and the damage you take so blowing cool downs later (but not too late) will provide better returns.

Every so often he'll cast "Spite": just chug a nature potion when you pop out of the ice cube and hope your healers don't hate you.

The fight is really complicated but you don't need to worry about 2/3s of the things going on.

Mother Sharaz

Everyone except the MT in full SR gear.

Our MT and OTs just wear melee gear: 90% of the damage they take will be physical. Everyone else is typically 300+ SR (though some may chose to wear less once you're comfortable with the fight).

She will shoot out beams that will chain to other ppl so I assume spread out?

There are a few strategies but I think the most common is to have everyone in 2 groups (melee and ranged) so that chain heal and COH work better. It also gives you much more room to spread out after fatal attraction.

Fatal attraction she teleports you to her and you must run away from each other(25 yards) so the debuff goes away.

Yup. Potting and health stones after FA are a good idea, but otherwise it's a matter of making sure two pink beams are coming out of your ass and you run away.

Illidari Council

Stay away from mage due to his arcane explosion he'll do. The mage will also use a Blizzard/Fire AOE thing that people must move out of. The rogue will occasionally vanish and reappear, tank must pick him up again. The pally is the hard hitting one here and will cast buffs on other guys. He does a concencrate that you should move out of and will judge seal of command and blood. Spell reflect seal of command. The priest will cast Circle of healing that MUST BE INTERRUPTED.

Exactly right. This is the olympics of "not stand in ****". Nothing here is particuarly hard, you just have to not let yourself get killed. If you have 15k HP you can survive the worst possible combination of attacks without heals (flame strike, divine wrath, envenom).

Interupting divine wrath makes this fight substantially easier.

Illidan Stormrage

Phase 4 illidan goes into demon form, tanked by a warlock

Phase 3 is the same as phase 1. he casts a DOT called agonizing flames that works like conflag (deals damage to all people within 5 yards). Damage increases over time the opposite of how doomfire works.

The demons that stun come in phase 4 - you have to kill them then spread out to avoid his AOE fireball attack (it works like gruuls shatter: the closer you are to people, the more damage it does).

Please correct me if I'm wrong. I dont wanna **** up on my first raid day with a new guild. :)

Our strategy varies a little we let stacks go higher and do it with 2 or 3 tanks depending on who's on. You can force him to switch to another tank with BOP -- as long as your tanks are working together, that's more than enough time to close the threat gap.

From the melee perspective it's a tank n spank with 2 threat targets to stay under - pretty boring all things considered.

Phase 1:

First thing's first: He has a standard agro table and will run down it killing people if he cannot attack his fixate target. That said, unless something goes terribly wrong you'll never have to worry about agro because of fixate.

Fixate is a 5 second debuff applied to the closest character. ROS will always attack the fixate target unless he cannot (ie: BoP, ice block, or the fixate target dies). Think of gaining fixate as if you had cast mocking blow on him.

Every minute he does a fairly standard "enrage" that increases attack speed and damage for 15 seconds. I believe the aura reduces defense but I can't remember.

No healing or regeneration effects work (that includes potions) so you're forced to "rotate" tanks. The way you rotate is by having the current fixate target back out of the way and a new one get closer so that the next time fixate is cast it will go on the new tank.

Typically you'd have a warrior run in and get fixated. He'd hold on to ROS for 1 minute (until enrage): during that time you don't need to generate threat so not attacking to avoid parries is acceptable. Concentrate on mitigating damage (make sure you get shields 15 seconds early, every 15 seconds after that. Blessing of Sacrifice, etc) You can have people intervene hits if someone gets low.

When enrage is due, you have a rogue or some other high-avoidance class step in and tank him for 15 seconds. Enrage tanking works exactly the same as a normal phase: he's just hitting harder. After that you'll cycle to your next tank and start all over again.

It's pretty unusual to go for more than 2 enrages. The key is to get into phase 1 with full HP because once ROS is out you can't be healed until phase 2.

Phase 2

From a tanking perspective: generate threat, and reflect deaden (cast every 30-ish seconds). Everythign else is on your rogues who have to make sure to kick spirit shocks which will otherwise disorient your tank. if your rogues have downs then you'll wipe, if they don't: you'll win.

You do double damage but also take damage equal to 50% of what hit for: take care not to get yourself killed if you're DPS.

Phase 3

it's a DPS race. There's an interesting +100% threat mechanic that happens whenever he switches targets. What we usually do is have a paladin run in, then the MT pulls off immediately (BOP) and generates threat for a few seconds (misdirects etc). After that the DPS can come in and go all out without any chance of pulling.

The aura processively increases the damage you deal and the damage you take so blowing cool downs later (but not too late) will provide better returns.

Every so often he'll cast "Spite": just chug a nature potion when you pop out of the ice cube and hope your healers don't hate you.

The fight is really complicated but you don't need to worry about 2/3s of the things going on.

Our MT and OTs just wear melee gear: 90% of the damage they take will be physical. Everyone else is typically 300+ SR (though some may chose to wear less once you're comfortable with the fight).

There are a few strategies but I think the most common is to have everyone in 2 groups (melee and ranged) so that chain heal and COH work better. It also gives you much more room to spread out after fatal attraction.

Yup. Potting and health stones after FA are a good idea, but otherwise it's a matter of making sure two pink beams are coming out of your ass and you run away.

Exactly right. This is the olympics of "not stand in ****". Nothing here is particuarly hard, you just have to not let yourself get killed. If you have 15k HP you can survive the worst possible combination of attacks without heals (flame strike, divine wrath, envenom).

Interupting divine wrath makes this fight substantially easier.

Phase 3 is the same as phase 1. he casts a DOT called agonizing flames that works like conflag (deals damage to all people within 5 yards). Damage increases over time the opposite of how doomfire works.

The demons that stun come in phase 4 - you have to kill them then spread out to avoid his AOE fireball attack (it works like gruuls shatter: the closer you are to people, the more damage it does).

Please correct me if I'm wrong. I dont wanna **** up on my first raid day with a new guild. :)

We do almost the EXACT same thing..

We do almost the EXACT same thing..

One more thing: traps are worthless. If you can get him to 30% without them, there's absolutely no reason to start.

9/10 times Maiv will drop them in the middle of nowhere and you end up dragging him out of range or too close to parasite. It's not worth screwing around with positioning to get DPS that you really don't need (his enrage timer is something like 25 mins). The only time we've ever died in P3 was when screwing with traps.

That being said: the're a great way to recover from disaster if (for example) your MT dies and you need to stall for a few seconds to get into demon phase.

Had a look over our realm forums: we've got a crapload of end-game raid guilds all of a sudden.

Horde: 2 on Felmyst, 3 with Illidan down but no SWP kills, 2 working on Illidan, 4 more with at least 3 T6 kills

Alliance: 1 on M'uru, 1 on Felmyst, 1 working on Illidan, 7 with multiple BT/Hyjal kills (stalling out on RoS/Bloodboil/Archimonde)

In total we have 21 guilds that are likely to have killed Illidan and played around in SWP before WoTLK. Compared to original wow:

C'thun: Horde 1, Alliance 2.

5+ Naxx: Horde: 1, Alliance 4

Neferian: Horde: 5, Alliance: 11

It seems a lot easier for raid guilds to progress through the final tier of content than it was in the original days. Assuming that a raid ran with 40 or 25 and had no alternates, the number of raiders in end-tier content has doubled (though this doesn't take into account inflating server populations)

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