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MAJOR Spoilers...

It's upto part 18 so far..

The Worgen starting area.

The guy is a bit of a moron sometimes, but ..


I cannot wait to be a Worgen druid. They fit my personality and my previous wow personalities so .. so well.

They are everything I have ever wanted in a WoW race.

I am so excited.

Thanks guys, yeah i used QuestHelper, is Carbonite better?

I definitely prefer it mostly because of the map. Overall, it has some great features that really make it an all-in-one addon.

The punks list is also incredible. Let's you see the opposing faction that's nearby (grabbed through the combat log). Also automatically pings areas where the opposing faction is being picked up by other people with the addon. Make great when on PvP servers. :yes: (inb4 HUURRRR DATS CHEAP)

Just thought I'd throw that bit in there since it's one of the more overlooked features of the addon. :)

I love Worgen and Gilneas is beautiful. My main is an Night Elf Druid so I feel kinda "close" to worgen, but to this day I'm still hesitating about which class I should play when Cataclysm is released. Looking at the classes available to a worgen : death knight, druid, warrior, hunter, mage, priest, rogue, and warlock, I can eliminate druid, dk, rogue, priest and warlock as those are either incoherent with my perception of a worgen or I already play them. So I have to choose between : mage, warrior and hunter. Mage is a no-go as it's too weak and a worgen can't be weak, hunters mmyeh maybe ... so really warrior is the only interesting choice.

What's your take on this ? Will you be rolling as a Worgen, and if it's the case which class are you going to play ?

I'd imagine it depends on the specs of the Mac compared to the specs of the PC.

On the exact same hardware I find that the Mac edition runs more 'consistently' than Windows. My peak performance on Windows is higher than a Mac, but when things slow down they are also much worse on Windows.

There are minor niceties that work on the OS X edition that aren't present on Windows (ie: screen recording) and over-all it makes the experience better.

I raid playing on Windows, but only because that's the computer connected to my TV now, I prefer to play on my notebook.

Working on Heroic 25 LK... whats everyone else up to? 5 min break.

Halion 25 heroic: we're failing at phase 3 tonight. Our rank for failing at cutters ('team edward') has like 8 people in it.

Palys aren't casting freedom and people are dropping down-stairs consumption in the wrong place or being slow to run out

after dropping it.

Half of my real-id friend's comments are "lyrics from sad-kid songs" but it's starting to get old now that we're up to fail #8 or something.

dks have non existent dps?

I've seen dk's top 8k.

8k is nothing now; In our 25 man we run (normally) 2 DK's; 1 tank + 1 DPS; DPS easily reaches 11k and I've seen close to 14k DPS on certain occasions. But yes, the point is the same - any class, including DKs are great when played properly.

i will not

Twilight has no place in WoW

i will learn to hate Worgen more than i already hate DKs and their sub standard tanking and non existent DPS

Oh Q_Q.

Learn your lore.

The Worgen were in the Warcraft Universe prior to those crappy books and if you think they weren't you need to look them up. They existed in the Second War.

Oh Q_Q.

Learn your lore.

The Worgen were in the Warcraft Universe prior to those crappy books and if you think they weren't you need to look them up. They existed in the Second War.

If I could +1 you I would, WoW Lore (I'm not that into but I still know it) was way before the Twilight Saga; Vanilla WoW had them implemented already and the Worgen City was just off limits until Cataclysm. L2 wow before ya bash it. Now something thats been in the game since the beginning will become playable.

If I could +1 you I would, WoW Lore (I'm not that into but I still know it) was way before the Twilight Saga; Vanilla WoW had them implemented already and the Worgen City was just off limits until Cataclysm. L2 wow before ya bash it. Now something thats been in the game since the beginning will become playable.

i never said that Worgen were all of a sudden added into the game (tho i can see how that could have been interpreted from what i said)

i'm fully aware they have always been there, i remember killing them in dark shire (i don't know about lore, don't really care)

doesn't change the way i feel about them

my theory is just that Activision wants to throw Worgen into the game to grab that teeny-bopper-twilight crowd

just like the BE was added because AMG HAWT ANIME CHARACTERS I'M LIKE GOKU OVER 9000

horde where crying so much after BEs. all the kids switched over and they got all the crap DPS and started losing all the BGs

and ya, 99% of the DKs i group with are total scrubs

i hate them

and ya, 99% of the DKs i group with are total scrubs

i hate them

Shame you're not playing with very good people or put it another way: 99% of all players are crap.

We have one tank (switched from DPS a few weeks ago) that handles the most difficult content without any issues being kept alive or holding threat. Likewise we've got A DPS who averages 15k on bosses of all kinds (putricide, marrowgar, saurfang, deathwhisper, etc).

Not that ICC is particularly difficult content any more, but if the whole game is easy and any given person can do it then it's hard to make the case that one person is crap and another isn't when they're both making out just fine.

Also, twilight cutters are hilarious.

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