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That happened in TBC: world+dog just farmed karazhan for badly itemized 128 or 141 gear instead of working their way up to current content.

The same thing has happened now: if heroics and 'weekly raid' dungeons weren't dropping frost badges for bottom-level tier 10 nobody would

be going to those places.

Endgame today is iLevel 277 and 284. 251 and 264 hasn't been endgame loot since lich king was unlocked.

H264 and H271 if your 10 man raider.

H264 and H271 if your 10 man raider.

Sadly 10-man ICC is substantially easier than 25-man ICC on both normal and hard mode: the content just hasn't scaled in difficulty like it should have (IMO of course).

Given that even the worst ICC25 pugs are killing 8 bosses (with many more clearing the place) it's hard to accept any 264 dropping content as end game.

With luck the next expansion will see similar levels of difficulty across 10 and 25 but WoTLK made it clear that 10-man was the easy mode and the reward has scaled accordingly.

Technically, 258 is the start of "end game", with 284 being the top of end game.

Heroic isn't for everyone, it's just a difficulty setting, it's not a different tier. (granted that it is by ilvl, but that's just Blizzard being retarded).

Blizzard had already stated that loot will be exactly the same in 10 and 25 versions, except that there will be more of it in 25.

I sort of agree with you that 10 is "easier" but mainly because mobs have less HP and whatever, it's still challenging for me, and lets be honest, neither of us can really speak for the "majority" of WoW.

Sadly 10-man ICC is substantially easier than 25-man ICC on both normal and hard mode: the content just hasn't scaled in difficulty like it should have (IMO of course).

Given that even the worst ICC25 pugs are killing 8 bosses (with many more clearing the place) it's hard to accept any 264 dropping content as end game.

With luck the next expansion will see similar levels of difficulty across 10 and 25 but WoTLK made it clear that 10-man was the easy mode and the reward has scaled accordingly.

I only meant for the few strict 10-man guilds who "technically" never do 25 mans. And I agree 100% about the difficulty.

Can only hope Cata dungeon's/raids up the difficulty across the boards. I'd love some 5-mans like MGT, SH (before changes).

Been doing RAF with a mate and haven't had this much fun in WoW, we're just on our TS3 channel talking trash, laughing and having fun every night after work - We just dinged 60 with our first to characters, bit slow, 1 Day and around 10 Hours played.

Now we're doing another pair, just to try out a few classes and then I'll be able to instantly grant him a new level 60 character of choice (Y)

Let greed get the best of me yesterday. Selling an Ulduar 10 drake (10k per person) we cleared through the last remaning achievements up to yogg+1 with 7 guild members and 3 buyers. Total yield for the night should have been around 4.5k a person + some gear for Herald.

Unfortunately while just doing the encounter 7-man is one thing, doing it with 7 plus 3 people that seemed to be actively trying to screw us was another. Standing in clouds in P1, staring at the boss in P3, running away with brain link?it ended up being too frustrating to get these guys to just stand at the door and wait for their mounts so we went to bed. I did hit on a solution that will work (and it's the one we'll be using in our ICC10 drake sales): just go die at the start.

I've also lost all the gold I made from the run gambling to people in it so the whole thing is shaping up to be miserable and I'm committed to playing at least 3 days this week to clean up the mess now. Lesson learned.

Let greed get the best of me yesterday. Selling an Ulduar 10 drake (10k per person) we cleared through the last remaning achievements up to yogg+1 with 7 guild members and 3 buyers. Total yield for the night should have been around 4.5k a person + some gear for Herald.

Unfortunately while just doing the encounter 7-man is one thing, doing it with 7 plus 3 people that seemed to be actively trying to screw us was another. Standing in clouds in P1, staring at the boss in P3, running away with brain link?it ended up being too frustrating to get these guys to just stand at the door and wait for their mounts so we went to bed. I did hit on a solution that will work (and it's the one we'll be using in our ICC10 drake sales): just go die at the start.

I've also lost all the gold I made from the run gambling to people in it so the whole thing is shaping up to be miserable and I'm committed to playing at least 3 days this week to clean up the mess now. Lesson learned.

Out of all the ICC Achievements the 10 man Sindy one is a pain, especially for the Tank, I think HC will just be a zergfest as all other bosses including prof HM were but we are always unlucky with the tank getting more stacks for the sindy one :\ havent found one tactic that worked for us.

How much do ICC10 drakes sell for on other servers? We're the only guild on our server selling them and I get the feeling that

we're under-valuing them.

With respect to sindy:

for achievement:

2 healers + resto shaman/boomkin/shadow priest to cover times when one is blocked and one is debuffed, use some frost resist gear, and bring 3 tanks so you can rotate that tanks never have to stay out. Don't forget to freedom the slow debuff when they get it.

On 25 man we did the same basic idea: 3 tanks, 6 healers, people wore some frost resist

on hard mode:

7 healers, 2 tanks. don't be an idiot: fight is basically the same.

How much do ICC10 drakes sell for on other servers? We're the only guild on our server selling them and I get the feeling that

we're under-valuing them.

One guild sells all loot, tier, achievements/drake for 80k and others are in the ballpark of 30-50k.

How much do ICC10 drakes sell for on other servers? We're the only guild on our server selling them and I get the feeling that

we're under-valuing them.

With respect to sindy:

for achievement:

2 healers + resto shaman/boomkin/shadow priest to cover times when one is blocked and one is debuffed, use some frost resist gear, and bring 3 tanks so you can rotate that tanks never have to stay out. Don't forget to freedom the slow debuff when they get it.

On 25 man we did the same basic idea: 3 tanks, 6 healers, people wore some frost resist

on hard mode:

7 healers, 2 tanks. don't be an idiot: fight is basically the same.

They go for 50k per buyer with 2 buyers per run. First run is all the wings HM, plus all loot needed/wanted and all tokens for your class. Second week is all achieves on norm

might as well start now and stockpile some gold

This or what to Cata and enjoy the refreshed leveling and ease of it. Then once you hit 85, you can snag hierloom items and with guild XP get 5% xp bonus to make it even easier.

Helm - 10 (exalted with guild)

Back - 5 (exalted with guild)

Ring - 5 (Northrend fishing tourney)

Shoulders - 10 (emblems)

Chest - 10 (emblems)

Guild - 10 (need guild level 5)


How much do ICC10 drakes sell for on other servers? We're the only guild on our server selling them and I get the feeling that

we're under-valuing them.

With respect to sindy:

for achievement:

2 healers + resto shaman/boomkin/shadow priest to cover times when one is blocked and one is debuffed, use some frost resist gear, and bring 3 tanks so you can rotate that tanks never have to stay out. Don't forget to freedom the slow debuff when they get it.

On 25 man we did the same basic idea: 3 tanks, 6 healers, people wore some frost resist

on hard mode:

7 healers, 2 tanks. don't be an idiot: fight is basically the same.

My guild has been selling them for 80,000g on a weekly basis for 2 months now. We do two customers per run, they get 2x ICC Runs (1 Normal 12/12, 1 Heroic 11/12), all the loot, Tier 10 Tokens, etc.

hey I was wondering is it a good time to start playing wow or should I wait for cataclysm? I have only played the wow trial a few years back.

I would start now, then you can level up some and see the pre-launch events when they happen. They're pretty good.

I would also say that you should definitely spend some time doing the dungeons and raids in Outlands. I know some people might hate me for saying this, but they were far better than the Northrend ones in general.

My guild has been selling them for 80,000g on a weekly basis for 2 months now. We do two customers per run, they get 2x ICC Runs (1 Normal 12/12, 1 Heroic 11/12), all the loot, Tier 10 Tokens, etc.

dayum! not many EU guilds I have come across do this :( shame.

Im like a few achievements away from the 10 man drake. Need Sindy Achievement, Sindy Hc and then The LK one, the others I lack I have on paladin (had to bring the healer when we fell short however guildies assured me that the ones i missed we would re do)

As for the 25 man one, well I do not think I will be getting 25 man drake anytime soon.

Although 80k does seem like a bit much ;) Even though its 2 raids with 11/12 on hc and loot is included, it just feels like a lot :p

Armani war bears were going for 9k back in tbc. 80k + Invincible then we call it a deal yeah ;)

hey I was wondering is it a good time to start playing wow or should I wait for cataclysm? I have only played the wow trial a few years back.

Personally I'd wait. The existing leveling content is so old and so outdated it will ruin your enjoyment of the lower levels. A major reason for the cata revamp is because a lot of new players get bored of the "bad" content and quit really early.

Personally I'd wait. The existing leveling content is so old and so outdated it will ruin your enjoyment of the lower levels. A major reason for the cata revamp is because a lot of new players get bored of the "bad" content and quit really early.

is there a list of whats going to be new in cata?

I would also say that you should definitely spend some time doing the dungeons and raids in Outlands. I know some people might hate me for saying this, but they were far better than the Northrend ones in general.

Nope, i agree with you. WotLK dungeons suck. And Burning Crusade was a better expansion than WotLK. I canceled my subscription for the first time ever about a month ago. I just couldn't take any more of this expansion.

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