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Nope, i agree with you. WotLK dungeons suck. And Burning Crusade was a better expansion than WotLK. I canceled my subscription for the first time ever about a month ago. I just couldn't take any more of this expansion.

Ya, I didn't play for about a year because I didn't like wrath so much. I'm back playing now, but it's mostly to get the chars I want to play in Cataclysm up to 80 and to experience the pre-launch content. Unfortunately they seem o keep sucking the soul out of this game.

My guild has been selling them for 80,000g on a weekly basis for 2 months now. We do two customers per run, they get 2x ICC Runs (1 Normal 12/12, 1 Heroic 11/12), all the loot, Tier 10 Tokens, etc.

That's basically the way we've been selling them but for 60% less. I've been pushing to bump the price to around 75k (~10k each per raid after saronites/boss gold) because that's about the threshold that makes it worthwhile to run ICC10.

dayum! not many EU guilds I have come across do this :( shame.

Although 80k does seem like a bit much ;) Even though its 2 raids with 11/12 on hc and loot is included, it just feels like a lot :p

Armani war bears were going for 9k back in tbc. 80k + Invincible then we call it a deal yeah ;)

For what it's worth war bears varied between 10 and 15k on my server and it's worth remembering the two key points:

  • It was a 45 minute clear so 15k worked out to 2000g an hour per player after everything was factored in
  • Gold was worth substantially more at the end of TBC than today.

Invincible comes with Light of the Dawn: you can buy that combination for roughly half a million gold from a number of guilds.

is there a list of whats going to be new in cata?

"everything from 60-70 and 80-85" is reworked. What I've played through (1-20, 80-83) has been excellent. I'm holding back

judgement until I get a chance to play through the level 85 heroic dungeons and Tier 11 raids but right now I'm fairly confident

that they've returned the game to what made it great.

Invincible comes with Light of the Dawn: you can buy that combination for roughly half a million gold from a number of guilds.

500k gold ... omg lol I can not even begin to comprehend that sort of gold, think max I have ever had is 55k ish or there abouts. Thats one hell of a price, yet to see EU guilds do this I have not seen anyone selling a 25HC LK kill yet think Ensidia were doing 10man HK ones for 40k + All achievements towards the drake but there is a waiting list.

Just thought about this now, as I never really read about such things before.

Why are you selling gear and "other" items ? To me it's exactly like Blizzard letting people (eventually) purchase Frost gear by doing Heroics, you know - welfare epics, so to speak.

It's pretty much disliked by the WoW community, except for the very vocal minority of "casuals", so you go and do the exact same thing ?

I just don't understand the reasoning behind this, it's obviously not gold, and it's obviously not the items because you wouldn't be selling them if you needed them, it's not the achievements or the "experience" because you can get them without them to randoms.

To make matters worse, evn's guild seems to have developed a whole system for selling these things, so it's not just a one time thing.

So I should buy wow + all expansions or lets say burning crusade + cata and skip WotLK? can that be done?

Buying wow+ all expansions is gonna be a shitton of money :/

You need to buy all expansions.

Recently re-subscirbed to WoW bought 150 days game time (30 days free and 2 60 day game cards) and i'm leveling a Blood Elf Paladin (and yes i'm well aware I need to get another profession and level up skinning xD) currently level 33 and joined a new guild <Snakes on a Plainstrider>.

Also I quit before this whole GearScore sh*t and WTF is that all about I mean seriously people think GearScore Equals skill which it does not. And another thing what is up with some people in the random LFG system I got flamed because my DPS was 130 (not bad for level 33) yet the guy flaming me was doing 70 dps and I know what your thinking DPS doesn't matter in the lower levels and it don't but WoW's player base is now full of idiots looking for an arguement over any and everything.

Oh and loving the Core Hound Pup, yay for free authenticator (iPod Touch One).

Why are you selling gear and "other" items ? To me it's exactly like Blizzard letting people (eventually) purchase Frost gear by doing Heroics, you know - welfare epics, so to speak.

It's pretty much disliked by the WoW community, except for the very vocal minority of "casuals", so you go and do the exact same thing ?


Gear has never mattered to me, especially at the end of the expansion: the only thing it's good for is standing around in front of mail boxes looking fancy. The amount of fun I have is not impacted in anyway by my having more or less gear than somebody else. If you you have full ilevel 300 vs my 277 somehow made my game-play worse I might care, but it doesn't. Welfare epics never really bothered me: I don't htink they're fun but I don't have an issue with someone else getting them.

The gold is sort of a motivation: having a truckload of gold makes playing more fun but you're right in saying that nobody really needs it.

I just don't understand the reasoning behind this, it's obviously not gold, and it's obviously not the items because you wouldn't be selling them if you needed them, it's not the achievements or the "experience" because you can get them without them to randoms.

To make matters worse, evn's guild seems to have developed a whole system for selling these things, so it's not just a one time thing.

There's a need, i've got some friends in a position to fill it, and there is a bit of ego-polishing going on: it's a chance to demonstrate your mastery of content to people not used to such things.

We aren't the first or only guild to do it: during the days of the AQ opening it wasn't unusual to see the top guilds on a server selling BWL gear in exchange for things like bandages or wolf meat to get the war effort complete. I'd be surprised if every server didn't have at least one group selling the stuff.

I don't have issues with welfare epics either, I use whatever I can, but it's typical of hardcore raiders to hate welfare epics, there are obviously exceptions such as yourself.

The AQ example you provided at least shows some goal behind "selling" gear, as it stands now people ###### their guilds/raids out for the highest bidder.

You can stroke your e-peen in a bunch of different ways, like hey, a title, or a rank on wowprogress, or having notable items on your character.

I guess acquiring gold is a goal, but you have to much already :p

I don't have a particular problem with what you're doing, the thought of it just occurred to me while you were talking about it.

Well Gold will be easier to come by in Cata, I can see people questing on bank alts or whatever getting extra 10% gold from guild perks and stuff. Soloing old school instances geting 10-20% more gold per mob I mean this has win written all over it. I mean if at level 85 you can solo TBC Raids and all of Vanilla Raids then thats going to be a big big money maker for any Level 85 Bank chars.

So.. in 4 days 6 hours 47 minutes and 24 minutes.. I've hit 43 on a class I've never played in six years playing the game..

A shaman without Bind on Account gear items (because I've come back to my old server and I wanted to give myself a challenge).

I'm playing her as Elemental, and I'm enjoying her quite a bit.. she's just a toon to enjoy and play until Cataclysm drops.

I haven't spent a dime on anything on anything in the auction house other than one ten gold glyph (which was worth it in the long run)... but.. she has a grand total of 757 gold.. at 43. :laugh:

She just finished Maraudon for the first time, and got the Gemshard Heart, a 3.2% drop.. and a Fist of Stone a 23.5% drop (I'm hoping to get another and replace my Illusionary Rod with both of them at level 48).

I top out at 309-409.4 DPS, but I'm starting to wonder if I'd get more in Enhancement, but I'd have to get an entirely new set of armor / weapons for Enhancement.

I however have to admit that I am quite happy with the way she's turning out so far. :happy:

So.. in 4 days 6 hours 47 minutes and 24 minutes.. I've hit 43 on a class I've never played in six years playing the game..

A shaman without Bind on Account gear items (because I've come back to my old server and I wanted to give myself a challenge).

I'm playing her as Elemental, and I'm enjoying her quite a bit.. she's just a toon to enjoy and play until Cataclysm drops.

I haven't spent a dime on anything on anything in the auction house other than one ten gold glyph (which was worth it in the long run)... but.. she has a grand total of 757 gold.. at 43. :laugh:

She just finished Maraudon for the first time, and got the Gemshard Heart, a 3.2% drop.. and a Fist of Stone a 23.5% drop (I'm hoping to get another and replace my Illusionary Rod with both of them at level 48).

I top out at 309-409.4 DPS, but I'm starting to wonder if I'd get more in Enhancement, but I'd have to get an entirely new set of armor / weapons for Enhancement.

I however have to admit that I am quite happy with the way she's turning out so far. :happy:

I keep debating on leveling my shaman up. I think it's probably the most unique class in the game right now. However, I would like to grab some heirloom gear first

4 days and 6 hours? Wow. What have you been doing with that character?

Basically, randoms and herbalism. :laugh:

I think it's probably the most unique class in the game right now.

Try Druid. :happy:.

Everyone who knows me in this forum/thread knows I advocate and love my druids to death.

so did warriors get the short straw in battlegrounds? i started playing athari basin at level 59 and pretty much got destroyed whenever i come into contact with the enemy... i still shot up to level 60 in 3 battles so should i bother playing now as i'll be playing with 60-69, i'll be even worse.

Last night in my first ICC 25 man EVER I got this Deathbringer's Will !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ICC 25 is not that hard as i thought. Well i do have Deadly Boss Mods installed :p


I'm loving this char.

so did warriors get the short straw in battlegrounds? i started playing athari basin at level 59 and pretty much got destroyed whenever i come into contact with the enemy... i still shot up to level 60 in 3 battles so should i bother playing now as i'll be playing with 60-69, i'll be even worse.

What spec are you? I'm pretty sure my fury char would get destroyed compared to arms. Also are you wearing pvp gear?

Guys i've hit a block leveling my paladin, I just don't want to level it anymore and i tried the random LFG que but at my level its taking ages to get into dungeons at my level. Any ideas?

Since I started a new schedule at work I have finally been able to tackle ICC 25 with the guild.

We finally got 11/12 this week and had 4-5 good attempts on LK.

As you can see from my armory below, gear wise I ain't doing to bad other than my crappy trinkets. The RS Arp trinket dropped last night and I lost a roll to a DK running with two ilvl 264 trinkets. I QQ'd hard last night :(

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