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Amazing how some UI's can be nice and sexy and others just make ya wanna puke.

Some just get too busy.

I finished mine up.. I've left the "test" cooldowns on so you guys can see how the whole thing looks:


Very, VERY happy with the final look.

Bit surprised some folks selling the ICC10 Mounts for so much, im only 2 achievements off it... I know my armory might show more but those are easy ones that we will go back to.

As for Botfk runs ... well they are going for 75k on our realm and at the moment only 1 guild on the realm is in a position to sell those kind of runs... Botfk run would be sweet shame the guild isnt on alliance side and shame I dont have 75k lol. As for 25 man is going well with our group (non guild run ... oraganised pug/group call it whatever) we downed 8/12 on hc so far... there's another group on our sever similar to ours that has done 11/12 on hc and they clear it in 2.5-3 hours flat out. Pretty immense stuff for a non-guild group lol what makes you sick is they are not even mains, they are alts :(

Also since the announcement of ZG getting removed from the game in cata i have started to farm the mounts as much as I can with no success, i know they will never probs drop for me, gutted... in addition we did a TK mount run and A'lar dropped, was gutted I lost with a high roll :'(

Also I have copied my chars to PTR and it says copied successfully but they are not showing on the PTR servers, whats the crack with that? at one point there were no 80s at all on PTR but slowly but surely more and more 80s are getting on. Mine still not done :(

I can't wait until i can understand what you guys are talking about, lol. I'm off to buy WOTLK tomorrow as i'm about to hit level 68 and understand i can't play past 70 without it?

I'm thinking of starting a new character to run along side my human warrior.. I don't know much about each character but looking for a character where i can still be the damage-disher-outerer but also do spells as well? (ie. something a little more fun than a human warrior) any recommendations? death knight?

Yes Uplift, you need WOTLK to level past 70, If you want a lvl1 + then I would wait till Cata now, Sure start a DK if you fancy doing something else. How ever they change in Patch 4.01

oh ok, i'll wait then.

It looks like a patch is trying to download everytime i start the game the background downloader pops up saying 'initialising' but doesn't go past it..

oh ok, i'll wait then.

It looks like a patch is trying to download everytime i start the game the background downloader pops up saying 'initialising' but doesn't go past it..

You don't have WOTLK yet so you possibly have some more to go anyway

So, I finally dinged 80 tonight on my wasn't-supposed-to-be-80 priest. I was told time and time again by several people, the priest could be a bitch to level and really be a drag at times but I had so much fun. The shadow priest's damage is amazing, I love how controlled the DPS is with the dots, I'm used to melee characters relying on slow swings that tend to miss and get dodged - so frustrating. Here, you have a steady stream of damage and not to mention they are awesome on a PvP servers! People tend to avoid you, as Shadow Priests can be very annoying and the people who do decide to take you on usually ends up getting facemelted :laugh:

Now I'm going to do a heap of PvP to get it out of my system and then possibly focus on Holy and raiding but not right now.

Point of the post is really, seeing all those User Interfaces posted and seeing how cluttered mine is with all my abilities, I'd like to do mine up. So any suggestions for complete packs ( No, I just don't have to patience to mix and match my own ) that retain a basic look - Not too much artsy fartsy stuff.

Appreciate any suggestions (Y)

So, I finally dinged 80 tonight on my wasn't-supposed-to-be-80 priest. I was told time and time again by several people, the priest could be a bitch to level and really be a drag at times but I had so much fun. The shadow priest's damage is amazing, I love how controlled the DPS is with the dots, I'm used to melee characters relying on slow swings that tend to miss and get dodged - so frustrating. Here, you have a steady stream of damage and not to mention they are awesome on a PvP servers! People tend to avoid you, as Shadow Priests can be very annoying and the people who do decide to take you on usually ends up getting facemelted :laugh:

Now I'm going to do a heap of PvP to get it out of my system and then possibly focus on Holy and raiding but not right now.

Point of the post is really, seeing all those User Interfaces posted and seeing how cluttered mine is with all my abilities, I'd like to do mine up. So any suggestions for complete packs ( No, I just don't have to patience to mix and match my own ) that retain a basic look - Not too much artsy fartsy stuff.

Appreciate any suggestions (Y)

To get a great looking UI, you're going to have to mix and match, and then some. Even most of those "pre-made" UI's require a bit of tinkering. The closest compilation UI package I could find that has a streamlined interface and minimal setup is Roth UI, a Diablo 3 type skin which actually looks pretty nice for an all-in-one.

I can't wait until i can understand what you guys are talking about, lol. I'm off to buy WOTLK tomorrow as i'm about to hit level 68 and understand i can't play past 70 without it?

I'm thinking of starting a new character to run along side my human warrior.. I don't know much about each character but looking for a character where i can still be the damage-disher-outerer but also do spells as well? (ie. something a little more fun than a human warrior) any recommendations? death knight?

Ah, my first character was a human warrior. That was huge mistake for me. Definitely the most boring class to play. I leveled a DK to 80 and found it boring after that point, but maybe that's just me.

The class I had the most fun with was a Druid, and the two other extremely fun classes to play for me are Mages and Shamans.

I got 2 things that really ****ing annoy me. Paladins now all they damn well do is give BoK to everyone, I get more fricking attack power from BoM and this one time I was in a group with 2 paladins and I got BoK and BoW because I was the only melee dps WTF o.o. And 2, when I was in Ahn'aket I got webbed and as I'm leveling a DK at the moment I cant really do ranged DPS so what does the ****ing tank do, pulls the mobs AWAY from me and complains at me for doing no dps that trash pull and calls me a scrub for not using heirlooms so I tried to explain that my other toons are on another realm and he tried to VKick me but didn't work so I had him bitching the whole run. WTF!

I got 2 things that really ****ing annoy me. Paladins now all they damn well do is give BoK to everyone, I get more fricking attack power from BoM and this one time I was in a group with 2 paladins and I got BoK and BoW because I was the only melee dps WTF o.o. And 2, when I was in Ahn'aket I got webbed and as I'm leveling a DK at the moment I cant really do ranged DPS so what does the ****ing tank do, pulls the mobs AWAY from me and complains at me for doing no dps that trash pull and calls me a scrub for not using heirlooms so I tried to explain that my other toons are on another realm and he tried to VKick me but didn't work so I had him bitching the whole run. WTF!

Don't waste your time or energy getting mad at people. If you really want to be upset about other people in the game, save it for raiding or high-end arena'ing. Being mad during BG's or Heroic Dungeons is just silly. I understand your frustration.. but it's ultimately pointless to let yourself get mad.

Don't waste your time or energy getting mad at people. If you really want to be upset about other people in the game, save it for raiding or high-end arena'ing. Being mad during BG's or Heroic Dungeons is just silly. I understand your frustration.. but it's ultimately pointless to let yourself get mad.

I didnt rage I was just like OMG WTF you idiots -.-. I asked nicely for a BoM and if I get webbed dont move away from me... *sigh.

I got 2 things that really ****ing annoy me. Paladins now all they damn well do is give BoK to everyone, I get more fricking attack power from BoM and this one time I was in a group with 2 paladins and I got BoK and BoW because I was the only melee dps WTF o.o. And 2, when I was in Ahn'aket I got webbed and as I'm leveling a DK at the moment I cant really do ranged DPS so what does the ****ing tank do, pulls the mobs AWAY from me and complains at me for doing no dps that trash pull and calls me a scrub for not using heirlooms so I tried to explain that my other toons are on another realm and he tried to VKick me but didn't work so I had him bitching the whole run. WTF!

So you're playing a DK then ?

And the Paladin buffed you with BoW ? That sounds rather silly to be honest, and quite obviously that Paladin was on crack, so it's nothing to worry about.

If you share a class that is tanking/healing, be prepared to have HIS preferred buff instead of BoM because he has priority over you in my book.

If I'm feeling really nice I could buff you with the 10 minute version, but I don't bother to do that in LFD.

Has anyone else noticed that a ton of the flight paths have changed recently? For example, any flightpath that went through/from Ironforge to the north used to fly right over the airport and the Dwarf that waved at you. Now, you go over the mountains to the west a bit and don't see the Dwarf. I've noticed changes on a few others, too - I've flown over the Menethil Harbour bay a couple of times and I'm sure that never used to happen.

Is this a recent change or have I just been in Northrend too long? :laugh:

Paladins now all they damn well do is give BoK to everyone,

BoK is always the right choice for the first buff.

  • 90% of the time every class gets more from BoK than BoM or BoW. If you don't it's because you've made questionable gearing choices.
  • Your damage in a 5-man is worthless because the content has no DPS requirements. The extra stamina and avoidance from BoK makes it less likely that you will die as a result of your own, or somebody elses stupidity. One less wipe increases the speed of a run by more than a 2 full tiers worth of gear upgrades. One less res will save more time than the trivial amount of attack power (if any) that you gain from BoM over BoK.
  • BoK stacks with everything. BoM and BoW are replaced by other buffs (notably BS and MST) and can be partially replaced by other party abilities (ie: wolf pets).
    It's not worth figuring out exactly what every person in the group is providing when BoK is the best or second-best choice 100% of the time and the difference between BoK and BoM in the "naked level 80" situation is inconsequential and only gets smaller with gear.

The shadow priest's damage is amazing, I love how controlled the DPS is with the dots

Shadow priests have three major problems:

  • Damn near every caster stat has value to them—even 'garbage' like spirit isn't terrible. What that means is when you're in a raid and missing a buff your damage suffers substantially.
  • Priests have a pretty long ramp-up time. You're going to be doing about 40% less damage during the first 8-10 seconds of a fight than you will during the last 30 seconds. If you have mobs that don't live for at least 15 seconds then you'll never really be able to get up to speed.
  • Optimal AOE is to spam VT then mind sear, unfortunately very few AOE packs outside ICC live long enough for that to be viable. That reduces you to one button mind sear spam which isn't the reason the class is fun to play.

For healing: disc is pretty much the prefered spec but it's also incredibly boring. You're cut down to spamming shields, hitting

PoM 5 times per minute and penance a couple more.

The only advice I'd really offer is to get grid+clique+gridstatusraiddebufs+gridstatushots+gridstatusmending+gridstatusraidicons.

Learn it, live it, love it.

I've just installed WOTLK discs which took around 30 minutes.. ever since it's been downloading lots of patches, i started over 2 hours a go and it's just started downloading another 700MB patch claiming to take another hour. The patch notes look like stuff i already have. Should it be downloading the patches or is it a glitch?

I've just installed WOTLK discs which took around 30 minutes.. ever since it's been downloading lots of patches, i started over 2 hours a go and it's just started downloading another 700MB patch claiming to take another hour. The patch notes look like stuff i already have. Should it be downloading the patches or is it a glitch?

yes, patches are patches and must be downloaded and installed

Should it be downloading the patches or is it a glitch?

Yup - WoTLK has been out for a year and a half, in which time there have been three large content patches and a ton of smaller ones. The current version is 3.3.5 ? the downloader will say what it's downloading.

07:00PM CEST - Someone very smart pointed out something very disturbing. Worgens already had Darkflight, a temporary speed spell applying a Mod Speed to the character. So, why did Blizzard add that spell in this build?

  • Running Wild - Drop to all fours to run as fast as a wild animal.

This spell doesn't apply a mod speed, and applies a "Mounted" aura to the player. It's a racial, and it's apparently a Level 20 spell. It also has a 1.5 sec cast time, like all the mounts spells. I don't want to say it yet, but that would explain why we never saw a model for the Worgen Mount.


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