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So I figured out why I disliked the end game

I wish the drops were more random. Make them have random stats. That way each char is different. Not each person is wearing the same gear over and over again. This would spice up the AH also.

Think borderlands meets WoW.

Evn, this may sound weird, but in all your talkings about your priest, I'm rolling one. Because of you.

The day I started playing the guy I was carpooling with (and beta player) said: "Leveling a priest form 1-59 is long, painful, slow

tedious, and, probably the hardest thing in the game. but the reward is you get to play a level 60 priest." That was back when you

had to spend 31 talent points to get holy fire but i think it still holds. The first ~40 levels suck but after that it's pretty much

awesome forever. 4.0 looks like it'll fix the major issues and leveling one will probably be pretty good.

So I figured out why I disliked the end game

I wish the drops were more random. Make them have random stats. That way each char is different. Not each person is wearing the same gear over and over again. This would spice up the AH also.

Think borderlands meets WoW.

lol. does the acronym rng have any influence on you at all? Borderlands is a once-and-done game. Not only was that game average, I couldn't even force myself to play it through a second time. *Shifts eyes, looks at Diablo* doing act 1-5 (LoD assumed) 3 times was actually fun.

TLDR; blizzard knows what they are doing.

So what do you guys think of the latest rumor of a December 7th release date for Catacylsm?

I think they could be correct.

Talked to the manager at my local gamespot today.. he hasn't heard anything other than the rumored nov. release. Dec. seems more reasonable and coincides with the end of the current arena season.

lol. does the acronym rng have any influence on you at all? Borderlands is a once-and-done game. Not only was that game average, I couldn't even force myself to play it through a second time. *Shifts eyes, looks at Diablo* doing act 1-5 (LoD assumed) 3 times was actually fun.

TLDR; blizzard knows what they are doing.

Talked to the manager at my local gamespot today.. he hasn't heard anything other than the rumored nov. release. Dec. seems more reasonable and coincides with the end of the current arena season.

Borderlands is a great game, and the DLC content makes it even better. I've played through it all (except the new expansion) twice on one character and once on 3 other characters so far. My friends and I get together every saturday to play it.

I could never really get into my priest, he's sitting at around 25 right now, but he just dies so easily, it's no fun. Maybe I should just level him with the RDF, idk.

Same here, I never got into playing a priest (I think my level is like 24 or something like that?) and you just burn though the mana, with crappy mana regen and as you said just die too easily.

Life is fair, eh WeRuleTheNight ?

Have fun playing the beta, though :)

I found out when I went to get onto the PTR. In my account I had

WoW 1 : EU Live

WoW 2 : US Trial (I had that so I could use US Premades on the PTR because EU ones are ****ed)

and it usually asks me to pick one.

I go to login today and I have a WoW 3 option, im like WTF I don't have 3 then it hit me i'm like no way... no freaking way it can't be can it? I login to my battle net account and AMAHGAWD WTF CATACLYSM! I told my guild don't expect to see me till the beta is over : D.

But yeah i'll have fun.

Also check the Goblin Escape From Kezan cinematic from TotalBiscuit.

EDIT: oh and in the Video he Footbombs Deathwing in the face.

Coming in 4.0.1.. The flexible raid system:

Almost six months ago we announced that Cataclysm raids were being redesigned to make both raid sizes the same difficulty, drop the same quality of loot, and exist in the same lockout. This evolution in raid philosophy is built on the belief that the size of your raiding group should be a choice based solely on what's more fun and enjoyable for you, and that you should not have to complete the same raiding content twice in a week to maximize your character's progression. These systems are the culmination of a great deal of design and player feedback from the last few years. With the release of the 4.0.1 patch, the new Flexible Raid Lock system will debut in Icecrown Citadel and The Ruby Sanctum.

With the Flexible Raid Lock system, instead of being locked to a specific raid size or raid group, each character will have the opportunity to defeat each raid encounter once a week. You could kill Lord Marrowgar and Lady Deathwhisper with a 10-player raid on Wednesday, join a 25-player raid to kill Festergut and Rotface on Thursday, and then lead a completely new 10-player raid to kill The Lich King on Friday. Every raid has a list of encounters associated with the zone. For example, Icecrown Citadel has twelve encounters. After you defeat Lord Marrowgar, you can open up your character's raid information dialog and see the list of encounters in Icecrown Citadel with Marrowgar marked as defeated. You may no longer fight Lord Marrowgar with any raid size or difficulty until the weekly raid reset for your region occurs.

Another key change is that if you join someone else's raid in progress, you are no longer locked to that raid after merely zoning in. Your raid status will only change when a boss is defeated, at which point it will be updated to reflect the state of the instance in which you are currently participating. So, let's say you have killed the first four bosses of Icecrown Citadel, and you then join a raid that has defeated the first four encounters, as well as Festergut and Rotface. The dialog that displays upon entering Icecrown Citadel will show that the raid has defeated 6 of 12 encounters. If you help them defeat Professor Putricide, then you would be marked as having defeated not only Professor Putricide for the week, but also Festergut and Rotface. If instead after joining the raid you then proceeded to wipe ten times to Professor Putricide, you could leave the raid with only the first four bosses marked as completed.

To help communicate to players which bosses are dead in the raid leader's raid, there is new functionality to link in chat a list of the encounters the raid has defeated. So before you join a raid, you can see what they've already defeated. If a raid leader advertises in chat that she needs another healer for an 8/12 Icecrown Citadel run, you can see precisely which bosses are still available to fight. If you were only looking for that one item from Queen Lana'thel that never drops for you and this raid already defeated her, you will know not to join that raid.

Let's look at another example of the Flexible Raid Lock system. A guild schedules three nights for 25-player Icecrown Citadel raiding on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. On Wednesday, the raid defeats Lord Marrowgar, Lady Deathwhisper, Icecrown Gunship Battle, and Saurfang. On Thursday, five people cancel their raid attendance due to real life emergencies. The raid leader knows that if he cancels Thursday raiding, there's little chance they'll have enough time on Saturday to defeat the other eight bosses in Icecrown Citadel. So he splits the remaining 20 Thursday raiders into two 10-player raids. Each new raid enters Icecrown Citadel and defeats Rotface, Festergut, Blood Council, and Valithria Dreamwalker. The next Saturday with all 25 players online, they reform as a 25-player raid and enter Icecrown Citadel once more. Only Professor Putricide, Queen Lana'thel, Sindragosa, and The Lich King remain. After a tough fight, the Lich King falls and everybody celebrates. Without the Flexible Raid Lock system the entire raid probably would have missed out on a night of raiding, and likely would not have reached the Lich King.

While players can freely move between raids of different sizes in normal difficulty, there are some additional rules for Heroic difficulty. If a 10- or 25-player raid defeats a boss on Heroic difficulty, then those players may now only raid additional Heroic encounters with that specific raid. If your Heroic 25-player raid defeats the first four bosses of Icecrown Citadel on Heroic, then they may not split up into two 10-player raids and continue to fight in Heroic difficulty. You may also not join someone else's raid if they have defeated a Heroic encounter.

But let's say you are a member of a Heroic raid in Icecrown Citadel, and after killing Lord Marrowgar on Heroic you have Internet connection issues that prevent you from raiding for two nights. During those two nights, the rest of the raid kills everything. Without the Flexible Raid Lock system, you would be done with raiding Icecrown Citadel for the week. Ouch. With the Flexible Raid Lock system, you can join someone else's raid as long as they are doing Normal difficulty. This would at least give you the opportunity to earn your Justice Points for the week. If this raid attempted to switch to Heroic difficulty for Icecrown Gunship Battle with you in the raid, the raid leader would receive an error message stating that she cannot change to Heroic, because someone in the raid (i.e., you) is already locked to a different Heroic instance.

All of the new Cataclysm raids will feature the Flexible Raid Lock and Dynamic Difficulty systems, and when the Cataclysm occurs the other Wrath of the Lich King raids will also have these features. It's important to note that this system doesn't affect Heroic dungeons, they will work as they always have. We look forward to feedback for this new system after 4.0.1 is released. As a reminder, Icecrown Citadel and The Ruby Sanctum are the only two raids that support the Flexible Raid Lock until the Cataclysm occurs.

I <3 Blizzard for this change.

Not sure how any of you feel about private servers at all, but just yesterday I decided to try one out after playing retail back in '05. I don't plan on playing much (not a hardcore MMO lover, haha), but it might be fun every now and then. I've gotten so used to AION online that WoW seems too unfamiliar. In Aion, you can open up the world map and mark a location, and it would then auto copy paste it into the chat. Is there a way to do that in WoW? I don't mean the coordinate numbers.

What was slightly annoying from the start was that it doesn't display your distance to the enemies, unless I'm missing something. Though the addon RangeDisplay seems to have fixed that.

Besides that, I'm really not used to the casting times. Seems I have to keep on clicking like a mad man casting "smite" :p , whereas in Aion, things seem a bit laid back in comparison. Yeah. I CLICK! :D

I'm not sure if I'll keep on playing it or not. From the 5 minutes I played yesterday, I didn't really like how it felt, coming from Aion. But I'll give it another try today.

90% of these changes are awesome, the only thing that sucks is that I'll no longer be able to do

25-man hard mode content with my guild and then hop into 10-man normal mode content to play

with real life friends that just aren't good enough to bring along to alt runs (they don't want to be

carried, and my raiding buddies tend to be unforgiving of making the same mistake twice so the

whole situation gets miserable fast).

I also like the option of 'stealing' cleared instances from trade pugs. Most of the time me and my

raiding friends only really give a damn about loot from the last few bosses so we buy instances from

random people when we can. Now we'll be able to roll out on alts for say tuesday/wednesday and

do 6-8 of 12 in various groups and then merge those raids into a single big raid for our mains and

just do the bosses we care about on monday night. Huge win. Running in mains to help alts clear

content becomes a viable option if you just push your 'progression' day to later in the week and

your alt runs to earlier. That's the opposite setup we have now: mains on tuesday, alts on saturday.

I wonder if you can fly to that little GM island that is in the old world? would be interesting to try! :whistle:

Both GM island and the Island from the AQ opening quests daily that was south of Tanaris have been removed from the game. (GM island has been gone for a while)

I invented a new way to gamble: every time someone screws up i hit a macro. If their excuse matches the one generated by the the macro then you win 3:1.

/script s={"wont happen again","lag","sun in my eyes","it bugged","i clicked it","i WAS behind","i got DCed","bad rng","i thought it was 10m","we use dif strat","sister was talking to me"};SendChatMessage(s[random(1,11)],"raid")

Also saved me the trouble of making up some lame excuse to cover for playing badly.

Damn, I raid 10 and 25 man hcs each week this is sorta gna suck, why couldnt they leave out icc and just apply it to RS for the time being till cata actually comes out.

Sorta not letting me edit this :\

New build out so thought I would take it for a spin, seems BM got hit really really hard... as expected however bit too hard imo. It seems perfectly ok for locks to be doing 14k dps unbuffed on training dummies but not hunters. Kinda bizarre.

BM Before

BM After

Still damage is pretty good however some of the changes were a bit tooooo much lol

Had around 51% more pet damage as BM due mastery stacking, its now at 33% (however all Hunter Masteries recieved a nerf of some kind). Kill command was critting for 58k, now barely crits for 22k. Think Animal Handler also took a hit 25% power down to 15% attack power.

Not sure if its just me but the MM Mastery imo feels rubbish... a "double shot" its pathetic, using recount it showed over a 5min fight to do around 4-5% of total damage, its a bit low compared to BM and SV counterparts. BM and SV Masteries actual do a lot more in terms of contribute to the damage of the hunter than MM does.

Still PTR guess things could change, however rumour has it this reset or next reset will see the implementation of the patch :(

Are you seriously upset about not doing 58k crits anymore ?

Why would you "test" your DPS at level 80 ? It's irrelevant now, go test your DPS on a level 70 dummy (if there is one) now, see how balanced it is.

Besides, even if they do implement 4.0.1 this week, this doesn't mean they won't be changing stuff around, not that I think 58k crits are fine.

I'm excited about the expansion but I'm disappointed with the warrior changes so far. I'm not a tank so I only care about the DPS aspect. So far, nothing special. Rage normalization is slightly bothersome, the number tweaks are "meh" at best. Raging Blow is kind of cool, but until I can get the really cool **** at 81+, it's still kind of dull. Everyone else seems to be getting a whole slew of new stuff so I'm hoping the patch is just an appetizer and not the main course.

Hrmm patches usually precipate an 8hr maintainance and season 8 doesnt end until the following week, so my money is on the 12th but its a win win really :)

best part of the new raid system imo is not having to run 10 AND 25s each week. Massive time saver the effects of which stack with additional raiding toons.

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