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Both GM island and the Island from the AQ opening quests daily that was south of Tanaris have been removed from the game. (GM island has been gone for a while)

I'm quite sure GM island is still there,

However, its a b*tch to get to.

Its in the faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar north western corner of kalimdor. :p

Are you seriously upset about not doing 58k crits anymore ?

Why would you "test" your DPS at level 80 ? It's irrelevant now, go test your DPS on a level 70 dummy (if there is one) now, see how balanced it is.

Besides, even if they do implement 4.0.1 this week, this doesn't mean they won't be changing stuff around, not that I think 58k crits are fine.

Mages critting for 40k is fine is it? I was grouped on PTR with a guildie hes a warlock doing 15k dps in destro spec with slightly inferior gear to mine I guess thats fine too? (I understand its not tuned for 80 but there are 2 months between patch and expansion)... read between the lines, I never said it was FINE it did need a nerf but not a huge one (and not 10 other nerfs), the issue is with scaling too, once classes are at 85 scaling will go out of the window for hunters. Obviously you may not be familiar with the changes hunters have gone through. There is no "signature" shot for BM hence why KC hits so hard in addition to this most of the hunter shots had thier damage lowered or "weapon damage" lowered big time. Kill Command even hits harder than Kill Shot, and Kill shot is meant to be our "finisher" move, on live my kill shot can hit for around 47k on PTR highest I have seen it hit for in randoms is around 16k. Just nerfing kill command should have been enough but they had to nerf the hell out of pretty much everything else

Animal Handler (Passive) now increases your Attack Power by 15%, down from 25%. 10% AP Gone Yay!

Kill Command now scales from 35% of RAP, down from 63% of RAP. Was Needed aye.

Bestial Wrath now causes 20% additional damage, down from 50%. Not this **** again!

Mastery: Master of Beasts now increases damage done by your pets by 13.6%, down from 20%. Each point of Mastery increases pet damage by 1.7%, down from 2.5%. So With reforging everything My pet was at 51% more damage done, now after the nerf its at 33%.

So with the nerf bat pet lost about 50% damage done. Great, cant see it staying like that, after more testing I am sure they will revert 1 or 2 of those changes.

Prior to patch 3.08 BM was op simply because Bestial Wrath and Readiness, also because of brain dead rotation of steadyshot spam. So they nerfed it when other classes were starting to scale and catch up. Hunters then fell behind (BM that is) and quite a bit switched to SV, then MM when ToC was introduced. Im not seeing any high end raiding guilds take a BM hunter ever thought why that was, most pugs do not have BM hunters either.

Patch wont be this week, they pushed out the latest PTR just a few days ago, patch is most likely next week, having said that Cataclysm is rumoured to release in December so your comment about irrelevant is invalid, there is still 2 months or so of raiding, questing, levelling so this is very much relevant.

... Back to playing the pala I guess.

Mages critting for 40k is fine is it? I was grouped on PTR with a guildie hes a warlock doing 15k dps in destro spec with slightly inferior gear to mine I guess thats fine too?

I did a HoR on my lock Saturday and I was WAY top of dps and recount said my Overall dps was 17K, Oh and I hate playing my paladin now on PTR. I can't figure out the changes and things just seem so awkward now

Theres so many varied reports I dont think we will get a proper idea of cata dps until were at 85 or at least using the cata gear. Truebiscuits vids says they are rocking in 325 gear and the numbers coming off his attacks seemed inline with what I would expect to see.

In eithercase the biggest change of the upcoming patch is going to be the loss of hit talents, my mage is like, hey bro wheres my 5% free hit gone? imma like I dunno, reforge away all those other nice stats :p

That and finding the optimal dps builds and rotations, atm reports are too varied. My fear is that arcane is the weakest of the mage specs and 2H Frost sucks for the DK (was looking forward to it, use to love 2H Frost pre-DW). Lock seems to be about the same, although disc and this new holy tree has me worried. SO hit and the new builds are my worries. Ill worry about whose critting for 50K's after I get to 85 :p

if you were really glad you wouldnt be here..... :whistle:

Ha touche. Almost. I like to click on this topic when I see it in the spy just to see what's new, or if the post is UI post. I still like those. I had my fun and quit a few months ago. Was fun though, wasn't trolling :)

Awesome news! Still debating on whether to get the Collector's Edition or not. The little Deathwing looks awesome. :laugh:

I hate that those pets are so awsome...I've held back from buying the Blizcon tickets but I don't know if I can hold out against my first WoW collectors edition ^.^

Get ready for the best news ever:

4.01 drops THIS TUESDAY!

This basically means Cataclysm drops on December 7th. :woot:

How does that translate to anything other than "Scheduled Maintenance"? MMO Champion thinks it's unlikely to be tomorrow.

You're all going to ask anyway. The answer is very likely no, they pushed a PTR build over the week-end and I don't see them testing a Release Candidate so quickly. Most likely next week.

World of Warcraft®: Cataclysm in Stores Starting December 7

I'll re-sub in Jan or Feb when:

  • The servers start to become operational again.
  • The bugs, extreme imbalances, etc have been ironed out.
  • The "ZOMG NEW WOW. MUST RE-SUB AND START TROLLING AGAIN!" newb crowd have died out (I can dream, can't I?).

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