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For the first time since the game came out i can say i don't miss it at all.

Got a scroll the other day. I joined my guild dragon soul heroic run (they are 7/8) because one of their guy had problem with his PC and they wanted someone they could trust they did not care about the gear that much. I did Hagara and Ultraxion and was astonished how easy they are. Of crouse i got caried my dps was not all that great with 390 ilevel Fireland gears and lack of DS awesome sauce trinkets and weapons and tier bonus but i have enough experience to know when it's easy. And DS is boringly easy in normal and heroic mode. It would be boring even if it was harder though lol

Now i can start playing all the other great games i misssed in the last 6 years or so i don't even recall when this ******* game was released.

i'm still downloading. but it did let me play. I am hating the new talent trees. They have made it so there is no talent tree. It's fricken retarded. They are dumbing the game down so much it isn't even funny.

Been saying this since the 30% nerf in BC, though I continued to play until the end of Wrath. I said that ^ about Cata, and yes, those MoP talent trees are ridiculous.

Been saying this since the 30% nerf in BC, though I continued to play until the end of Wrath. I said that ^ about Cata, and yes, those MoP talent trees are ridiculous.

I started playing a couple months after BC Launched. Played all through wrath, and part way into Cata. So I have been playing for 5 years now, and for about a 4 months period I would play 18-20 hours a day. But what always made the game fun was specing. Now it's every 15 levels pick 1/4 talents. And for the pandaran at least.. they are pretty stupid.

i'm still downloading. but it did let me play. I am hating the new talent trees. They have made it so there is no talent tree. It's fricken retarded. They are dumbing the game down so much it isn't even funny.

I'd argue that the talent trees were way easier than the new talent system. They were just boring and linear, and the choices you had to make were obvious. With talent trees, I might have had one or two talents I could swap (and the only reason I would've ever changed them was so I could max out my healing in certain, very rare scenarios). Now I have quite a few choices (between the new talents and the new glyphs) that I can swap around depending on the situation, and I no longer have to take 10 minutes to hearth, unlearn, relearn, and get summoned back.

I applaud Blizzard for removing a boring and tedious system. Tedium doesn't make something hard. It just makes it annoying.

I'd argue that the talent trees were way easier than the new talent system. They were just boring and linear, and the choices you had to make were obvious. With talent trees, I might have had one or two talents I could swap (and the only reason I would've ever changed them was so I could max out my healing in certain, very rare scenarios).

I agree.

I don't have any real choice on my priest: the shadow talents are painfully obvious and disc is the only viable secondary tree and your 10 point sink is obvious again. But in TBC I never really had choices either. It's certainly no worse today than it was back then.

I don't have any real choices on my priest - but I never did in TBC either.

i'm still downloading. but it did let me play. I am hating the new talent trees. They have made it so there is no talent tree. It's fricken retarded. They are dumbing the game down so much it isn't even funny.

Talent trees have never been a choice. You had "Spec X, because X is best for PVE", "Spec Y because Y is best for PVP", or "Spec Z, to buff the people with Spec X because you're the buff bitch". They were more a test to see if you could find wowwiki, or elitist jerks, or some class-specific site to tell you how to spec. Sure, you could spec 20/21/20, but if you did you were playing worse than everyone else and that's not a choice.

Here's the patch 2.4 talent trees for a paladin:

Even knowing nothing about how to tank or what the game was like you can probably work out that by the time you're done with all the manadatory stuff you've only got about 10 points to spend. Math nerds will later work out that you wasted a couple of points in prot and that those 10 "free points" are actually required to pick up other stuff. You have 4 talent points that you can spend anywhere you want (because the choice you're making with them doesn't matter).

For paladins you generally wanted 3 in the raid for blessings, but not necessarily 3 in the instance because prot mostly sucked save for mu'ru and kil'jaeden. Holy was a liability on flemyst, twins, mu'ru, and probably brutalus. And then there was ret - which you never wanted. Typically we'd have one paladin for conc. aura and the others would be outside the instance casting blessings on the good classes as they went into the dungeon. They could have a tea party with the Imp. DS priest and the AB casting mage.

Take a look at priests:

Priests had it worse: everyone had a mandatory 13 point sink in discipline. You did get a choice there though, you could waste 5 points on improved wands or 5 points on stun/fear resist (which did nothing in sunwell but served some purpose on archimonde): it really didn't matter. You also got to choose between 12% less threat, and a slightly more powerful shield which you never cast, ever. So no real choice there either. If you were shadow you spec'd all the way down to Vampiric touch with your only choice being in the first three (two talents that did nothing for you in a raid).

If you were going to heal you got to make 2 choices.

1) Spec meditation -> divine spirit -> improved divine spirit. That unlocked a raid buff that was important - but it locked you out of circle of healing which made you uselss in combat. You'd be spending your raids at the instance portal buffing everyone else as they went to go kill the boss. Ideally you wanted this on an alt because if it was your main it meant you were never getting to kill bosses.

2) Spec down to circle of healing. Once you had picked up all the required talents (including the supporting ones from disc) you had the following choice:

a) Do I want lightwell: nobody is ever going to click it because it costs a GCD and that reduces damage which you can't afford. Even if they did, it's a HOT that breaks when you take damage and sunwell every boss might as well have an aura that damages you for 10% of your health every 2 seconds (Hell, felmyst does have that aura!) But hey, you can cast it and then levitate and /dance: it looks like your own personal stage!

b) 5% less expensive PoM+PoH, or 5% less expensive dispels, or 2% less expensive COH+renew+pom. Take your pick because you're in sunwell which means you've got ilevel ~150 gear and so effectively infinite mana. (In tier 5 you could also justify picking 5% less threat, but by sunwell threat wasn't an issue.)

These days I have 2 tank specs on my paladin: one single target, one aoe. Realistically I don't need them both (our 25m raid only has 6 melee, none of them like tanking) so I use the AOE one to solo tank trash and for bloods on spine - for everything else I spec single target. Having the wrong glyph has been a bigger deal than my talent choices (40% magic reduction from DP is great on yorsahj, not so hot for madness) but in either case we're only talking about 4 or 5 talent points that don't really matter, just like in TBC.

They've also done a pretty good job making multiple specs viable. 10m works better with class stacking so they have less flexibility (typically you'll want a raid optimized for ranged or melee, not half-stacked for both). On 25m you can justify having 2 fire mages and an arcane mage. All three specs of paladin work as do all of the druid, warrior, and shaman. There are a couple of "bad specs" (frost mage, BM hunters) but otherwise damn near everything is ?5% of the mean DPS which is amazingly well balanced for this game.

In TBC there was one obviously good spec and everything else was bad. You wanted 5 warlocks and no mages. You wanted 4 holy priests + shadow. You wanted 6 shaman (4 resto, 2 enhancement). Maybe a bear druid or resto druid but certainly not a cat or moonkin.

Just after a bit of advice if possible.

I am now starting to roll a human mage, but what would be the best path to take them down talent-wise?

I asked someone who hasnt played in ages and they said that Fire: Great AoE, Arcane: Great Single and Frost: Survivability.

Is this still the case?

After playing the GW2 beta, i've cancelled my WoW account for good. It feels like such an archaic game now. I logged into my shaman after the beta, and had no motivation to play. I'd beaten all the raids, and all that i could really do on my alts was grind the same heroics over and over hours, just so i can get some raid gear. I'm tired of the gear treadmill. I'm ready for the next generation of MMOs that don't stick to the WoW formula. Nothing against WoW, though. It has given me a lot of entertainment, but I feel that after 8 years (i think it is?) since it's release, it's out of date.

Dooothey have an idea of when they are going to put a patch on the Beta? I really want to play a priest.

Next beta patch is supposedly coming this week.

I'm hoping the respawn bug gets fixed.

You can, but some of the quest NPC's in Westfall aren't visible due to phasing.

you can? I made a new one and got as far as the cave where the guy is a ghost but couldn't get the quest to fight him to lower the fire to unblock the tunnel ahead. can it be done other than portals or summons?

the westfall npc in the northern farm was missing prior to the patch that messed up world quest loot IIRC

you can? I made a new one and got as far as the cave where the guy is a ghost but couldn't get the quest to fight him to lower the fire to unblock the tunnel ahead. can it be done other than portals or summons?

the westfall npc in the northern farm was missing prior to the patch that messed up world quest loot IIRC

Just testing.

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