Barry Bonds Used Steriods

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There is no proof that he took them knowingly. He trusted his best friend that the stuff he was getting would help his arthritis pain and his back pain when playing day games after night games due to his age.

Yes, he probably did use steroids, but did he know about them? In my opinion, he didn't, considering he trusted his best friend (who gave him the "clear" and said it was legal).

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There is no proof that he took them knowingly. He trusted his best friend that the stuff he was getting would help his arthritis pain and his back pain when playing day games after night games due to his age.

Yes, he probably did use steroids, but did he know about them? In my opinion, he didn't, considering he trusted his best friend (who gave him the "clear" and said it was legal).

They did a story on his "best friend" on ESPN the other day and he was a well known steroid dealer in the "steroid scene".

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They say something like 60% of all major leaguers knowingly use steroids. Yet Bonds is STILL better than any living player. It seems like an almost-level playing field to me, why don't most other see it like that? If they aren't going to regulate steroid use like in the NFL, for example, why is everyone so ****ed off at Barry? He's just being used as a scapegoat since he's the highest profile player, imo. I think no matter what, now Hank Aaron's record that he'll be breaking in 2 years will be great, no doubt, but people will always remember Barry Bonds for his alleged steroid use when looking at this feat. There should still be NO QUESTION that he is an outstanding athelete, steroids or not. He was putting up great numbers in Pittsburg, too.

Maybe I'm just biased because I'm a Giants fan. Who knows. I don't care anymore. Vic Conte is about to appear on 20/20 here on the west coast, we'll see what he says.

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Hank Aaron didn't use roids...Berry Bonds did. Even if Berry breaks his record he still used a Human Growth Hormone to break a record set by a man with only natural talent

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This was obvious. It's a bunch of bull**** that he says, "I didn't know". He should just tell the truth, and take the consequences like a man instead of denying it like a 3 year old girl.

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Nobody is whining and pointing fingers...I'm just saying that the dude cheated to get in the position that he is in. Its up to the MLB to keep their players in check...NFL and NBA officials seem to be doing O.K. because they don't grab their ankles for the players associations. Now i'm sure there is steroid use in all leagues here and there but nowhere near the percentage as baseball...their own players don't want it because it is so widespread

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Why not legalize it? :p

Hell, records are made to be broken. Just look at the Olympics. Do you actually think all of those gold medals earned were earned faithfully?

Yep, legalize it. Level the playing field without trying to hide it.

Edited by Opio
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haha...yea i think the US Track Team has enough juice in them to fill a small swimming pool :) They were leaving other runners so far behind that it looked like the were by themselves

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Hank Aaron didn't use roids...Berry Bonds did. Even if Berry breaks his record he still used a Human Growth Hormone to break a record set by a man with only natural talent


Actully all we do know is barry bonds did we dont know what the others players did and did not do and you cant prove to me that Hank Aaron , babe ruth , or any other player infact did or did not. Today is a time when the media is everywhere looking for a story , back then I know the media wasnt the same you probably knew noting of a person personal details. Thats why it just seems so funny to me assume everyone in the past is innocent just because we dont know , I bet the players back then took alot of "stuff" which would be illegal today but we didnt know. I wonder what you guys would say if somehow we went back in time and found out all these guys did some sort of "stuff"..Infact I doubt you would care at all if you found out. Then again this is just about barry bonds so , I will say he might of used steriods but he , when he breaks the record there will be no * next to it

One more thing , I dont see how you guys honestly think its all steriods why bonds got bigger. Look at leborn james man hes built he had nba body in highscool but I dont hear anyone say man he most of used steriods .. All I can say is todays athlete are physically superior to the past ones and Its very much possible to achive what bonds did with steriods or not.

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Na he's obviously a great hitter...Steroids can't inmprove hand-eye-coordination, which it takes alot of to hit a 90mph pitch, but alot of those homers he and McGuire hit would have stayed in the park. There is a huge difference in the amount of homer he hit in the beginning of his career compared to recent seasons.

But to answer your question it makes him a fraud...IMHO


Maybe it doesn't improve hand eye coordination, but it does increase strength which could mean the difference between a pop fly to the track and one that just makes it over the wall. Also, it increases your rebounding ability therefore allowing him to continue going strong the full season without getting fatigues like many other "honest" players do.

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I'm not sure what to think. I mean I've seen the pictures.


Someone filled out nicely :huh:

Found this aticle to be interesting.

I don't know if he used steriods. If he did I don't think strength has anything to do with bat speed. At least that is what my high school coach told me. Don't know how true that is.

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If he did I don't think strength has anything to do with bat speed.  At least that is what my high school coach told me.  Don't know how true that is.


It does an awful lot to how far you can hit it if you already had the bat speed. Which he did.

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Those pictures above mean nothing to me. You cannot judge a player by his body size 20 years later. That's like comparing a 1984 Mercedes to a 2004 Mercedes.

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Those pictures above mean nothing to me.  You cannot judge a player by his body size 20 years later.  That's like comparing a 1984 Mercedes to a 2004 Mercedes.



My dad was super skinny about 20-30 years ago. Now in his 50s, he's sporting a beer belly and everything; much fatter than he was in his 20s.

Don't go pasting pictures of Barry from the 80s... Look at Barry's pics from 10 years ago. It's been a consistent weight gain; that's what happens when you get older.

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/\ haha that kind of proves the whole point of posting those pics...Barry wasn't in worse shape, he looks like a linebacker. No belly on Barry :)

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Those pictures above mean nothing to me.  You cannot judge a player by his body size 20 years later.  That's like comparing a 1984 Mercedes to a 2004 Mercedes.


erm...those pictures are probably 7 years apart tops.

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It does an awful lot to how far you can hit it if you already had the bat speed.  Which he did.


Yep. In martial arts for instance (I'm not an expert, but I've studied a bit) most treachers will teach you form, then speed then combining the two to get the right amoung of power. With Bonds who's practiced all his life, he knows how to get the power and the speed. The strength does help you generate more bat speed if you have the right form and his muscles are developed to optimally swing the bat - which they are. Every other sport uses the same princples.

Its pure idocy to claim that you don't know you were using steroids. I've seen people using it before, the physical and particularly phsychological and emotional signs are so evident you'd have to know you were using. Someone doesn't want to lose a 100+ milliion contract. Which begs me to think, h long has he reallyb> been using steroids?

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