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Bluetooth Programming


ok, so I want to do some programming for Java-based communication between a Bluetooth enabled phone and a PC. I would prefer to have the PC running linux, but will resort to Windows if I have to...

Now I couldn't find any free BT stack for Windows, but I found JBlueZ for linux, which appeared to be what I was looking for. Sure enough, with a supplied demo file Inquiry.java, I can detect BT devices in range.

However, I have absolutely no idea how to actually connect to a device and communicate with it. I understand there is a standard/package (JSR 82, I believe) for java bluetooth comms, but that's about all I know...

I just need some pointers in the right direction from someone who's (successfully) done this before. All I need as an end result is the ability to pass a Java Object between the PC/phone and vica-versa.

Sorry if my explanation is poor, I've begun to get quite confused myself...Just ask if you need me to clarify anything...

Help would be GREATLY appreciated!


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