Prince of persia DVD>CD?

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I have just rceived my 3 CD version of Prince of persia:warrior within. I was looking throught the readme and it states:

2.2GB install for the CD version

3.5GB install for the DVD version

Anyone know what is the difference between the 2 versions that can cause a gig difference in install?

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Im stuck on it atm....there is a doorway i need to go through, which u get to by rotating a switch which lowers and rises different blocks, and for the life of me i cant see a way to get to the door i need too :( I'll take some screenshots in a bit and report back if peeps dont know where im on about....

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Im stuck on it atm....there is a doorway i need to go through, which u get to by rotating a switch which lowers and rises different blocks, and for the life of me i cant see a way to get to the door i need too :(  I'll take some screenshots in a bit and report back if peeps dont know where im on about....


I'm stuck in it too. The controls suck and I can't seem to find the switch that makes it playable. :shifty:

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^ Yeah i've noticed the controls are a bit sucky. I was fighting the guy that seems to be made from birds, every time i did the jump over and attack move i fell off the ledge we were fighting on. :(

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^ Yeah i've noticed the controls are a bit sucky. I was fighting the guy that seems to be made from birds, every time i did the jump over and attack move i fell off the ledge we were fighting on. :(


Haha, that's where I am. I can kill them no problem, but ****ing jumping up to the next ledge is an exercise in frustration.

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Well as I said, If the voice acting has been redone then I could see there being a 1GB difference. But thinking about it when I installed I did have a choice of about 6 languages.

Hmm. Does anyone have the DVD version? I can't see anywhere in the UK that you can buy it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

the difference between the 3CDs version and the DVD version is that in the cd version, they have removed the high quality textures from character models and the shining effects from the ground and walls to make it smaller in size ..

i have been playing the cd version and i figured that when i reached the same level that the official demo of the game included. the look of the ground and walls textures in the demo were far more beautiful than the actual game ( CD version ) this is where the 1 Gig difference comes ..

means 3CD version = DVD version - (minus) many of the dx9 effects.

u can check it out 2 if u have played the demo and reached the same level in the game ( prison after beating the empress of time and chased by dahaka )

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no guys .. the dvd version still have that lowered gfx :( ... its on the dvd because it has some additional video files and artworks .. but the question is .. where are the special ground and wall shining effects that the demo had ????

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I believe and could be wrong but maybe they dummied them down to make the game playable on a wider spectrum of machines lower end ones if they kept it too high a lot of people would cry about the game saying it sucks becuase their VooDoo 5 wont run it lol


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that cant be right .. if the game makers start to bother about the low end systems users .. not a single game like half life 2 or doom 3 wud be made and the graphics cards industry comes thrashing down :) ..

for the actuall difference here are the screenshots of the same level of the demo and the game itself.

c the difference .. i have disabled the fog to make the difference more clear .. do u notice the ground lightning in the demo?

wats wrong with the fullgame .. figure it out guys



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